Pokemon Creepy or weird aspects of Pokemon

Lugia ex said:
Their bodies are covered in pure gold.

Dang, Cofagrigus got some bling!
But back on topic, I've always found eggs being " mysteriously found near my pokemon" to be a little on the vuage side if you know what I mean.
I think will all know what you mean. Never bothered me.

I think Pokemon would kill a lot of people. I mean they're so powerful, and they're willing to fight random Pokemon, but not people.
Even if it's a natural process, the Pokémon manga took it in a very...
Eerie way... >_>
Zyflair said:
Even if it's a natural process, the Pokémon manga took it in a very...
Eerie way... >_>

O_O Why are they watching?! Lol and that old guy has such a creepy smile...oh god...now I know why I don't read manga :p
In honesty, the manga is definitely better, but there are some... interesting moments.
It's creepy IMO how Cofigrigus has the ability "Mummy". It changes the ability of the Pokemon who attacked it to "Mummy". Then if a Pokemon attack the Pokemon with the new "Mummy" ability, their ability turns into "Mummy" also... sort of like a zombie virus.
Archeops used Shadow Claw!
It's super effective!
Its ability became Mummy!
Cofagrigus trainer: "Crap!"

It a zombie virus that aids Regigigas, Slaking, and Archeops...
I just thought of 2 things with Sawk and Throh, 1. If Throh has two eyebrows, why does Sawk only have one? And 2. Are Sawk and Throh born with clothes?
I think the clothes are a part of them, not actually clothes. However, the belt is the only unnatural thing on them because on Throh's dex entry says: Wild Throh use vines to weave their own belts.

For their eyebrows... I have no idea.
Hitmonchan wears clothes, shoes, and boxing gloves.
I guess both Sawk and Throh are born with clothes. This is Pokemon, weird things happen.
Ice Arceus said:
This is Pokemon, weird things happen.

That reminds me of something my brother sais alot, "Trying to figure out Pokemon's logic is like putting a self destruct button on your brain and pushing it."
Lugia ex said:
It is scary... I will NEVER catch a Hypno in a Pokemon game ever again.... *shivers*
It's not THAT scary. It's just a song. It's like saying I'll never go to a cemetary to visit and honor my dead grandparents again because of Michael Jackson's Thriller.
Lets think for a second. What does a Jigglypuff feel like? Why do I ask? Well Jigglypuff's expand, thus they stretch. SO do they just feel like a pile of wrinkled skin...I would imagine they have no fir...*shudders* that would feel so... disgusting.
Jigglypuff's physiology:
Jigglypuff appear to be round, pink balls with small, cat like ears and very large eyes. Jigglypuff have rubbery, balloon like skin.
EEEEEHHHHHHH....that thing has to feel so gross...it deflates all the time...its skin just has to like...eeeeeehhhhh lol
It deflates into a thin rubber circle, when it faints.

PBR taught me much.

It doesn't feel wrinkly Cat!
I like Jigglypuff.
the creepest thing i can think of is........pokemon yellow! the ghost tower has not ghost pokemon but ghosts of people that you battle i mean WTF!

oh and you cant attack them either it just says your pokemon is too scared to move i have not played it in a while but wouldent your pokemon just be picked off one by one?