Cynthia’s Garchomp ex and More from “Heat Wave Arena” Revealed!

Love the emotion in the Roserade card. Wouldn’t want all cards to look that serious, but as a here and there, it’s highly appreciated.
Holy moly these cards are actually really good. There's been so many disappointing reveals it is nuts to see this all at once. If there is another legit basic attacker other than spiritomb I feel like this deck will go crazy
Powerglass will be a good tool for Garchomp. You can chain pretty easy with the active.
Might have to rely on energy sticker to attach to the bench. But that should be fine. You want to dump cards from your hand to make use of the draw up to 6 attack, which you'll probably use at least once per game.
You cant evolve a regular garchomp from a cynthia's gabite or cynthia's gible
You could use both individual evolution lines but I explain why it's probably not necessary in the next quote.
I agree it's good but do you really think you have room for Cynthia's Garchomp, Tera Garchomp, and Roserade? That seems like a lot. It would be one thing if the Garchomps could evolve from the same Gible but they can't. Still I think this is shaping up to be a really good deck and so happy I was really wanting this to be good. I love Garchomp.
Yeah I honestly don't think it's necessary to run Tera. Just attaching for turn is enough but if you really want coverage from Spiritomb you could probably get away with adding a few Darkness to use Crispin and have Munkidori if you felt like it. This deck probably wants to run Pidgeot since you'll need a lot of deck space for crucial items/supporters. 320 on a Garchomp with 400 HP is just insane on its own so you probably don't want to run Tera unless you want to take advantage of the free retreat and use Sparkling Crystal for free re-accelerations, or Defiance Band for certain damage benchmarks.

Either way, really feeling the pain of losing Feather Ball now.
Guys will say this and play every lists Japan makes.
No, guys actually know how cardgames work.
Granted, this is a lot easier for beginners to just pick up a bunch of cards that are very obviously extremely good together, but on the other hand this could be achieved by having good Theme Decks coupled with mechanics that aren't extremely shallow.
Am I missing something or is there just Cynthia bias (most likely answer).

Because her archetype looks quite mid at the moment. Playable, but mid.

If there's a new Cynthia supporter/item/stadium that helps attach fighting energy then it's more viable but considering they didn't bother giving N an attack over 170 base damage we can't just assume it.
I really, sincerely hope that Ethan's Quilava / Cynthia's Gabite are a sign that the designers are going to put more of an effort in to make sure that mid-evolution Pokemon actually, y'know... have a function.

Yes there have been a few recently, like Metang and Drakloak, but seeing two in a subset which are each played straight is a bit out of the ordinary. Searches aren't the most exciting thing in the world but I'll take it over another [R][C][C] 60 damage.
This makes me SO happy. The old 2012 Dragons Exalted Garchomp/Altaria got reprinted as Garchomp/Roserade.
I really, sincerely hope that Ethan's Quilava / Cynthia's Gabite are a sign that the designers are going to put more of an effort in to make sure that mid-evolution Pokemon actually, y'know... have a function.

Yes there have been a few recently, like Metang and Drakloak, but seeing two in a subset which are each played straight is a bit out of the ordinary. Searches aren't the most exciting thing in the world but I'll take it over another [R][C][C] 60 damage.
I think that they are limited on the number of trainers Pokémon so they are having to make the middle stage Pokémon have good abilities. I don't see this becoming more common than it already is
I think that they are limited on the number of trainers Pokémon so they are having to make the middle stage Pokémon have good abilities. I don't see this becoming more common than it already is
Fair enough. Even if this is just happenstance I hope that the positive reception to these (at least, so far) plus players missing Kirlia after rotation will make them reevaluate their fairly nonchalant design goals when it comes to these cards