Finished Crush A Wish! (you-person-person-you)

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Granted, but you bounce off it and break a leg.

I wish that pink was called chartreuse .
World peace on which planet? I assume you meant Neptune, so, wish granted. World peace on Neptune.

I wish for Mario and Luigi RPG 3. I don't care what language it's in.
Granted, but it isn't made by nintendo, so they think you pirated the game, and they come after you!

I wish nintendo made another Paper Mario game...
Granted, but Paper Mario gives Peach a paper cut that kills her, Bowser rips Paper Mario in two, and the game blows up from not being able to go on as scripted.

I wish that I had indestructible, non-counterfeit Pokemon cards. Two of every Pokemon card in the DP-PotF format!
Granted, but you can't touch them or use them. In fact, nobody can do anything to them.

I wish I had a Companion Cube.
Granted, but others must suffer for it, which is the ultimate punishment, so you take back your wish, and everything went back to normal...

I wish that I was a mod...
Granted, but then you're forbidden from computers forever, so being a mod is pointless.

I wish that someone noticed my last bizzare wish. :(
Granted, but then people would forget how to spell it, so they'd just call it pink again.

I wish that I could stare at the sun without going blind. :D
Miyuki said:
Granted, but then people would forget how to spell it, so they'd just call it pink again.

I wish that I could stare at the sun without going blind. :D

Granted, but you turn into an Xatu (which has it's perks, but you can't talk to any humans, so you are always bored).

I wish, and wish with all my heart, to go to the land of...

OMG Dragon Tales!

You go to your Dragon Tales land, but the dragons are hungry. You know what happens now.

I wish Sonic and the Black Knight was a longer game. (You can beat it in a day...)
Lickilicky_Guy said:
They make it beatable in one day and a minute

I wish for a thousand wishes

Granted, but an un-named ninja steals them from you!

one thousand wishes, yay!

I wish for unlimited power, that I can control!
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