Finished Crush A Wish! (you-person-person-you)

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Granted, but it's fake and you get sued, causing you to go broke.

I wish that everything was happy!
Granted, but you were your school, who uses the money for longer school hours!!!CURSES!!!

I wish Giratina DID eat Shaymin.
Granted but it was only a Shaymin Doll that is made of your money

I wish that I have 100000000 Dollar and I can keep it for my expenses
Granted, but then whatever country you live in gets taken over, and your money becomes obsolete.

I wish that my next wish couldn't be corrupted.
Granted, but it's impossible beacuse the YPPY rule is in place, so you can't post next. LOL.
You didn't make a wish, so...UNGRANTED! (and lol MS Evolution i thought you'd say Shaymin used Seed Flare from inside and Giratina blew up)

I wish I had 1 million indestructible unstealable unlosable dollars
granted, but the national currency changes to lolcats.

I wish that upon wishing this wish, nothing changed due to the casting of the wishing.
Granted, but life got extremely boring after a while.

I wish Giratina ate the REAL, living, breathing Shaymin, not just a doll or substitute.
granted, but according to your wish, you want shaymin has to be breathing. In order to breath, it must stay alive. so, Giratina eats Shaymin, but shaymin survives.

I wish that upon wishing this wish, nothing changed due to the casting of the wishing, except that I could fly.
Granted (makes crazy genine dance), but you flew to almost space, but they are gone, and die falling 100000000 kML/speed per miliseconod. You also go to Bad Sprit Heavan, but God revives you to Earth again. I want to NOT be on TV, that's my wish.
greeniax said:
granted, but according to your wish, you want shaymin has to be breathing. In order to breath, it must stay alive. so, Giratina eats Shaymin, but shaymin survives.

I wish that upon wishing this wish, nothing changed due to the casting of the wishing, except that I could fly.

Lol the point is it's now stuck in Giratina's stomach and unless it uses Seed Flare or something, that annoying arrogant fuzzball is gone! Wow, I'm so speaking as Ash right now!
The TV gets on you instead, crushing you under it's weight.

I wish that upon wishing this wish, nothing changed due to the casting of the wishing, except that I could fly, and that my flying not effect anyone or anything including me.
Granted, but you crashed into Giratina, who threw up Shaymin in your face.(okay i'm done with the Giratina eating Shaymin crap, I just tought it was funny hearing Shaymin yelling "IT'S GOING TO EAT MEEEEEEEEEE!" in the movie)

I wish for Universe peace, and that no one can mess up this wish.
greeniax said:
The TV gets on you instead, crushing you under it's weight.

I wish that upon wishing this wish, nothing changed due to the casting of the wishing, except that I could fly, and that my flying not effect anyone or anything including me.

pfff. I demand a refund.

You get a universe piece. that piece happens to be the piece you were standing on, earth. You die in outer space.

(Universe peace is incorrect. the change to piece only requires changing 2 letters, and changing one letter and adding another is harder, (universal piece), so the transition to piece is automatic.)

I wish that upon wishing this wish, nothing changed due to the casting of the wishing, except that I could fly, and that my flying not effect anyone or anything including me, and that while flying I cannot react to anything(can't take damage, die etc.).
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