Counter That Pokemon! - Round 20

RE: Counter That Pokemon! - Round 5

It kind of does since one of the rules is that things posted need to be viable.
RE: Counter That Pokemon! - Round 5

Seems legit.

Also, Bippa, do you think we could try for some more defensively inclined threats like Dusclops or bulky Rotom-W? Just a suggestion, because all of the spotlight Pokemon that we are finding counters for are offensively inclined, maybe barring Kyurem.
RE: Counter That Pokemon! - Round 5

Points time!

Pride gets 2
bacon gets 1
Teapot gets 1
The Yoshi gets 1
Emvee gets 1

Round 6


Tentacruel @ Leftovers
EVs: 252 HP/216 Def/40 Spe
Bold Nature
Ability: Rain Dish
-Toxic Spikes
-Rapid Spin
-Ice Beam

Let's try something defensive. Beat Tentacruel before it sets up 2 layers of Toxic Spikes and spins your hazards away. Assume that it does one of them on the turn your switch out.

Also, assume rain.
RE: Counter That Pokemon! - Round 5

Pride said:
Item: Leftovers
Nature: Adamant
EVs: 244 HP/ 208 Atk / 56 SDef
Ability: Dry Skin
- Substitute
- Bulk Up
- Drain Punch
- Sucker Punch

Stealing Pride's set and changing the EVs so it can take special hits better like Keldeo's LO +1 HP Ghost. Oh, and so Ice Beam will never break the sub with these EVs lol. Ice Beam does 23% max (4.25% overall lost after Dry Skin and Lefties) meaning you can easily setup on and beat Tentacreul. It also absorbs TSpikes for extra trolling. I'm actually unsure of if Dry Skin blocks the burn from Scald. If it doesn't then lol.

Bippa, you should've posted SubToxic since that's the most annoying Tentacruel set ever.

Edit: oh, we have to beat it before it sets and spins the hazards? I'll post Rotom-W or Espeon later then.
RE: Counter That Pokemon! - Round 6

Technically its job is not done since Tentacruel actually walls and checks quite a few things, not to mention spinning reset hazards, but what evs.


Espeon @ Leftovers
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
Ability: Magic Bounce
- Calm Mind
- Psychic
- Hidden Power Fighting
- Shadow Ball

Scald to +0 Espeon: 41.2% - 48.9% (dunno if I should factor in SR since high chances are Espeon has blocked them)
Scald to +1 Espeon: 27.6% - 32.4%
+0 Psychic: 69.8% - 82.4%
+1 Psychic: 103.8% - 122.5%
RE: Counter That Pokemon! - Round 6

Raikou @ Choice Specs
Trait: Pressure
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Nature: Rash (+SpA, -SpD)
-Hidden Power Ice
-Aura Sphere
-Volt Switch

The only move that matters here is Thunderbolt. We can assume either situation here, whether it be Toxic Spikes or Rapid Spin, and Raikou out speeds and OHKOs with Thunderbolt, only allowing Tentacruel to use Rapid Spin once or set one layer of Toxic Spikes.

Thunderbolt to Tentacruel = 110.43 - 130.21 = guaranteed OHKO

Scald to Raikou = 36.76 - 43.92% (.39% chance to 2HKO, but it doesn't matter since we assume Tentacruel uses Rapid Spin or Toxic Spikes on the switch in, so Tentacruel doesn't get a chance to attack anyway)

Also, if we're assuming the opponent has no hazards on their side of the field when making a counter, then what is the point of Tentacruel trying to spin?

Edit: And why didn't Chillarmy get points? I thought Amoonguss was a pretty effective counter.
RE: Counter That Pokemon! - Round 6

Edit: And why didn't Chillarmy get points? I thought Amoonguss was a pretty effective counter.

And for the current counter:

Xatu @ Leftovers
252 Sp Def/252 HP/4 Sp Att
Magic Bounce

- Roost
- Calm Mind
- Psychic
- HP Fire

Tentacruel won't be able to do anything to Xatu with no investment, while Xatu can CM up and Psychic. Toxic Spikes are bounced, Roost if you get dangerously low on HP. Scald burn could be annoying, but not game breaking.

wanted to post Iron Ball Gengar
RE: Counter That Pokemon! - Round 6

I'm a little confused about this round, though. In order for Tentacruel to beat you, does it have to do both jobs (spinning and laying hazards)? Because Ghost types would be an obvious answer to spinblock (and something like Jellicent absorbs Scald and resists Ice Beam). And also, it's a little weird to assume Tentacruel will spin if there are no hazards on their side.
RE: Counter That Pokemon! - Round 6

You wanted something defensive.

People run Tentacruel for team support. If Tentacruel completes its support, then you failed at countering Tentacruel.
RE: Counter That Pokemon! - Round 6


Reuniclus @ Leftovers
Trait: Magic Guard
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Nature: Bold (+Def, -Atk)
-Calm Mind
-Focus Blast

Pretty self explanatory in countering Tentacruel. Barely takes any real damage from switching in assuming Tentacruel goes for Scald or Ice Beam. Doesn't take Poison damage from Toxic Spikes (nor Burn from Scald assuming Toxic Spikes aren't up). Calm Mind and Recover at will for however much you need to kill it off with Psyshock.
RE: Counter That Pokemon! - Round 6

Interesting to note that as per the battle conditions listed in the OP, there are no hazards on the opponents side of the field. Therefore all we really need to do is remove hazards and kill Tentacruel. The best Pokemin for this job is a Rapid Spin user...

Starmie @ Life Orb
Natural Cure
EVs: 4 HP, 252 SpA, 252 Spe
- Psyshock
- Hydro Pump
- Thunder
- Rapid Spin

Does not care about Tentacruel's attacks and can beat it with Psyshock. Is not othat bothered by Poison or Burn due to Natural Cure.
RE: Counter That Pokemon! - Round 6

Bippa said:
You wanted something defensive.

People run Tentacruel for team support. If Tentacruel completes its support, then you failed at countering Tentacruel.

Okay, but what kind of support does Tentacruel need to complete? Does it have to set two layers of Toxic Spikes, and then it is considered the winner?

@bacon: I like that set, except Starmie keeps taking damage from Life Orb whenever it uses Rapid Spin, and none of Starmie's attacks are OHKOs. Therefore, Tentacruel can set up one hazard before it dies (assuming it uses Toxic Spikes every turn), and it has done its job because it got a hazard on the field.
RE: Counter That Pokemon! - Round 6

Rotom-W@Choice Specs
4 HP/252 SpAtk/252 Spe
Modest Nature
Trait: Levitate
~Hydro Pump
~Volt Switch
~Hidden Power Grass

This is gonna hit Tentacruel kinda hard, Even with just Volt Switch. Also, if it can't OHKO, it can trick to Tentacruel and lock it into something. Also my deepest Sympathies for whatever poor soul decides to switch into this Specs Rotom's Hydro Pump, since we're assuming rain ;)
RE: Counter That Pokemon! - Round 6


TDL gets 2 points
Yoshi gets 1 point
Chillarmy gets a point
Bacon gets a point
Teapot gets a point

Round 7


Tornadus-T @ Life Orb
Naive Nature
EVs: 252 SAtk/4 Atk/252 Spe
- Hurricane
- Superpower
- U-Turn
- Hidden Power Ice

One of the fastest dudes in OU, and it hits really hard as well.

Assume rain.

RE: Counter That Pokemon! - Round 7

Jirachi @ Leftovers
Serene Grace
Careful Narure
252HP / 224SpD /32 Spe
-Iron Head
-Body Slam

Gtg to driving school so I'll update damage calcs later.

Hurricane 20% - 24%
HP Ice 8% - 9%
Superpower 20% - 24%
U-turn 12% - 14%

Body Slam 24% - 29%
Iron Head 34% - 41%
paraflinch to the end.
RE: Counter That Pokemon! - Round 7


Lanturn @ Leftovers
Calm Nature
EVs: 40 HP / 252 Def / 216 SDef
Nature: Volt Absorb
- Scald
- Ice Beam
- Volt Switch
- Heal Bell

Hurricane: 25.7% - 30.4%
Superpower: 30.7% - 36.2%

Ice Beam: 48.8% - 58.2%
Volt Switch: 54.2% - 64.2%

Does not get rocked like a Hurricane. Creative mon that is also viable.
RE: Counter That Pokemon! - Round 7

First you steal Pride's Toxicroak, then you steal his Lanturn.

Still, props for using Lanturn. That's a counter I wouldn't have imagined seeing.