Cynthia’s Garchomp ex and More from “Heat Wave Arena” Revealed!

Water Pokémon Master

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New Cynthia’s Pokemon from Heat Wave Arena were revealed seconds ago at Japan’s Champions League Fukuoka tournament! Thanks goes to JustInBasil for the translations!
Cynthia’s Roselia – Grass – HP70
Basic Pokemon
[C] Spike Sting: 20 damage.
Weakness: Fire (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1

Cynthia’s Roserade – Grass – HP130
Stage 1 – Evolves from Cynthia’s...

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I am beyond excited for this Archetype!! I love Garchomp and this one is looking pretty good. We got basicly dragon call Gabite from BW Era for Pokemon search, Roserade bringing garchomps attack from 260- to 290 that power weight giving it essentially 400 Hp! and that spiritomb having a colorless attack cost means it is good as a one prize attacker for the deck. This Cynthia deck will probably be my main deck when this archetype releases.
Looks like a very solid deck in itself:
- useful Stage 1 ability, very important in the current meta
- stackable attack boost
- big HP boost with a single tool
- free retreat cost
- easy way to punish opponents that can't deal 400 damage at once with Spiritomb
TCG pocket slaying with the art and physical cards got the most boring art to date. Looks like giratina V AR from lost origin will be the peak of the physical TCG side.
Does this mean a potential Cynthia reprint? Unfortunately, there was no N reprint that we know of.
... Okay. So Cynthia Box is usable immediately

1. Roserade boosts the crap out of Garchomp.
2. This Garchomp ex is honestly kind of okay on its own but.
3. The tool is straight up busted. 400 HP Garchomp ex without an ACE SPEC.
4. She has her own Balloon Blast.

Literally use Tera Garchomp to reaccelerate to Cynthia's Garchomp since they both have FREE RETREAT.