Finished Crush A Wish! (you-person-person-you)

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Granted, but you don't get them for 5 billion years!

I wish I didn't have to wish for anything.
Granted, but you could have wished for something better, couldn't you?

I wish that Scampy would fight off all of the mods...
Granted, but scampy got eaten by a terantula spider.

I wish someone was more awsome than me.:cool:
Granted, but they thought you were someone else.

I wish pokechamp would stop posting on pokebeach.
Granted, but he makes a new account.

I wish I had infinite wishes.
Granted, but You must stare at the avatar forever more

I Wish that Speed Racer would show on every channel
granted but it only shows one second before it shows him getting nuked 100000000000 times over

i wish for to be everlasting
Granted, but you get run over by a car.

I wish Slowpoke127 would stop acting like a total idiot and actually use correct grammar.
slowpoke starts using correct grammar, but then gets tired of all the other people on these forums using bad grammar. So he leaves forever.

I wish i wish i had a fish
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