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Darkrai EX / Hydreigon


Destroyer of Worlds
This is my first attempt at a tournament worthy deck that I put together after reading and comparing a fair number of threads and articles.

Any help is appreciated. :)

Pokemon: 15
  • 3 Denio DRX 94
  • 1 Zweilous DRX 96
  • 3 Hydreigon DRX 97
  • 3 Darkrai EX
  • 3 Sableye DEX
  • 1 Mewtwo EX
  • 1 Virizion EX
Trainers: 32
  • 4 N
  • 4 Professor Juniper
  • 3 Skyla
  • 4 Dark Patch
  • 4 Rare Candy
  • 4 Ultra Ball
  • 3 Pokemon Catcher
  • 2 Max Potion
  • 2 Tool Scrapper
  • 1 Enhanced Hammer
  • 1 Computer Search
Energy: 13
  • 9 Darkness
  • 4 Blend GRPD
Utilizing Darkrai's pokemon power to get rid of status effects and use Sableye to recycle useful items, and to get Hydreigon powered up with a silver bangle attached to take out EX pokemon quicker.

Edited (heavily) to meet the rules! :p ~Kecleon
RE: Darkrai EX / Hydreigon :D

Could you change your list so it looks like
4x darkrai ex and so on, it's sort of hard to read.
For one crushing hammers out of format, correct me if I'm wrong, so for starters
-2 crushing hammer
+1 Rare Candy (4 is standard in any stage 2 deck)
+1 Ultra Ball (consistency matter a lot in this deck, so you need to be able to get pokemon out as fast as possible)

Also silver bangle only does +30 damage to ex's if it is attached to a non ex.
-2 silver bangle
+1 dark patch (4 works wonders for me in this deck)
+1 Virizion ex (if you can afford it, if not Keldeo ex works fine too)

4 Darkrai is overkill, most of the time you'll only use 2.
-1 Darkrai ex
+1 Virizion ex / Keldeo ex (really helps prevent special conditions, as attacking almost every turn is a big part of the deck)

Your also lacking an ACE SPEC card -
-1 Sableye (3 is good but it isn't needed)
+1 ACE SPEC (this is card is pretty much your choice, most of them work well in the deck, though I find computer search to be the most useful)

Hope I helped!
RE: Darkrai EX / Hydreigon :D

You sir have helped a ton, thank you so very much.

i was unaware that they took out crushing hammer cause the tcg online lets me use them in modified decks so i was literally working on this deck in there and thought they would be helpful, no problem taking them out.

and as for bangle, every wiki or forum post about this type of deck is ranting and raving about bangle so i thought it was a staple lol, also no problem comming out

i like the changes over all and virizion isent bad, when i played MTG i had to buy 4 of a card that cost the same money so i will be getting ahold of one in the very near future

thank you so much again im excited to finish this deck and make it work well :D
Virizion is not really needed since hardly anyone playes laserbank any more, it just takes up a valuable space on your bench. I would also replace mewtwo with another pokemon catcher since they really come in handy against the mirror and mewtwo lowers consistency since you want to concentrate more on setting up the darkrais than a mewtwo.
I agree with Virizion EX too. Another thing i'd change is -1 deino +1 zweillous and -1 ultra ball +1 level. This will help you when you do not get deino turn 1 or hydreigon turn 2 and because having to discard 2 cards (when you dont have basic energy in your hand) is an overprice to get deino or zweillous out!
Mewtwo works well as a late game attacker to get the last 2 prizes, just move all the energys to him and ko anything!
Take out a darkness energy and a dark patch to add in 2 more max potions. Having 4 max potions makes this deck shine.
Hmm, to me both seem like good options. I mean with darkrai's pokemon power and hydreigon's ability to move around dark energies and keldeo for backup wouldn't I be alright against lazerbank? Although I haven't been playing too long so I don't know for a fact.

i agree with you bruno 100%, but I am still on the fence about Virizion EX

Also I'm reconsidering my taking out of bangle, because the whole point of it was for hydreigon and he's not EX so I can get the +30 dmg wich would come in handy against the many EX's out there, but is it worth the trainer slots /hmm
bangle is really great here when u consider hydreigon as a attacker (more common when u have 2 already set up). Dont consider taking out a dark patch, because it'll hurt all the consistency (remenber that hydreigon's attack costs the discard of 2 energy).
The point behind virizion instead of keldeo is you already have the free retreat and move energys, there is no point at all of using keldeo! If your darkrai is poisoned you just retreat to other one and move the energy...
Virizion will be very usefull since u'll not be poisoned at all, avoiding a ko for the 30 extra damage, what it requires is just the attachment of a blend at your active (this is not that hard since you keep moving blends in your camp, just maintain one at your active), got it?
If no one is playing laserbank anymore, why play virizion? A) It's a very bad starter and can slow you down incredibly and B) it lowers consistency within the deck since if your not playing a deck the features special conditions it becomes a wasted card and you will find your self discarding it with a ultra ball/comp. search. Also an extra 30 damage from laserbank is not going to make much difference since most decks out their aim to pull of a OHKO every turn so 30 damage will not be too big of a deal.
Exp Shares are pretty helpful in this deck. You could attach it to a Hydreigon you dont plan to attack with. Once a pokemon gets knocked out a dark energy goes back to your bench without needing dark patches. With 4 dark patches and sableye, it might not be really important. But it will conserve energy when the sableyes get knocked out, and they will.

You can also try Shaymin for a late game attacker. With 4 blend floating around your pokemon, you can easily put it in to play and attack that turn.
I mean I do like the concept of not being poisoned in the first place and I'm not married to keldeo, i just happen to have one on hand haha

once i can get ahold of some more cards in the tcg online i can get to the real testing, i don't know anyone else who plays locally :p
The problem with Keldeo is that he can get status locked as active where as Virizion can't.
I think Virizion also prevents anything that says place damage counters so that can also be helpful.
Also you don't really need bangle if you can put 30 damage on an EX from a previous night spear. I haven't had trouble doing that, but if you do bangles never bad.
Well I took out Keldeo because I bought a box today on a whim and i pulled Virizion EX so that solves that dilemma. And I get what you mean about the previous night spear emolga, that didn't even really occur to me lol.

I really like this deck and I appreciate all of the help you guys have given me so far.
Bruno Benetti said:
I'd change Mewtwo Ex for Cresselia EX, she can OHKO deoxys and mewtwo and dont suffer retaliation from them!

Cresselia is not a very good idea, it takes 4 energies to get going and ruins consistency within the deck. A much better replacement for cresselia is genesect ex with g booster since it can make use of the blends and offers a big attack which can be game changing, Even though you have to discard energies, if you attach blends and darks, you will be able to dark patch those dark energies you had to discard. You only really aim to pull this off once, sometimes twice per game, but It certainly has a huge impact on the game.
I think you should add Absol. A lot of decks in this format get set up quickly and hence get a larger bench faster.
hmm, well I have considered absol from the beginning im just not sure where id make the room.

Virizion is working out swimmingly, im actually suprised. And dark trance with a max potion is just messed up lol

through my testing I've found out that 1.) I might want to run more than 2 max potions, 2.) mewtwo ex really helped when i was playing against a fighting deck but I'm not sure if I can say hes as awesome as i want to because I dont like to have to give mewtwo my blends just to do his big attack, id much rather save the blends for my darkrai or hydreigon to keep them from special conditions but ive only gotten to test a few games.

I am open to taking out mewtwo ex tho if there is something better
Mewtwo EX is run for his first attack, X Ball, primarily. It can wind up doing a very large amount of damage very quickly because not only does it do more damage depending on how many energy you have on yourself, but on the defending Pokemon at that. I wouldn't take him out of this deck because it is a really good card to have in a tight situation, especially when you need just a couple more Prizes, and that benched Deoxys looks mighty tasty.
yeah thats all I've used Mewtwo EX for, because like i mentioned previously I dont want to commit my blends to him, and the xball being colorless allows me to retreat him for free with the dark energies, so all in all I really do like mewtwo ex.

I'm still new to the game, i switched over from yugioh maybe a month ago, So I'm still learning the ins and outs of my deck but I'm finding out that I cant bring myself to throw hands away with juniper so they just stack up in my hand. And I figured that the junipers were to get some energies in the discard but I dont know if my energy count is too low or what, but I haven't yet been in a situation where I had more than 1 energy in my hand at the time I had a juniper.

I may have to play more than I am playing but this is just what I've been thinking about currently