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Crazar's Card Box - Help me clean it out! *Updated 02-22*

RE: Crazar's Card Box - Help me clean it out! *Updated 2-15*

Thanks! I am interested in all PT holos and rares and Rainbow Energy RH.
RE: Crazar's Card Box - Help me clean it out! *Updated 2-15*

I have a RH SW blastoise
RH SW mothim
RH butterfree

interested in
upto 3x RH PT squirtle
RH power spray
RH lookers investigation

and any others of my wants. cml for anything else let me know.
RE: Crazar's Card Box - Help me clean it out! *Updated 2-15*

squirtlesquad said:
I have a RH SW blastoise
RH SW mothim
RH butterfree

interested in
upto 3x RH PT squirtle
RH power spray
RH lookers investigation

and any others of my wants. cml for anything else let me know.

Had not realized that I hadn't responded to this..I don't have any RH squirtles left....You are welcome to check my list for something else, or just ask me....Now that States is past *for me anyway*, I will be updating my lists in a few days....Thanks, Nina
RE: Crazar's Card Box - Help me clean it out! *Updated 2-15*

I have most of your Wizards wants.
I have 1000s of older, classic cards.
I need your Palkia G LvX.
If anything on my haves looks good let me know!

Thanks in advance for checking!
RE: Crazar's Card Box - Help me clean it out! *Updated 2-15*

CML for Palkia G LvX, Blissey PT, and Shiny Lotad. Do you have any POP 8 RR or RC or Palkia G?
RE: Crazar's Card Box - Help me clean it out! *Updated 2-15*

CML for your Palkia G lv. X & Drapion Lv. X
RE: Crazar's Card Box - Help me clean it out! *Updated 2-15*

Do you still need these?
Diamond and Pearl- Reverse Holo

70. Bidoof
74. Chatot
78. Cleffa
105. Double Full Heal
110. Poke Ball

Mysterious Treasures-Reverse Holo-

58. Parasect
82. Exeggcute
98. Shinx
111. Fossil Excavator

Secret Wonders- Reverse Holo -

58. Pidgeotto
71. Unown X
84. Corsola
97. Nidoran
110. Shuppet

Great Encounters - Reverse Holo -

47. Metapod
61. Buizel
66. Ekans
74. Koffing
87. Tangela

Majestic Dawn - Reverse Holo -

28. Plusle

Legends Awakened-

28. Forretress

Legends Awakened - Reverse Holo -

68. Persian
86. Buneary

Do you have commons for trade? Or anything on my wants list?
RE: Crazar's Card Box - Help me clean it out! *Updated 2-15*

There's a strong chance that you will receive that RH DP Vespiquen s thanks for the commons/uncommons you said you were sending me ;)

I'd have told you elsewhere but you seem to have vanished from there :p
RE: Crazar's Card Box - Help me clean it out! *Updated 2-15*

are your wants that are listed
r they rh wants or regular wants
RE: Crazar's Card Box - Help me clean it out! *Updated 2-15*

Sorry it has taken me so long....I came down with a nasty case of the flu....but I am feeling better...*S*....I so seriously need to update....

Muddy68- Nothing at the moment, but I will keep checking

Geo1572- Those have been traded, but will let you know if I get my hands on any more....

Chanman45- Still interested in....
Diamond and Pearl- Reverse Holo

70. Bidoof

Mysterious Treasures-Reverse Holo-

58. Parasect

Majestic Dawn - Reverse Holo -

28. Plusle

Legends Awakened - Reverse Holo -

86. Buneary

I have Infernape SF, and various other holos (DP-on)...Just let me know what you are interested in....

Yuyuman345- The ones that say Rverse Holo, must be reverse holo, and the ones that just have the set name must be the regular set.....Thanks for looking everyone! --Nina
RE: Crazar's Card Box - Help me clean it out! *Updated 2-15*

Hey, I have a near mint delta species metagross the electric one and a HP mew ex. If you have any lv x pokemon tell me

RE: Crazar's Card Box - Help me clean it out! *Updated 2-15*

CML for Rampardos PT?
RE: Crazar's Card Box - Help me clean it out! *Updated 2-15*

kashmaster said:
Hey, I have a near mint delta species metagross the electric one and a HP mew ex. If you have any lv x pokemon tell me


I don't have any X's at the moment....Do you have any other wants?

Juliacoolo said:
CML for Rampardos PT?

Do you have any RH's from my wants?
RE: Crazar's Card Box - Help me clean it out! *Updated 2-15*

well do you have any rare candy, rainbow energies or dialga G or even a kingdra also roseannes research

If you can I can give you the metagross for a couple
RE: Crazar's Card Box - Help me clean it out! *Updated 2-15*

kashmaster said:
well do you have any rare candy, rainbow energies or dialga G or even a kingdra also roseannes research

If you can I can give you the metagross for a couple

How many Rainbow energies are you interested in? I maight also have a rare candy....*I know I saw on when I was going through cards the other day* and maybe a Roseanne's or 2....I will also see if I have another Dialga G.....Just let me know....Thanks, Nina
RE: Crazar's Card Box - Help me clean it out! *Updated 2-15*

Yeh So can we do 2 dialga Gs as many rainbow energies 2 roseannes and a rare candy for mew ex.

is that ok with you?

BTW all the cards you give have to be mint or near mint and must be DP and on

RE: Crazar's Card Box - Help me clean it out! *Updated 2-15*

kashmaster said:
Yeh So can we do 2 dialga Gs as many rainbow energies 2 roseannes and a rare candy for mew ex.

is that ok with you?

BTW all the cards you give have to be mint or near mint and must be DP and on


All my cards are always near mint/mint and Dp-on, unless otherwise requested of course. I will check and see what I have, then get back to you with a count....Thanks, Nina
RE: Crazar's Card Box - Help me clean it out! *Updated 2-15*

Ok thats cool but can you tell me how long you are going to be and do you still want the delta metagross
RE: Crazar's Card Box - Help me clean it out! *Updated 2-15*

kashmaster said:
Ok thats cool but can you tell me how long you are going to be and do you still want the delta metagross

I should have that for you by this evening.....and if I have enough that you want...sure, I am still interested in the Metagross.....Thanks, Nina
RE: Crazar's Card Box - Help me clean it out! *Updated 2-15*

Ok please pm the final result and do you have any Dialga G lv X?

if not I can do metagross and mew ex for your 2x dialga G, special metal energy RH, 2x roseannes, rare candy and as many rainbow energies.

If im not pushing it also I would like a galactic HQ RH

thanks alot