spartan7987 said:some on my list and others list ones D+P and on and ill see what I have
ace11 said:CML dugtrio PL
darksoulSP said:Please CML for Garchomp SV please!
Crazar said:Hmm...If you have any that are on my wants, please let me know...Either way, we can work something out...*S*
ace11 said:CML dugtrio PL
Could you do Rising Rivals Carvahna RH? Please just let me know...Thanks, Nina
darksoulSP said:Please CML for Garchomp SV please!
I'm interest in the Heatran Regional Staff...Or perhaps you could pm me a list of those old Gardevoir line cards, as I am looking for some of the older sets...Either way, please let me know...Thanks, Nina
spartan7987 said:spartan7987 Wrote:
some on my list and others list ones D+P and on and ill see what I have
Hmm...If you have any that are on my wants, please let me know...Either way, we can work something out...*S*
the only (RH) I have off your wants is munchlax (R+R #69) can u cml for somthing to add with it for the giratina #10
Edlittle said:Can you CML for Vulpix RH PT, Ninetales MT, Torchic RH PT, Combusken RH PT, Magikarp RH SF, Night Maintenance RH? I have Carvanha RH RR, Kakuna RH RR, and Snorlax RH RR. Hopefully, I also have some of your nonlisted wants.
AnthonyG said:Hey Crazar, would you be willing to do?
Ampharos (DF; RH)
Typhlosion (DF; RH)
Holon Circle (CG; RH)
Lombre (CG; RH)
Nuzleaf (CG; RH)
Nidorino (DF; RH)
Spearow (CG; RH
Seal (DF; RH)
Koffin (RR; RH)
Mr. Mime (MT)
Ninetales (MT)
Bastiodon (MT; RH)
Glalie (MT; RH)
Manectric (MT; RH)
Bronzor (MT; RH)
Nidoran F (MT; RH)
Magby (MT; RH)
Aron (MT; RH)
Octillery (MT; RH)
Weedle (GE; RH)
Vibrava (SW; RH)
Night Maintenance (SW; RH)
Memory Berry (PT; RH)
And do you possibly have any extra Octillery MT (I need 2 if possible), Happiny MT, Magmar MT, Night Maintenance or possibly any of my other wants?
Jacobus said:Hey, just to let you know I replied to your PM with what Emerald Cards I have.
DJ Hype Vibes said:How does:
Your Fan Rotom
My Holo Ralts from Dragon Frontiers?
LMK or counter.
dragonitetim said:Hi I have some of your wants in
Holon Phantoms (Reverse Holo)- and
Crystal Guardians (Reverse Holo)- and the other old set.
Are you interested?
YourP1MP said:Hey Crazar. Long time no see
I am interested in your Garchomp SV (if its NOT C)
Please CML and see if there is anything you can do for an old friend.
Crazar said:Of course...What do you like off my list?
YourP1MP said:Hey Crazar. Long time no see
I am interested in your Garchomp SV (if its NOT C)
Please CML and see if there is anything you can do for an old friend.
Nice to see you too...*G*....Hmmm...How about Wailord (rev holo) for is the holo...Not C....*S* Just let me know...Thanks, Nina
DJ Hype Vibes said:OK. Your RH Lucario GL & Fan Rotom
My Holo Ralts DF & Snorlax RH Rare from RR
dragonitetim said:I am interested in
POP 7 Ampharos (Holo) x1
Holo Metal Energy (League 07-08) x2
Dusknoir DP33 x1
Rapidash #51 (Pokemon Center NY) x1 <---- do you have photos?
Porygon Z DP35 x1
Sealed POP Packs
and the trainers below:
Energy gain
rare candy
Cyrus conspiracy
Roseanne Research
Well it was on your want list lolCrazar said:Still unbalanced...My Lucario GL may be involved in another trade...and I don't need the rare Snorlax RH...Sorry