Crustle, Dwebble from “Heat Wave Arena”

I really like the Illustration Rare art and it's quite a different style from the other Crustle Illustration Rare, plus I like I'm pretty happy with this. But I understand it is a little weird since the last IR was pretty recent. A little boring to just make another Safeguard 'mon, seems like the lowest effort way to make a card not be pure filler (but very likely not really viable since Mimikyu exists and is a Basic), but I mean, it is better than a pure filler card, so there's that.
I once got 2nd place with an Aegislash deck because every deck only prepped for Mimikyu
Honestly, if people are going to play this, I don't really care if it's a duplicate Illustration Rare, Pokémon giving alternative artwork for cards people can be expected to play is a good call, and a playable card not getting an Illustration Rare because a bulk card featuring the same Pokémon has already gotten an IR makes the "give random Pokémon IR's" system feel like it can ruin player's chances of blinging out their decks later.
As for whether people will play this, the pro of playing this over Aegislash is that you don't need to find Rare Candy to set it up and that you can immediately evolve your Dwebble on your first turn going second, and also that you OHKO Cornerstone Mask Ogerpon ex (As previously mentioned. I wouldn't have thought about that myself). The bad news is that you need one more Energy to attack (With no Double Colorless or Double Turbo in the format) and that you don't have an impressive ex you can evolve into when you need to do some heavy hitting near the end of the game.
Bad card, and even worse is that people are 100% going to claim that the AR is AI generated :/
The only thing that makes me happy is that it is almost confirmed that Shaymin will have an AR, I hope it is a good illustration
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Okay now- this Crustle has a lot going for it. Out of range of Dusknoir- Dragapult cannot knock it out with damage counters after 2 Phantom Dives- it will take 3- and it would need to be on the bench lol. Crispin and Mist energy and this thing can do some stuff. It can shred and one shot Cornerstone Ogerpon, which is just lovely. Cornerstone cannot one-shot it back- it misses by 10 lol. Charmeleon is the only meta stage 1 I can think of that can one-shot it. There must be some newer cards coming out that can challenge this effectively but it looks like they wanted to design it to actually be playable. Fluttermane shuts it off- but also cannot one-shot it- and get's one-shot back easily. Gardy bodies it- and I guess.... Fluttermane/ Alakazam ex is always... an... option lol.
Ascension is pretty much the best attack in the game on a basic Pokémon, and Crustle is pretty damn ok, once again once we get some wacky silly version of Double Colorless Energy this can be a really good stall deck similar to Iron Thorns if it weren't for Dragapult
finally a stage 1 pokemon decent with lock hability, aegislash is good, but too slow for the meta, this thing kill mew and come back alive after that (the only REAL menace for the lock deck)
Honestly a tempting card for someone who's local meta is like 75% Charizard ex at the moment
Honestly, if people are going to play this, I don't really care if it's a duplicate Illustration Rare, Pokémon giving alternative artwork for cards people can be expected to play is a good call, and a playable card not getting an Illustration Rare because a bulk card featuring the same Pokémon has already gotten an IR makes the "give random Pokémon IR's" system feel like it can ruin player's chances of blinging out their decks later.
As for whether people will play this, the pro of playing this over Aegislash is that you don't need to find Rare Candy to set it up and that you can immediately evolve your Dwebble on your first turn going second, and also that you OHKO Cornerstone Mask Ogerpon ex (As previously mentioned. I wouldn't have thought about that myself). The bad news is that you need one more Energy to attack (With no Double Colorless or Double Turbo in the format) and that you don't have an impressive ex you can evolve into when you need to do some heavy hitting near the end of the game.
you speak too soon… next set we’re getting Crustle ex and its SIR. or maybe Crustle is getting a Mega in ZA