Finished Crush A Wish! (you-person-person-you)

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Granted, but they only play for about one post :D

I wish for... more time to do stuff that I want and less school, even though school benefits my education!
Granted, but your lack of education ruins your life.

I wish that word wasn't a word.
Granted, but there are no words left!

I wish that I could insert a coin into the vending machine...
Granted, but the USA changes it's currency...

I wish someone would read my new story, Paper Mario...
Granted, but he doesn't like it.

I wish bags of potato chips would be filled up all the way and absolutely nothing would prevent me from getting a full bag of chips.
Granted, but a munchlax eats all of your chips before you could eat 1.
I wish that I had another wish.
Granted, but you didn't read the fine print! *gasp* You can't wish for more wishes! What a waste.

I wish for a harmless pet Vulpix.
The cake is a lie, so you don't get any cake.

I wish for my brother to stop annoying me.
Granted, but your mom has a baby and he/she grows up to be really annoying, more annoying than your bro.

I wish I had a slice of pie.
Granted, but it was poisoned and you die.

I wish My art shop was more popular.
Granted, but they get rotated out, awww...

I wish that my brain was as powerful as a dual-core computer!
Your brain takes over your body and forces you to inject poison into your skin. You just killed yourself. Too bad.

I wish that I had Mario and Luigi RPG 3 now in any language, and there was absolutely nothing in my way that would prevent me from playing it.
Granted, but smeagle just stole your game and he won't give it back.

I wish that Platinum was realeased earlier.
Granted, but platinum has become the worst game in the world.(Yes even worse than superman 64)

I wish that I would die(Corrupt this wish! Ha Ha Ha!)
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