Counter to Machamp Reuniclus


Aspiring Trainer
I need a counter for for the Machamp Reuniclus deck that spreads your damage to the bench with Reuniclus and then uses Champ Buster for massive damage. Machamps HP is too high for Reshiram to one shot it. Here are some ideas I had:

> Raquaza Deoxys Legend

> Emboar without Ability

P.S. I'm running Reshiboar if you didn't know that already.

P.S.S. The counters must be Heart Gold Soul Silver on.

If you have any ideas please post them.
Make sure you run Pluspower. Reunichamp doesn't work if you can 1HKO their Machamps. I use 1-1 RDL in my Reshiboar deck. Idk about Emboar w/out ability, I don't use it because it takes up space.

Hope this helped.
This belongs more in the TCG Forum section.


dmaster out.
I don't think that a counter is needed, as that eventually the player will run out of places to move the damage.
Any deck that requires two stage 2's is going to be really slow. Rather than run a counter, just plan on being faster than them.
Tangrowth107 said:
I need a counter for for the Machamp Reuniclus deck that spreads your damage to the bench with Reuniclus and then uses Champ Buster for massive damage. Machamps HP is too high for Reshiram to one shot it. Here are some ideas I had:

> Raquaza Deoxys Legend

> Emboar without Ability

P.S. I'm running Reshiboar if you didn't know that already.

P.S.S. The counters must be Heart Gold Soul Silver on.

If you have any ideas please post them.

just wait for pokemon catcher. or use pokemon reversal and sweep out machops and take em out early.
if you didn't know pokemon catcher is pokemon reversal with out of the flip. or it's equivalent would be gust of wind from base set.
My personal favorite is RDL. OHKO for two prizes, can be accelerated with emboar and easily drawn into with the help of communications/ninetales. The two prize take is also pretty nice.
how is running a 1-1 Xatu going to take up less space than adding in a non ability emboar? just run 4-3-4 lines of emboar splitting it 2 ability, 2 non ability. you should be running at least 3 rare candies too.
Guys. RDL is gonna get Revenge KO'd by Bouffalant. They're also gonna run Seeker to heal the damage. amisheskimoninja has the right idea.
The existance of RDL isn't nullified by the exstance of bouffalant.

Unless they play DCE and then play switch, they can't get bouffalant active. Machamp/reuniclus doesn't normally run switch; although they may if they use bouffalant...

Bouffalant will be dangerous; but very predictable. You will probably see them collector it and know not to get KO'd, if possible.
Jahikoi said:
The existance of RDL isn't nullified by the exstance of bouffalant.

Unless they play DCE and then play switch, they can't get bouffalant active. Machamp/reuniclus doesn't normally run switch; although they may if they use bouffalant...

Bouffalant will be dangerous; but very predictable. You will probably see them collector it and know not to get KO'd, if possible.

When Pokémon catcher comes out everyone will be running switch....
Jahikoi said:
The existance of RDL isn't nullified by the exstance of bouffalant.

Unless they play DCE and then play switch, they can't get bouffalant active. Machamp/reuniclus doesn't normally run switch; although they may if they use bouffalant...

Bouffalant will be dangerous; but very predictable. You will probably see them collector it and know not to get KO'd, if possible.

umm.. If your main problem is machamp, which I'm assuming so with the existence of this thread, they'll likely just bench a bouffalant and they'll already be running DCE cuz of machamp.. So as soon as you one shot their machamp for the cost of 4 energy, they'll literally revenge KO you back for the cost of on DCE.

not to mention a legend is usually harder to get out than a stage 2.
Jahikoi said:
The existance of RDL isn't nullified by the exstance of bouffalant.

Unless they play DCE and then play switch, they can't get bouffalant active. Machamp/reuniclus doesn't normally run switch; although they may if they use bouffalant...

Bouffalant will be dangerous; but very predictable. You will probably see them collector it and know not to get KO'd, if possible.

I play Switch in mine...I mean, it's not that hard. Send up Cleffa, or the already benched Bouffalant. Or switch. And how can they not get KO'd? Unless you play defenders, RDL will get one shotted most of the time.
as of yet the only counter is Xatu, but the problem is that most smart champ players will use the B/W dragons to counter the counter

as for an earlier comment, Champ sets up VERY fast and most of the time there are 2-3 on the bech by the time a 1-1 Tech can set up.

RDL wont be a counter to any thing i dont think IMO simply because Bouffalant is an excelent tech for any deck in HS-on not to mention that Reuniclus is also a viable attacker should the need call for it. I think the best counter deck will be XatuPhan as it has almost as high of damage output, and counters some of the smaller threats that turn into bigger threats - since there is no way of know weather or not we will get catcher in the next set, as they cut it from the first set, you could use pokemon circulator or reversal in there to sort of disrupt your opponent
^xatu? i missing something here....its not that good of a counter. sure machamp has 4 energy but ANYTHING with less than that will just take down xatu easy. xatu isnt a good counter with all the emboar running around. one turn they dont have any energy then next they have 3 and hit for 120...
catutie said:
^xatu? i missing something here....its not that good of a counter. sure machamp has 4 energy but ANYTHING with less than that will just take down xatu easy. xatu isnt a good counter with all the emboar running around. one turn they don't have any energy then next they have 3 and hit for 120...

well the question at hand is "what is the best counter to machamp/reuniclus" so for that, xatu is very good. running a 2-2 line could work for consistency as a tech to battle against machampiclus and only need one P energy. so fills up 6-7 spots.

against reshiboar it wouldn't be terrible in the deck...just don't be dumb enough to try playing it when you see reshiboar (not like you're going to assume you're playing against machamp anyway...if you don't see phanpy or machop at start, then don't bother getting natu/xatu out. and with poke comm's becoming so popular, if you draw on of them, then throw it into your deck and get what you want.

you'll probably only need a machamp counter in a magnezone or zekrom deck though. in zekrom, the only real deck is zekdonk. if you run that, you won't have space for natu/xatu anyway. you'll pretty much only win with that deck if you start out great. otherwise you've got a great chance of losing, just like sabledonk. zekrom/reuniclus could work theoretically, but honestly I don't think it'll be very great. that deck could use xatu though.

magnezone/emboar (the only real magnezone deck) has 2 stage 2's in it, so probably won't be a good deck for trying to fit in a stage 1. and you could just use emboar to fight anyway while building magnezone.

so technically, xatu would be perfect to counter machamp, but it isn't really all that needed. I think (going on with what glaceon was saying near the beginning of this topic) if you keep hitting them then they'll run out of places. in that case, use mandibuzz for OHKO's of your choice of their pokemon, or spiritomb TM for hand disruption and spread damage once they've accumilated too much damage across their pokemon.
there are better cards than xatu though. grumpig is better. machamp will use its bench alot for damage spread. capitalize on it with grumpig. just a 2-2 or 1-1 in any deck and you can OHKO machamp almost guaranteed. most decks next format wont need it thought because its mostly focused on OHKOing or LZing. magneboar can OHKO, reshiboar will just do 120, blastgatr wont care...its sniping your now weakened poke because of your damage spread. i guess what im saying it machamp is good but its not gonna effect most decks.

so i guess the best counter IMO is grumpig TM
the counter is pokemon catcher

I don't mean that sarcastically; you catcher reuniclus and you kill it. That means, at max, they will have 4 benched with damage on them - unless they play another reuniclus (another free prize). They can bench another basic but as long as they don't add any damage counters, you can attack with emboar and be safe... or suicide a reshiram and revenge with an emboar (the better option)