Finished Crush A Wish! (you-person-person-you)

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It does go away but then you get a hay fever in summer (btw not really its just for the game :))

I wish I could eternal understanding of the universe
Granted but you put to much water on the floor and slip and break your leg

I wish that someone says something nice next post
Granted but you fall asleep while drinking you drown

I wish I had a dollor

Please take the time to use proper grammar with your posts. Posts that are in complete caps can be distracting to viewers. ~DRK176
What's a dollor? Oh, I assume you meant dollar.

I wish for charizard12345 to use proper grammar.
Granted, but a tornado comes and sucks you up.

I wish someone besides Power of Three and Maylene365 would join my TCG clan Team Shadow.
granted but he/she goes on a losing streak and gives your cla a bad name
I wish I had a RR booster box
but I tore it up because you ruined my wish.

I wish for all the uber legendaries at lv.100 for REAL!On pokemon platinum
You accidentally release them all, or they have 0/0/0/0/0/0 IVs with a horrible nature and 4 glitched HMs that can't be removed, your pick.

I wish for good luck.
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