Pokemon Creepy or weird aspects of Pokemon

...no, those are ghosts of Pokemon. The tower you speak of is called the Pokemon Tower. It's where deceased Pokemon have been buried. Why would humans be buried in a tower for Pokemon?
I think its kinda odd that Oddish is a radish, right? And that it evolves into a mushroom plant? I don't know it just seems a bit odd to me.... :p
WolfNinja55 said:
I think its kinda odd that Oddish is a radish, right? And that it evolves into a mushroom plant? I don't know it just seems a bit odd to me.... :p

Oddish is based on [link=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mandrake_(plant)]Mandrake[/link] and Gloom and Vileplume are based on [LINK=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rafflesia]Rafflesia[/link].

Seems even more strange that a humonoid plant evolves into a flower that smells of rotten meat.

Another creepy evolution is Paras to Parasect, A cute little bug infected with mushrooms turns into brainless creature controlled like a puppet by the parasitic Mushroom on its back. Its even more creepy that a girl in the Anime forced her Paras to evolve, effectively killing it, just so she could harvest the mushrooms spores.

another weird thing it says yamask is dead person so wouldent they be yamask everywhere not just desert relic?
latianos said:
another weird thing it says yamask is dead person so wouldent they be yamask everywhere not just desert relic?

No. They prob flock to Desert Relic so that none of their family members can see them in such a state.

BrOkenICE said:
I think will all know what you mean. Never bothered me.

I think Pokemon would kill a lot of people. I mean they're so powerful, and they're willing to fight random Pokemon, but not people.

Pokemon have tried to fight humans before. The anime, Ash usally saves the world from pokemon destroying it. He has also had pokemon fight him...

the aura is with me8 said:
I just thought of 2 things with Sawk and Throh, 1. If Throh has two eyebrows, why does Sawk only have one? And 2. Are Sawk and Throh born with clothes?

1. Throh is short and subby therefore pokemon couldn't make fun of him any more and gave hime two. Sawk would have been tall and skinny and almost human, so pokemon game him a uniabrow. Therefore making fatty Throh feel better about himself.
2. They are shy!
latianos said:
another weird thing it says yamask is dead person so wouldent they be yamask everywhere not just desert relic?

Yamask being a dead person in general is totally creepy.
I don't know if anyone's mentioned this before, but remember the guy in front of the Celadon City Gym? (or Pokedex entries like the one in my sig)
Haunter's behavior:

Haunter hide in very dark places, where they plot to take the life of the next living thing that comes near. It then silently stalks its victims. It has the ability to float through solid walls, and many people believe that Haunter is from another dimension because of this ability.
Ha ha, Haunters a stalker...

Anyway, what creeps me out is that Ditto can create itself a male or female 'part', and then have little baby Pokemon with almost whatever it wants.
PikabooPikachu said:
Pokemon have tried to fight humans before. The anime, Ash usally saves the world from pokemon destroying it. He has also had pokemon fight him...

If pokemon are that powerful...Ash would already be dead :p Pikachu has zapped him so many times. Think about it...razor leaf? Getting cut by leaves?! NO...

/me tries to cut himself on a leaf

/me succeeds

/me dies of blood loss

But really..the attacks aren't that powerful. Water Gun? Ya...I'll die of water hitting me >_>
Banned because you'll have to try harder than that to beat SL555's cuteness. :3

Banned because this isn't the ban game.~de
Afro-G said:
Banned because you'll have to try harder than that to beat SL555's cuteness. :3
/me looks at her avvy.
I think I won. But really, ぺみゅ's art is okay. It's not a great enough style to really count as cute.

Anyway, the manga is filled with humans fighting alongside Pokemon, but since almost every character is BA, it's a wonder how so many of them just survive.
Water gun is a lot more powerful, the names of attacks are like fan terminology.
Razor leaf would be like getting knives thrown at you.
Arceus set up some rules that govern how pokemon and people interact, its somewhere in platinums library.
Also, people are possibly also pokemon, and we are also capeable of controlling aura, psychic abilities etc
You know how at first, Pokemon seem to be abused by humans? Like, humans get power from having Pokemon, and what do Pokemon get? Well, the game's answer for that is that since humans are smarter than Pokemon, we're helping them pick better choices, battle more efficiently, etc. So what about pokemon like Alakazam and Metagross? The Pokedex states Alakazam's IQ is 5000 (obviously an exaggeration, but we get the point) and Metagross's brain is like a supercomputer, so they would be way smarter than a human. So really...we are kinda abusing the Pokemon....[/N]
frostwind said:
Water gun is a lot more powerful, the names of attacks are like fan terminology.
Razor leaf would be like getting knives thrown at you.
Arceus set up some rules that govern how pokemon and people interact, its somewhere in platinums library.
Also, people are possibly also pokemon, and we are also capeable of controlling aura, psychic abilities etc

What? I guess Pokemon can determine how strong the attack is but mostly in the anime Water Gun sucks...heck people have taken a Water Gun to the face...and nothing happens. How about Bubble? Ya...not powerful at all.

Leaves are leaves...if it was like knives then pokemon would be dead after 1 Razor Leaf...ya they would be so sliced up they would be dead :p. I guess that is another aspect. Think about it.

Needle Arm? Ya...that would be really really painful and even deadly. You hit a pokemon with that and it should be dead...that's it these battles are fake...:p. Some attacks if it was actual reality the pokemon would die..there would be no "Not very effective" lol
catutie said:
If pokemon are that powerful...Ash would already be dead :p Pikachu has zapped him so many times.
That's kind of creepy now that I think about it... Ash sometimes has pikachu shock him on purose....

catutie said:
How about Bubble? Ya...not powerful at all.

No. The 1st movie made bubble look awesome. Machamp got beat up by a tiny squritle who was blowing bubbles! :D
Children tend to go missing when they mistake Drifloon as a balloon and then try to hold it. :|
I think it's creepy that Kyurem eats both Pokemon and People.
Plus, it makes a weird beeping noise and the ends of it's wings and the center of it's head light up 0_0 (according to Pokedex 3D)