Onix Lv. 35 90 HP [F]
Basic Pokemon
Pic : An Onix is resting at a rocky mountain. The sun shine very brightly. A Rhyhorn is seen trying to tackle it.
Poke-Body : Solid Barrier
Reduce any damage done to any your Basic Pokemon by your opponent's Pokemon wit 2 or more energy attached to it by 20. You can't use more than 1 Solid Barrier Poke-Body each turn.
[F] Bind 10
Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokemon is now Paralyzed.
[F][C][C] Underground Crawl
Does 50 damage to 1 of your opponent's Pokemon (Don't apply Weakness, Resistance, Poke-Power, Poke-Body or any other effect on that Pokemon for this attack).
W - [W] +20
R - [L] -20
RC - [C][C]
Flavour Text : This Pokemon usually lay in the mountains... It is often mistaken for a pile of boulders.