Finished Crush A Wish! (you-person-person-you)

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The wind blows you away and eventually separate into hundreds of pieces.

I wish my Crystal version actually worked.
Granted, but I cut off its tail, and without its tail it is now weak and useless.

I wish someone would buy the Slowpoke tail I stole from Slowpoke127.
Granted, but they scam you and sell it back to you for more money...

I wish that the pokebeach main page was back up...
Granted, but waterpokemonmaster commits suicide and pokebeach was took over by my mother, who knows nothing about pokemon

I wish for All pokemon to eat me. (Don't ask me why.)
Granted, but the dad decides he doesn't like those waffles anymore.

I wish I had Mario and Luigi RPG 3 now.
Granted, but you break every bone in your body afterwards.

I wish that largo meant large in Spanish, instead of long.
Granted. But somebody didn't get the memo, and when he asked for a "largo" hotdog, he just got a very large Labrador.... set on fire.

I wish Yugi and Ash Ketchum would have a boxing match.
Granted, but Kaiba and Mokuba come out of nowhere and beat them up.

I wish that Tristan from Yu-Gi-Oh was the main character of the show.
Granted, but then the show is cancelled.

I wish that clocks only tocked instead of going tick-tock.
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