Mega Gallade QQ
It's so perfect!
I just love how they tried to keep the same style they did for Mega Gardevoir.
Making the green bodyparts all white and adding a majestic cape.
Also notice how it's "heart" is almost completely gone, while Mega Gardevoir has a double-heart.
That's some poetry-level stuff, well done.
Drohn said:
I love the Mega Gallade and Camerupt! I'm not a huge fan of Sharpedo's design; it's a bit similar to what they did to Garchomp. It's not that bad, though. I'll probably end up using them all in OR/AS. So many nice additions. I'm using a rotation team; if they keep things up like this there will be so many awesome things that I'll end up using every Pokémon in only 2 or 3 battles.
I'm surprised Wally has a Mega Gallade now. Thinking about it, wouldn't it make more sense to have Mega Gallade in XY and keep Mega Gardevoir for Wally, since it was his main Pokémon? I'm not complaining, but I find it noticeable.
interesting fact: Wallys Gardevoir was male.
Drohn said:
I said a while ago that I wanted the new forms of Groudon and Kyogre to have abilities that cause Rain/Sun that doesn't end after 5 turns. This might be just that. They are the first Pokémon to have those signature abilities, so they deserve a boost to make it more special.
That new attack sounds interesting. Now that Groudon becomes a Ground/Fire type I wonder whether the new attack will also have two types.
They just nerfed the old abilities from having infinite would be silly if the only difference now would be to basically make the new abilities what the old ones did lol.
Even if the aim was to make the weather last longer, they'd hopefully make it so the ability activates every single time the pokemon uses a move (a face-off between the mascots also makes more sense, rather than the slower ones weather being the one that stays active...).
But I have a feeling they'll make them the hazard versions of RainDance/SunnyDay, do damage like Sandstorm/Hail.
alex020295 said:
I can't wait for Mega Gallade's ability. Mega Gardevoir got Pixilate, maybe he will get the fighting variant of it or Moxie/Speed Boost, since it looks so elegant and he looses a lot of green. OMG what if his shiny turns black...instant fave!
Yeah genuinely curious too. Gallade has been a huge fav of mine ever since it enriched my love for the Ralts-line in gen 4.
It's definitely not gonna be a new ability, ie a Fighting version of Pixilate, as GF insists on not adding new abilities to megas that haven't been in XY already.
I mean, otherwise I would have been hoping for Camerupt to get some heat-concept ability that gave it a Water immunity, but I didn't even get my hopes up, and now it got Sheer Force.
Gallade doesn't have any great abilities, so it can only get better...hopefully something interesting enough to make it worth not to use Life-orb, and not just some "olol it has Justified" nonsense.
NotSeen said:
Now, we still don't have any Mega evolution (except for Mega Gardevoir) in the first half of gen III pokédex (not counting starters). What about Mega Breloom, Mega Slaking or Mega Exploud?
I hope, gen II startesr get their chance, too. Maybe in next remake (how could it only be named?

gen III was already way ahead with the amount of megas before these news.
I know me and everyone still wants a Mega Milotic and Flygon and whatnot...but I really think we need some Machamp and Golem Megas before anything else now...