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Crazar's Card Box - Help me clean it out! *Updated 02-22*

RE: Crazar's Card Box - Help me clean it out! *Updated 1-27*

Crazar said:
George2FRESH said:
CML for:

Pupitar SF RH
Larvitar SF RH
Gengar DP

How about my-
Pupitar SF RH
Larvitar SF RH
Gengar DP

For your-
22. Chimecho - 1 Reverse (MT)
33. Rampardos - 1 Reverse (MT)
115. Team Galactics Wager -Reverse x1

Just me know...Thanks, Nina

Is it ok if I do the Non RH Rampardos instead? I'm saving the RH one for a deck lol.

Also, not to be nosy or anything, but I see you might be getting another DP Gengar from Taylor? Would you be willing to trade that one as well?
RE: Crazar's Card Box - Help me clean it out! *Updated 1-27*

George2FRESH said:
Crazar said:
George2FRESH said:
CML for:

Pupitar SF RH
Larvitar SF RH
Gengar DP

How about my-
Pupitar SF RH
Larvitar SF RH
Gengar DP

For your-
22. Chimecho - 1 Reverse (MT)
33. Rampardos - 1 Reverse (MT)
115. Team Galactics Wager -Reverse x1

Just me know...Thanks, Nina

Is it ok if I do the Non RH Rampardos instead? I'm saving the RH one for a deck lol.

Also, not to be nosy or anything, but I see you might be getting another DP Gengar from Taylor? Would you be willing to trade that one as well?

Well...I only need the RH version of Rampardos, but if you need it that's fine....The Gengar that I'm getting from Taylor is ear-marked for my RH DP set....but I will look and see if I have another if you would like....Just let me know...Thanks, Nina
RE: Crazar's Card Box - Help me clean it out! *Updated 1-27*

You've got quite a bit that I want there. And I may have a lot that you want. Though I don't know my whole RH collection offhand. Many of them are on my list. You should CML.
RE: Crazar's Card Box - Help me clean it out! *Updated 1-27*

Crazar said:
George2FRESH said:
Crazar said:
George2FRESH said:
CML for:

Pupitar SF RH
Larvitar SF RH
Gengar DP

How about my-
Pupitar SF RH
Larvitar SF RH
Gengar DP

For your-
22. Chimecho - 1 Reverse (MT)
33. Rampardos - 1 Reverse (MT)
115. Team Galactics Wager -Reverse x1

Just me know...Thanks, Nina

Is it ok if I do the Non RH Rampardos instead? I'm saving the RH one for a deck lol.

Also, not to be nosy or anything, but I see you might be getting another DP Gengar from Taylor? Would you be willing to trade that one as well?

Well...I only need the RH version of Rampardos, but if you need it that's fine...The Gengar that I'm getting from Taylor is ear-marked for my RH DP set...but I will look and see if I have another if you would like...Just let me know...Thanks, Nina

Yes please. I need 2 more. Well 1 more if you'll be trading me the one you already have.
RE: Crazar's Card Box - Help me clean it out! *Updated 1-27*

Infernape x1
Salamence x1
Machamp x1
Cherrim x1
Salamence x1
Machoke x1
Premier Ball x1
Machop x1

Stark Mountain x1

Mom's Kindness x1
Fossil Excavator x1
Omanyte x1
Kabuto x1
Dome Fossil x1
Super Scoop Up x1

Mareep x1


I have:
Mewtwo Lv. X (pack)

I have to check my box for (RH) cards you may need.

LMK though if any in particular. Thanks!
RE: Crazar's Card Box - Help me clean it out! *Updated 1-27*

Lord Atmo said:
You've got quite a bit that I want there. And I may have a lot that you want. Though I don't know my whole RH collection offhand. Many of them are on my list. You should CML.

Oh...Let's start with this....

My -

Mismagius (SF, H)
Gengar (SF)
Unown R
Flareon (MD)
Vaporeon (MD)
Blaziken (H)(GE)
Entei (SW, H)
Feraligatr (SW, H)
Unown T

For Your-

Omastar (HP)
Deoxys-Defense (HP)
Kricketune (RH, MT)
Gyarados (RH, SF)
Pikachu (RH, PK)
Machoke (RH, PK)

Just let me know.....Counter is neccessary...Thanks, Nina

George2FRESH said:
Crazar said:
George2FRESH said:
Crazar said:
George2FRESH said:
CML for:

Pupitar SF RH
Larvitar SF RH
Gengar DP

How about my-
Pupitar SF RH
Larvitar SF RH
Gengar DP

For your-
22. Chimecho - 1 Reverse (MT)
33. Rampardos - 1 Reverse (MT)
115. Team Galactics Wager -Reverse x1

Just me know...Thanks, Nina

Is it ok if I do the Non RH Rampardos instead? I'm saving the RH one for a deck lol.

Also, not to be nosy or anything, but I see you might be getting another DP Gengar from Taylor? Would you be willing to trade that one as well?

Well...I only need the RH version of Rampardos, but if you need it that's fine...The Gengar that I'm getting from Taylor is ear-marked for my RH DP set...but I will look and see if I have another if you would like...Just let me know...Thanks, Nina

Yes please. I need 2 more. Well 1 more if you'll be trading me the one you already have.

Ok....I can get another one...So that would make 2 Gengar DP.....So, instead of Rampardos, how about Lopunny (DP, RH)?

way2NinJosh said:
Infernape x1
Salamence x1
Machamp x1
Cherrim x1
Salamence x1
Machoke x1
Premier Ball x1
Machop x1

Stark Mountain x1

Mom's Kindness x1
Fossil Excavator x1
Omanyte x1
Kabuto x1
Dome Fossil x1
Super Scoop Up x1

Mareep x1


I have:
Mewtwo Lv. X (pack)

I have to check my box for (RH) cards you may need.

LMK though if any in particular. Thanks!

Ok....I am seriously interested in your Mewtwo LV.X (pack)....I am seriously after the three RH's I need for Majestic Dawn (Plusle, Dialga, Unown Q), So maybe if you have those, or any of the older cards....Other than that, any of the RH's off my wants are acceptable...Just let me know, or make me an offer, and we will go from there....Thanks, Nina
RE: Crazar's Card Box - Help me clean it out! *Updated 1-27*

Crazar said:
Ok...I can get another one...So that would make 2 Gengar DP...So, instead of Rampardos, how about Lopunny (DP, RH)?

*Goes to double check cards*
Yes mam, I can do that. So the trade would be:

Chimecho RH
Lopunny DP RH

Larvitar SF RH
Pupitar SF RH
Gengar DP x2

Cool? PM me to finalize. =]

How selfish of me. I did a quick check and found that I also have these that you're looking for:

Diamond and Pearl- Reverse Holo

65. Unown A
67. Unown C
70. Bidoof
110. Pokeball
115. Super scoop up

Mysterious Treasures-Reverse Holo-

5. Blissey
58. Parasect
110. Dusk Ball

Secret Wonders- Reverse Holo -

30. Jynx
33. Mothim
58. Pidgeotto

Great Encounters - Reverse Holo -

55. Togetic
74. Koffing

Majestic Dawn - Reverse Holo -

4. Dialga

Legends Awakened-

28. Forretress
RE: Crazar's Card Box - Help me clean it out! *Updated 1-27*

Xx DP-on (un)commons (As many as I can get)
Diamond and Pearl Stormfront
Shiny Voltorb x1 (Pending)
Shiny Drifloon x1
Diamond and Pearl Legends Awakened
Reverse Holos-
Unown R x1

Delta Species-RHs

68. Eevee
82. Sandshrew
23. Hypno

Holon Phantoms-

108. Lightning Energy
66. Horsea
82. Surskit
53. Sharpedo
75. Phanpy
80. Poochyena
60. Barboach
68. Lileep
63. Corphish
41. Exeggutor
64. Electrike

Crystal Guardians-

10. Sableye
88. Double Rainbow Energy
94. Jirachi EX
80. Memory Berry
56. Meditate
63. Squirtle
60. Seedot
3. Camerupt
70. Wingull
55. Lotad
32. Grovyle
38. Marshtomp
62. Spoink
2. Blastoise
42. Wartortle
64. Squirtle
69. Whismur
46. Bulbasaur
54. Krabby
35. Ivysaur
47. Cacnea
17. Dusclops
57. Mudkip
76. Crystal Shard

Dragon Frontiers-
38. Shelgon
51. Larvitar
34. Nidorina
66. Taillow
59. Pupitar
32. Kirlia
18. Ledian
58. Pupitar
21. Quagsire
16. Gligar
20. Mantine
41. Togepi
14. Cloyster
68. Trapinch
70. Vulpix
65. Swablu
80. Professor Oak's Research

Power Keepers-
104. Fire Energy
61. Shuppet
65. Spheal
81. Scott
72. Drake's Stadium
67. Torchic
23. Seviper
86. Root Fossil
42. Aron
24. Wobbuffet
37. Sealeo
50. Duskull
48. Charmander
36. Nuzleaf
29. Combusken
41. Vigoroth
49. Chinchou
82. Sidney's Stadium
75. Energy Switch
90. Ninetales
66. Swablu
63. Slakoth
85. Mysterious Fossil
RE: Crazar's Card Box - Help me clean it out! *Updated 1-27*

chanman45 said:
Xx DP-on (un)commons (As many as I can get)
Diamond and Pearl Stormfront
Shiny Voltorb x1 (Pending)
Shiny Drifloon x1
Diamond and Pearl Legends Awakened
Reverse Holos-
Unown R x1

Delta Species-RHs

68. Eevee
82. Sandshrew
23. Hypno

Holon Phantoms-

108. Lightning Energy
66. Horsea
82. Surskit
53. Sharpedo
75. Phanpy
80. Poochyena
60. Barboach
68. Lileep
63. Corphish
41. Exeggutor
64. Electrike

Crystal Guardians-

10. Sableye
88. Double Rainbow Energy
94. Jirachi EX
80. Memory Berry
56. Meditate
63. Squirtle
60. Seedot
3. Camerupt
70. Wingull
55. Lotad
32. Grovyle
38. Marshtomp
62. Spoink
2. Blastoise
42. Wartortle
64. Squirtle
69. Whismur
46. Bulbasaur
54. Krabby
35. Ivysaur
47. Cacnea
17. Dusclops
57. Mudkip
76. Crystal Shard

Dragon Frontiers-
38. Shelgon
51. Larvitar
34. Nidorina
66. Taillow
59. Pupitar
32. Kirlia
18. Ledian
58. Pupitar
21. Quagsire
16. Gligar
20. Mantine
41. Togepi
14. Cloyster
68. Trapinch
70. Vulpix
65. Swablu
80. Professor Oak's Research

Power Keepers-
104. Fire Energy
61. Shuppet
65. Spheal
81. Scott
72. Drake's Stadium
67. Torchic
23. Seviper
86. Root Fossil
42. Aron
24. Wobbuffet
37. Sealeo
50. Duskull
48. Charmander
36. Nuzleaf
29. Combusken
41. Vigoroth
49. Chinchou
82. Sidney's Stadium
75. Energy Switch
90. Ninetales
66. Swablu
63. Slakoth
85. Mysterious Fossil

Wow...I can go for that deal....*S*....I will go through all of them tonight, and have you a list of cards/number of by tomorrow....I warn you, I may have to ship them in a box....lol.....Thanks, Nina
RE: Crazar's Card Box - Help me clean it out! *Updated 1-27*

I have these:
Majestic Dawn - Reverse Holo -
4. Dialga
28. Plusle

Secret Wonders - Reverse Holo -
102. Ralts

Mysteruois Treasures - Reverse Holo -
33. Rampardos

Power Keepers
10. Kabutops

Crystal Guardians
1. Banette

LMK if those are ok. Thanks!
RE: Crazar's Card Box - Help me clean it out! *Updated 1-27*

PM sent. We can discuss further business there :)
RE: Crazar's Card Box - Help me clean it out! *Updated 1-27*

Crazar, can I trade some of my older cards that you want? Also, I am interested in Probopass POP8.
RE: Crazar's Card Box - Help me clean it out! *Updated 1-27*

way2NinJosh said:
I have these:
Majestic Dawn - Reverse Holo -
4. Dialga
28. Plusle

Secret Wonders - Reverse Holo -
102. Ralts

Mysteruois Treasures - Reverse Holo -
33. Rampardos

Power Keepers
10. Kabutops

Crystal Guardians
1. Banette

LMK if those are ok. Thanks!
Hmmm....How about...

Infernape x1
Salamence x1
Machamp x1
Cherrim x1
Salamence x1
Machoke x1
Premier Ball x1
Machop x1

Stark Mountain x1

Mom's Kindness x1
Fossil Excavator x1
Omanyte x1
Kabuto x1
Dome Fossil x1
Super Scoop Up x1

Mareep x1


For your-

Majestic Dawn - Reverse Holo -
4. Dialga
28. Plusle

Secret Wonders - Reverse Holo -
102. Ralts

Mysteruois Treasures - Reverse Holo -
33. Rampardos

Power Keepers
10. Kabutops

Crystal Guardians
1. Banette

Mewtwo LV.X (pack)

Just let me know...Thanks, Nina

Muddy68 said:
Crazar, can I trade some of my older cards that you want? Also, I am interested in Probopass POP8.

What else might you be interested in, besides Probopass 8? Just let me know...Thanks, Nina
RE: Crazar's Card Box - Help me clean it out! *Updated 1-27*

CML for leafy X and unknown G
RE: Crazar's Card Box - Help me clean it out! *Updated 1-27*

Juliacoolo said:
CML for leafy X and unknown G

Umm....Leafy X is on my wants list and Unown G is not on my list at all....
RE: Crazar's Card Box - Help me clean it out! *Updated 1-27*

Sorry, I had some difficulties understanding your list. Do you have torterra MD?
RE: Crazar's Card Box - Help me clean it out! *Updated 1-27*

Juliacoolo said:
Sorry, I had some difficulties understanding your list. Do you have torterra MD?

Yes....I do have Torterra MD....Care to make an offer?
RE: Crazar's Card Box - Help me clean it out! *Updated 1-27*

Sure. Uhhh, Your 'terra MD
My: 1USD or a MD or LA rare of your choice. ( Ihave about 90% of them)
RE: Crazar's Card Box - Help me clean it out! *Updated 1-27*

Juliacoolo said:
Sure. Uhhh, Your 'terra MD
My: 1USD or a MD or LA rare of your choice. ( Ihave about 90% of them)

Do you have Forrtress LA? Just let me know....Thanks, Nina