Finished Crush A Wish! (you-person-person-you)

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Granted, but you have -9999 spelling/grammar.

I wish for 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 dollars and 3 cents.
Granted, but the next half term holiday is 3 million years in the future.
You get run over by a TNT truck because you did not wish for anything.

I wish Pokemon Platinum placed in stores sooner.
Granted, but then you lose every other time you play, for therest of your life.

I wish for a wonderful murder mystery to come out on Valentine's Day.
Granted, you are so hyper that you keep on running into trees.

I wish to know the way to change font colors.....
Granted, but the lion plushies are real lions. And they're hungry.

I wish potatoes could cure diseases.
Granted, but you aren't allowed to eat it because of the grammar you used to ask.

I wish that I could have my own Entr'acte.
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