Tell me what you all think of this deck. I try to concentrate on setting up Garchomp for attack and or attacking quickly with Floatzel. Garchomp is my choice of main attacker because of setup speed. The trainers are mostly devoted to getting the specific cards I need to set up, as is Milotic. Donphan takes the punishment till I can get an attacker out there if I need to stall, but I am unsure of this little tactic. Floatzel just attacks quickly and is kinda on its own. All input is welcome!
3xGabite (gets main attacker out there)
2xGarchomp (main attacker, I want to add two more of these)
1xMilotic (gets the cards I need. and its just a really great card to me)
3xFloatzel (not sure about these, they are quick to start attacking but do not help with the main attacker really. might take out a Buizel and Floatzel and add a Milotic)
2xDonphan Prime (quick setup meat shield. But either I wait for him to die or use switch cause he has a 4 retreat)
11 water (reduce to 6?)
6 fighting (reduce to 5?)
1 blend (electricity, water, metal, fighting)
4xPokemon Catcher
4xPokemon Communication
3xPokemon Collecter
1xRescue Scarf
I want to add a Pokemon Collector and 4 rare candy, but would I even need the rare candy because I already have Gabite's dragon call?
As a side note I have a very small meta game consisting of my friend and brother who do not incorporate strategy, which is why this deck worked at all. I found a place to play against others though so I need to revamp my deck badly.
3xGabite (gets main attacker out there)
2xGarchomp (main attacker, I want to add two more of these)
1xMilotic (gets the cards I need. and its just a really great card to me)
3xFloatzel (not sure about these, they are quick to start attacking but do not help with the main attacker really. might take out a Buizel and Floatzel and add a Milotic)
2xDonphan Prime (quick setup meat shield. But either I wait for him to die or use switch cause he has a 4 retreat)
11 water (reduce to 6?)
6 fighting (reduce to 5?)
1 blend (electricity, water, metal, fighting)
4xPokemon Catcher
4xPokemon Communication
3xPokemon Collecter
1xRescue Scarf
I want to add a Pokemon Collector and 4 rare candy, but would I even need the rare candy because I already have Gabite's dragon call?
As a side note I have a very small meta game consisting of my friend and brother who do not incorporate strategy, which is why this deck worked at all. I found a place to play against others though so I need to revamp my deck badly.