Finished Crush A Wish! (you-person-person-you)

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Granted, someone else provides a more convincing counterproof.

I wish I could prove that Tobi was a bad girl.
Granted, except he/she kills you afterwards.

I wish I had a cat named Mr.Kitty...who was immortal so you sick people can't say he died.
Granted, but your beloved Ponyta has a wicked heart and chooses to light people on fire rather than allow people to ride it.

I wish for the Sugimori Arceus artwork to be perfect in every way.
You didn't post anything, so you get nothing! Good day, sir! lolwillywankareference

I wish for 20 dollars.
Granted but because no one is poor, middle class becomes the poor class and the cycle restarts itself.

I wish to be the greatest pokemon master ever.
Granted, but it turns out that it was all fake and you get locked in jail for ever (even in afterlife:p).

I wish I could become a great manga and anime artist.
Granted, but both of your arms snap off.

I wish I could transport characters from the Youtube Poop universe to this planet.
Granted, but they are carrying bombs and blow you up.

I wish I had very little homework for the rest of the 9th grade.
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