Finished Crush A Wish! (you-person-person-you)

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Granted, but you got extremely bored of flying and wish you didn't waste your wish.

And btw, I didn't say A PIECE, I said peace, and I thought of sayoing universal but i only knew a different definition of that word.

I wish that pokemon were real, everyone was happy for the rest of their lives and never got bored of life, and that nothing at all could go wrong with this wish, no matter what.
^U FAIL! Nothing can go wrong, remember? So my wish CAN'T BE CRUSHED! HAHAHA!!!

Anyway, back to your wish. Granted, but you just realized: You hate your brother! (And if your brother really is dead, then... *sniff* I'm so sorry! :()

I wish I had a pet dragon.
Too bad, you die from your dragon, and I eat your soul and guts.

I wish you are NOT my best friend

And one more thing for my wish, heh heh heh.
Dosnt matter to me that he is your new best freind.

I wish for a leprechaun who counts burnt toast to go to sleep and measures the weight of cheese in slices!
Granted, but my pet dragon eats him.

I wish Gengar The Son would spit out my soul and guts.
granted, but everybody in the whole world's keyboard brakes so dey hve 2 tlk lke dis

I wish I was invincible!
Granted, but you now want to commit suicide.

I wish that I was blue, dabadee dabadie!
Granted, but you dabadee dabaDIE the next day.

I wish I owned a nice dragon. Or a Drapion. XD
Granted, but the next person below me does (Or else they will DIE!!!) :mad:

I wish the next person to post here does what I told them to and doesn't DIE!!!
^You will DIE!(you were supposed to type like Lickilicky_Guy didn't want me to)
Granted, but they're a different currency than where you live.

i whish i culd spel thingz rite!
Granted, but Everyone else loses the ability to read!

I wish for a leprechaun who counts burnt toast to go to sleep and measures the weight of cheese in slices!
Granted, but he burns and dies the next day in a freak Houndour accident.

I wish Mudkipz would die already.
Granted, but then you are haunted by them for the rest of your life.

I wish that people would play this game by the rules
They do, but then it gets old fast.

I wish for people to stop drawing darkrai as a human.
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