Finished Crush A Wish! (you-person-person-you)

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Crushed. Don't wish everyone was like you LOL.

I wish pokemon cards were free.
it turns out to be a cow in disguise, and wait now i see what your doin wit the cow hehe
oh yeah, the cow burns you

I wish for more games that are fun :D
You didn't make a wish, so I'll wish for you.

Musical: "I wish I had a rock."

Granted, but it is a rock bomb from Pikmin and a splodes in your face.

I wish I was a general, and not a colonel.
Granted, but it is a flesh-eating slug, so it eats you.

I wish to know how to change font colors.
You explode because you didn't wish for anything.

I wish I could get Chuck Norris's autograph.
Granted, but the piece of paper he signed roundhouse kicks you in the face.

I wish for a tin of Pokemon cards.
Granted, but there's no good Cards.

I wish It wasn't snowing outside. (what I get for living in Wisconsin. =/)
Granted, but it rains lava.

I wish that the universes, dimensions, and space-time continium were all peaceful.
Granted, but the universes all become peaceful because everyone in them died.

I wish that I never forgot to wish.
Granted, but they were all bidoof!

I wish that I would actually find a person thats my type that isn't taken. :p
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