• Please read THIS THREAD if you are a new trader/seller.

    Thank you!

Crazar's Card Box - Help me clean it out! *Updated 02-22*

RE: Crazar's Card Box - Help me clean it out! *Updated 8-25*

eevee said:
Do you mean the ones with the series name stamped on the card?

Yes...Those under Reverse Holo heading are the ones with the set name on them....
RE: Crazar's Card Box - Help me clean it out! *Updated 8-25*

I have 34. Medicham PK,55. Meditite PK,28. Dragonair DF,24. Vibrava DF and 77 Mr. Stone's Project DF.All are reverse holo.
RE: Crazar's Card Box - Help me clean it out! *Updated 8-25*

eevee said:
I have 34. Medicham PK,55. Meditite PK,28. Dragonair DF,24. Vibrava DF and 77 Mr. Stone's Project DF.All are reverse holo.

Yes...I would be interested in those as well as the RR reverse holos.....Not sure of you want to trade all those for the ones you asked for....but it is a place to start, so if you would like, let's start hammering out this deal...lol
RE: Crazar's Card Box - Help me clean it out! *Updated 8-25*

Do you happen to have Blazekin FB?(probably not)
RE: Crazar's Card Box - Help me clean it out! *Updated 8-25*

eevee said:
Do you happen to have Blazekin FB?(probably not)

Not yet....The cards have just starting making their appearance here.....Anything else that you are looking for?
RE: Crazar's Card Box - Help me clean it out! *Updated 8-25*

Hello there.

I have Igglybuff RH (Crystal Guardians) and Vaporeon (Rising Rivals).

Do you have 4x Bebe's search, 3x Roseanne's Research, 4x Broken TIme-Space, 4x Volkner's Philosophy, 5x Looker's Investigation, 2x Luxury Ball, 4x Night Maintenance, 4x Chatot (MD) & 4x Porygon2? I'm willing to give sth else from my Have list if you need anything else. CML when you have spare time.
RE: Crazar's Card Box - Help me clean it out! *Updated 8-25*

Charon's Choice
Professor Oak's Visit (Professor Stamped)
Holo Electric Energy (League 07-08) x2
Holo Metal Energy (League 07-08) x2
34. Medicham PK
55. Meditite PK
28. Dragonair DF
24. Vibrava DF
77 Mr. Stone's Project DF
RH Kecleon RR
LMK or Counter
If you happen to get any Blazekin FB,please let me know.I really need one.Thanks.
RE: Crazar's Card Box - Help me clean it out! *Updated 8-25*

I need these of yours as long as they are 100% mint.

Rising Rivals-

Charon's Choice x1


Espeon 4 x1
Gallade 4 x1

Reverse Holos-

Tropius x1
Lairon x1
Nidorino x1
Yanmega 4 x1
Alakazam 4 x1


Secret Rare-

Electabuzz x1

Reverse Holo-

Shuppet x1
Golduck x1
Luvdisc x1
Piplup x1
Vulpix x1
Kricketot x1
Grotle x1
Diglett x1
Carnivine #68 x1
Lapras x1
Mismagius x1


Reverse Holo-

Bibarel x1
Electrode #37 x1
Combee x1
Steelix x1
Voltorb #81 x1
Lumineon x1
Finneon x1
Magneton #42 x1
Abomasnow x1
Scyther x1
Farfetch'd x1
Tangrowth x1
Cherrim x1
Voltorb #80 x1
Stunky x1
Rapidash x1
Energy Link x1
Dusclops x1
Bronzor x1
Cyclone Energy x1
Pikachu x1
Bidoof x1
Pokehealer+ x1

I have the following of your needs below. Let me know if we can put together a trade.

Holon Phantoms (Reverse Holo)-

Many...Just let me know what you have to trade....

Here is what i have of this set.
Cradily #2
2x Deoxys #3
Deoxys #4
2x Deoxys #5
Rayquaza #16
2x Vileplume #17
Absol #18
2x Regice #27
Registeel #29
Camerupt #36
Exeggutor #41
Manectric #46
Masquerain #47
Pidgeotto #49
Seadra #52
Sharpedo #53
2x Whiscash #55
Wobbuffet #56
3x Corphish #63
2x Electrike #64
3x Horsea #66
Lileep #68
Numel #72
Oddish #73
4x Pikachu #78
2x Torchic #83

Crystal Guardians (Reverse Holo)-

7. Luvdisc
21. Igglybuff
24. Medicham
26. Pelipper
29. Charmeleon
43. Wartortle
48. Charmander
51. Duskull
59. Numel
61. Spearow
66. Torchic
73. Celio's Network

Power Keepers-

4. Bannette

Power Keepers (Reverse Holo)-

34. Medicham
38. Sharpedo
44. Baltoy
52. Lileep
58. Poochyena
71. Battle Frontier
78. Master Ball
79. Phoebe's Stadium

Dragon Frontiers (Reverse Holo)-

19. Lickitung
22. Seadra
26. Bayleef
30. Flaaffy
33. Kirlia
36. Quilava
40. Swellow
47. Ekans
63. Shellder
69. Trapinch
75. Holon Mentor
77. Mr. Stone's Project
78. Old Rod

Secret Wonders (Reverse Holo)-

106. Shellos East Sea

Legends Awakened (Reverse Holo)-

85. Bellsprout

Rising Rivals (Reverse Holo)-

28. Mr. Mime 4
58. Carvanha
RE: Crazar's Card Box - Help me clean it out! *Updated 8-25*

The_Joker said:
Hello there.

I have Igglybuff RH (Crystal Guardians) and Vaporeon (Rising Rivals).

Do you have 4x Bebe's search, 3x Roseanne's Research, 4x Broken TIme-Space, 4x Volkner's Philosophy, 5x Looker's Investigation, 2x Luxury Ball, 4x Night Maintenance, 4x Chatot (MD) & 4x Porygon2? I'm willing to give sth else from my Have list if you need anything else. CML when you have spare time.

I will check my trainers and get back to you as I am interested in those two cards.....Thanks, Nina

eevee said:
Charon's Choice
Professor Oak's Visit (Professor Stamped)
Holo Electric Energy (League 07-08) x2
Holo Metal Energy (League 07-08) x2
34. Medicham PK
55. Meditite PK
28. Dragonair DF
24. Vibrava DF
77 Mr. Stone's Project DF
RH Kecleon RR
LMK or Counter
If you happen to get any Blazekin FB,please let me know.I really need one.Thanks.
Hmm...How about
Professor Oak's Visit (Professor Stamped)
Holo Electric Energy (League 07-08) x2
Holo Metal Energy (League 07-08) x2
28. Dragonair DF
24. Vibrava DF
77 Mr. Stone's Project DF
RH Kecleon RR...Just let me know...Thanks, Nina

Quatra said:
I need these of yours as long as they are 100% mint.

Rising Rivals-

Charon's Choice x1


Espeon 4 x1
Gallade 4 x1

Reverse Holos-

Tropius x1
Lairon x1
Nidorino x1
Yanmega 4 x1
Alakazam 4 x1


Secret Rare-

Electabuzz x1

Reverse Holo-

Shuppet x1
Golduck x1
Luvdisc x1
Piplup x1
Vulpix x1
Kricketot x1
Grotle x1
Diglett x1
Carnivine #68 x1
Lapras x1
Mismagius x1


Reverse Holo-

Bibarel x1
Electrode #37 x1
Combee x1
Steelix x1
Voltorb #81 x1
Lumineon x1
Finneon x1
Magneton #42 x1
Abomasnow x1
Scyther x1
Farfetch'd x1
Tangrowth x1
Cherrim x1
Voltorb #80 x1
Stunky x1
Rapidash x1
Energy Link x1
Dusclops x1
Bronzor x1
Cyclone Energy x1
Pikachu x1
Bidoof x1
Pokehealer+ x1

I have the following of your needs below. Let me know if we can put together a trade.

Holon Phantoms (Reverse Holo)-

Many...Just let me know what you have to trade....

Here is what I have of this set.
Cradily #2
2x Deoxys #3
Deoxys #4
2x Deoxys #5
Rayquaza #16
2x Vileplume #17
Absol #18
2x Regice #27
Registeel #29
Camerupt #36
Exeggutor #41
Manectric #46
Masquerain #47
Pidgeotto #49
Seadra #52
Sharpedo #53
2x Whiscash #55
Wobbuffet #56
3x Corphish #63
2x Electrike #64
3x Horsea #66
Lileep #68
Numel #72
Oddish #73
4x Pikachu #78
2x Torchic #83

Crystal Guardians (Reverse Holo)-

7. Luvdisc
21. Igglybuff
24. Medicham
26. Pelipper
29. Charmeleon
43. Wartortle
48. Charmander
51. Duskull
59. Numel
61. Spearow
66. Torchic
73. Celio's Network

Power Keepers-

4. Bannette

Power Keepers (Reverse Holo)-

34. Medicham
38. Sharpedo
44. Baltoy
52. Lileep
58. Poochyena
71. Battle Frontier
78. Master Ball
79. Phoebe's Stadium

Dragon Frontiers (Reverse Holo)-

19. Lickitung
22. Seadra
26. Bayleef
30. Flaaffy
33. Kirlia
36. Quilava
40. Swellow
47. Ekans
63. Shellder
69. Trapinch
75. Holon Mentor
77. Mr. Stone's Project
78. Old Rod

Secret Wonders (Reverse Holo)-

106. Shellos East Sea

Legends Awakened (Reverse Holo)-

85. Bellsprout

Rising Rivals (Reverse Holo)-

28. Mr. Mime 4
58. Carvanha

Hmmm.....We can definately work something out...*S*....I will look over my list and yours and come up with a starter offer...unless you wish to start....*S*...Thanks, Nina
RE: Crazar's Card Box - Help me clean it out! *Updated 8-25*

Crazar said:
I will check my trainers and get back to you as I am interested in those two cards...Thanks, Nina

eevee said:
Charon's Choice
Professor Oak's Visit (Professor Stamped)
Holo Electric Energy (League 07-08) x2
Holo Metal Energy (League 07-08) x2
34. Medicham PK
55. Meditite PK
28. Dragonair DF
24. Vibrava DF
77 Mr. Stone's Project DF
RH Kecleon RR
LMK or Counter
If you happen to get any Blazekin FB,please let me know.I really need one.Thanks.
Hmm...How about
Professor Oak's Visit (Professor Stamped)
Holo Electric Energy (League 07-08) x2
Holo Metal Energy (League 07-08) x2
28. Dragonair DF
24. Vibrava DF
77 Mr. Stone's Project DF
RH Kecleon RR...Just let me know...Thanks, Nina

Quatra said:
I need these of yours as long as they are 100% mint.

Rising Rivals-

Charon's Choice x1


Espeon 4 x1
Gallade 4 x1

Reverse Holos-

Tropius x1
Lairon x1
Nidorino x1
Yanmega 4 x1
Alakazam 4 x1


Secret Rare-

Electabuzz x1

Reverse Holo-

Shuppet x1
Golduck x1
Luvdisc x1
Piplup x1
Vulpix x1
Kricketot x1
Grotle x1
Diglett x1
Carnivine #68 x1
Lapras x1
Mismagius x1


Reverse Holo-

Bibarel x1
Electrode #37 x1
Combee x1
Steelix x1
Voltorb #81 x1
Lumineon x1
Finneon x1
Magneton #42 x1
Abomasnow x1
Scyther x1
Farfetch'd x1
Tangrowth x1
Cherrim x1
Voltorb #80 x1
Stunky x1
Rapidash x1
Energy Link x1
Dusclops x1
Bronzor x1
Cyclone Energy x1
Pikachu x1
Bidoof x1
Pokehealer+ x1

I have the following of your needs below. Let me know if we can put together a trade.

Holon Phantoms (Reverse Holo)-

Many...Just let me know what you have to trade....

Here is what I have of this set.
Cradily #2
2x Deoxys #3
Deoxys #4
2x Deoxys #5
Rayquaza #16
2x Vileplume #17
Absol #18
2x Regice #27
Registeel #29
Camerupt #36
Exeggutor #41
Manectric #46
Masquerain #47
Pidgeotto #49
Seadra #52
Sharpedo #53
2x Whiscash #55
Wobbuffet #56
3x Corphish #63
2x Electrike #64
3x Horsea #66
Lileep #68
Numel #72
Oddish #73
4x Pikachu #78
2x Torchic #83

Crystal Guardians (Reverse Holo)-

7. Luvdisc
21. Igglybuff
24. Medicham
26. Pelipper
29. Charmeleon
43. Wartortle
48. Charmander
51. Duskull
59. Numel
61. Spearow
66. Torchic
73. Celio's Network

Power Keepers-

4. Bannette

Power Keepers (Reverse Holo)-

34. Medicham
38. Sharpedo
44. Baltoy
52. Lileep
58. Poochyena
71. Battle Frontier
78. Master Ball
79. Phoebe's Stadium

Dragon Frontiers (Reverse Holo)-

19. Lickitung
22. Seadra
26. Bayleef
30. Flaaffy
33. Kirlia
36. Quilava
40. Swellow
47. Ekans
63. Shellder
69. Trapinch
75. Holon Mentor
77. Mr. Stone's Project
78. Old Rod

Secret Wonders (Reverse Holo)-

106. Shellos East Sea

Legends Awakened (Reverse Holo)-

85. Bellsprout

Rising Rivals (Reverse Holo)-

28. Mr. Mime 4
58. Carvanha

Hmmm...We can definately work something out...*S*....I will look over my list and yours and come up with a starter offer...unless you wish to start....*S*...Thanks, Nina

I'll let you make a starting offer as some of the cards i'm wanting are also wanted by other members.
RE: Crazar's Card Box - Help me clean it out! *Updated 8-25*

Crazar said:
eevee said:
Charon's Choice
Professor Oak's Visit (Professor Stamped)
Holo Electric Energy (League 07-08) x2
Holo Metal Energy (League 07-08) x2
34. Medicham PK
55. Meditite PK
28. Dragonair DF
24. Vibrava DF
77 Mr. Stone's Project DF
RH Kecleon RR
LMK or Counter
If you happen to get any Blazekin FB,please let me know.I really need one.Thanks.
Hmm...How about
Professor Oak's Visit (Professor Stamped)
Holo Electric Energy (League 07-08) x2
Holo Metal Energy (League 07-08) x2
28. Dragonair DF
24. Vibrava DF
77 Mr. Stone's Project DF
RH Kecleon RR...Just let me know...Thanks, Nina

Okay that sounds fine.Is there anything else you would do for the Charon's Choice?
RE: Crazar's Card Box - Help me clean it out! *Updated 8-25*

eevee said:
Hmm...How about
Professor Oak's Visit (Professor Stamped)
Holo Electric Energy (League 07-08) x2
Holo Metal Energy (League 07-08) x2
28. Dragonair DF
24. Vibrava DF
77 Mr. Stone's Project DF
RH Kecleon RR...Just let me know...Thanks, Nina

Okay that sounds fine.Is there anything else you would do for the Charon's Choice?

Hmm....I may take you up on your first offer....Let me think on it, and I will get back to you...*S*....Thanks, Nina

Quatra said:
I need these of yours as long as they are 100% mint.

Rising Rivals-

Charon's Choice x1


Espeon 4 x1
Gallade 4 x1

Reverse Holos-

Tropius x1
Lairon x1
Nidorino x1
Yanmega 4 x1
Alakazam 4 x1


Secret Rare-

Electabuzz x1

Reverse Holo-

Shuppet x1
Golduck x1
Luvdisc x1
Piplup x1
Vulpix x1
Kricketot x1
Grotle x1
Diglett x1
Carnivine #68 x1
Lapras x1
Mismagius x1


Reverse Holo-

Bibarel x1
Electrode #37 x1
Combee x1
Steelix x1
Voltorb #81 x1
Lumineon x1
Finneon x1
Magneton #42 x1
Abomasnow x1
Scyther x1
Farfetch'd x1
Tangrowth x1
Cherrim x1
Voltorb #80 x1
Stunky x1
Rapidash x1
Energy Link x1
Dusclops x1
Bronzor x1
Cyclone Energy x1
Pikachu x1
Bidoof x1
Pokehealer+ x1

I have the following of your needs below. Let me know if we can put together a trade.

Holon Phantoms (Reverse Holo)-

Many...Just let me know what you have to trade....

Here is what I have of this set.
Cradily #2
2x Deoxys #3
Deoxys #4
2x Deoxys #5
Rayquaza #16
2x Vileplume #17
Absol #18
2x Regice #27
Registeel #29
Camerupt #36
Exeggutor #41
Manectric #46
Masquerain #47
Pidgeotto #49
Seadra #52
Sharpedo #53
2x Whiscash #55
Wobbuffet #56
3x Corphish #63
2x Electrike #64
3x Horsea #66
Lileep #68
Numel #72
Oddish #73
4x Pikachu #78
2x Torchic #83

Crystal Guardians (Reverse Holo)-

7. Luvdisc
21. Igglybuff
24. Medicham
26. Pelipper
29. Charmeleon
43. Wartortle
48. Charmander
51. Duskull
59. Numel
61. Spearow
66. Torchic
73. Celio's Network

Power Keepers-

4. Bannette

Power Keepers (Reverse Holo)-

34. Medicham
38. Sharpedo
44. Baltoy
52. Lileep
58. Poochyena
71. Battle Frontier
78. Master Ball
79. Phoebe's Stadium

Dragon Frontiers (Reverse Holo)-

19. Lickitung
22. Seadra
26. Bayleef
30. Flaaffy
33. Kirlia
36. Quilava
40. Swellow
47. Ekans
63. Shellder
69. Trapinch
75. Holon Mentor
77. Mr. Stone's Project
78. Old Rod

Secret Wonders (Reverse Holo)-

106. Shellos East Sea

Legends Awakened (Reverse Holo)-

85. Bellsprout

Rising Rivals (Reverse Holo)-

28. Mr. Mime 4
58. Carvanha

I would love to trade with you...but I cannot seem to find your ref thread...Do you have a link? Please just let me know...Thanks, Nina
RE: Crazar's Card Box - Help me clean it out! *Updated 8-25*


I would love to trade with you...but I cannot seem to find your ref thread...Do you have a link? Please just let me know...Thanks, Nina

I don't have a Ref thread here yet as i've not traded cards on here before. I would gladly send first should we make a trade. I have many refs on other sites, but i know they are not accepted on here.
RE: Crazar's Card Box - Help me clean it out! *Updated 8-25*

I would love to trade with you...but I cannot seem to find your ref thread...Do you have a link? Please just let me know...Thanks, Nina

I don't have a Ref thread here yet as I've not traded cards on here before. I would gladly send first should we make a trade. I have many refs on other sites, but I know they are not accepted on here.

Ok...though you should still run over to the Trade Rep. section and throw a thread up for yourself.....Will get back to you with an offer....*S* Thanks, Nina
RE: Crazar's Card Box - Help me clean it out! *Updated 8-25*

Crazar said:
I would love to trade with you...but I cannot seem to find your ref thread...Do you have a link? Please just let me know...Thanks, Nina

I don't have a Ref thread here yet as I've not traded cards on here before. I would gladly send first should we make a trade. I have many refs on other sites, but I know they are not accepted on here.

Ok...though you should still run over to the Trade Rep. section and throw a thread up for yourself...Will get back to you with an offer....*S* Thanks, Nina

Ok i put up a ref thread.
RE: Crazar's Card Box - Help me clean it out! *Updated 8-25*

Quatra said:
I don't have a Ref thread here yet as I've not traded cards on here before. I would gladly send first should we make a trade. I have many refs on other sites, but I know they are not accepted on here.

Ok...though you should still run over to the Trade Rep. section and throw a thread up for yourself...Will get back to you with an offer....*S* Thanks, Nina

Ok I put up a ref thread.

Cool.....Now let's start hammering out this trade...*G*


Rising Rivals-


Espeon 4 x1
Gallade 4 x1

Reverse Holos-

Tropius x1
Lairon x1
Nidorino x1
Yanmega 4 x1
Alakazam 4 x1


Secret Rare-

Electabuzz x1

Reverse Holo-

Shuppet x1
Golduck x1
Luvdisc x1
Piplup x1
Vulpix x1
Kricketot x1
Grotle x1
Diglett x1
Carnivine #68 x1
Lapras x1
Mismagius x1


Reverse Holo-

Bibarel x1
Electrode #37 x1
Combee x1
Steelix x1
Voltorb #81 x1
Lumineon x1
Finneon x1
Magneton #42 x1
Abomasnow x1
Scyther x1
Farfetch'd x1
Tangrowth x1
Cherrim x1
Voltorb #80 x1
Stunky x1
Rapidash x1
Energy Link x1
Dusclops x1
Bronzor x1
Cyclone Energy x1
Pikachu x1
Bidoof x1
Pokehealer+ x1

For Your:

Holon Phantoms (Reverse Holo)-

1x Deoxys #3
Deoxys #4
1x Deoxys #5
Rayquaza #16
1x Vileplume #17
Absol #18
1x Regice #27
Camerupt #36
Manectric #46
Seadra #52
1x Whiscash #55
Wobbuffet #56
Numel #72
Oddish #73

Crystal Guardians (Reverse Holo)-

7. Luvdisc
21. Igglybuff
24. Medicham
26. Pelipper
29. Charmeleon
43. Wartortle
48. Charmander
66. Torchic
73. Celio's Network

Power Keepers-

4. Bannette

Power Keepers (Reverse Holo)-

38. Sharpedo
44. Baltoy
52. Lileep
58. Poochyena
71. Battle Frontier
78. Master Ball
79. Phoebe's Stadium

Dragon Frontiers (Reverse Holo)-

19. Lickitung
22. Seadra
26. Bayleef
30. Flaaffy
33. Kirlia
36. Quilava
40. Swellow
47. Ekans
63. Shellder
75. Holon Mentor
78. Old Rod

Secret Wonders (Reverse Holo)-

106. Shellos East Sea

Legends Awakened (Reverse Holo)-

85. Bellsprout

Counter if neccessary....Thanks, Nina
RE: Crazar's Card Box - Help me clean it out! *Updated 8-25*

Crazar said:
Ok...though you should still run over to the Trade Rep. section and throw a thread up for yourself...Will get back to you with an offer....*S* Thanks, Nina

Ok I put up a ref thread.

Cool...Now let's start hammering out this trade...*G*


Rising Rivals-


Espeon 4 x1
Gallade 4 x1

Reverse Holos-

Tropius x1
Lairon x1
Nidorino x1
Yanmega 4 x1
Alakazam 4 x1


Secret Rare-

Electabuzz x1

Reverse Holo-

Shuppet x1
Golduck x1
Luvdisc x1
Piplup x1
Vulpix x1
Kricketot x1
Grotle x1
Diglett x1
Carnivine #68 x1
Lapras x1
Mismagius x1


Reverse Holo-

Bibarel x1
Electrode #37 x1
Combee x1
Steelix x1
Voltorb #81 x1
Lumineon x1
Finneon x1
Magneton #42 x1
Abomasnow x1
Scyther x1
Farfetch'd x1
Tangrowth x1
Cherrim x1
Voltorb #80 x1
Stunky x1
Rapidash x1
Energy Link x1
Dusclops x1
Bronzor x1
Cyclone Energy x1
Pikachu x1
Bidoof x1
Pokehealer+ x1

For Your:

Holon Phantoms (Reverse Holo)-

1x Deoxys #3
Deoxys #4
1x Deoxys #5
Rayquaza #16
1x Vileplume #17
Absol #18
1x Regice #27
Camerupt #36
Manectric #46
Seadra #52
1x Whiscash #55
Wobbuffet #56
Numel #72
Oddish #73

Crystal Guardians (Reverse Holo)-

7. Luvdisc
21. Igglybuff
24. Medicham
26. Pelipper
29. Charmeleon
43. Wartortle
48. Charmander
66. Torchic
73. Celio's Network

Power Keepers-

4. Bannette

Power Keepers (Reverse Holo)-

38. Sharpedo
44. Baltoy
52. Lileep
58. Poochyena
71. Battle Frontier
78. Master Ball
79. Phoebe's Stadium

Dragon Frontiers (Reverse Holo)-

19. Lickitung
22. Seadra
26. Bayleef
30. Flaaffy
33. Kirlia
36. Quilava
40. Swellow
47. Ekans
63. Shellder
75. Holon Mentor
78. Old Rod

Secret Wonders (Reverse Holo)-

106. Shellos East Sea

Legends Awakened (Reverse Holo)-

85. Bellsprout

Counter if neccessary...Thanks, Nina

Sure we can do that trade. Pm me your address and i can get these off to you tomorrow.
RE: Crazar's Card Box - Help me clean it out! *Updated 9-09*

Eevee...Hmmm....I think that I want to stick to this deal....

Professor Oak's Visit (Professor Stamped)
Holo Electric Energy (League 07-08) x2
Holo Metal Energy (League 07-08) x2
28. Dragonair DF
24. Vibrava DF
77 Mr. Stone's Project DF
RH Kecleon RR

Just let me know.....Thanks, Nina
RE: Crazar's Card Box - Help me clean it out! *Updated 9-09*

Bump this with New Haves/Wants because it is my Birthday! (Just don't tell anyone....)