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Darkrai/Hydreigon for Fall 2012 BRs


Aspiring Trainer
Hey, all! So I just finished putting together my Darkrai/Hydreigon deck which I plan on using at my Fall Battle Roads and Regionals.

I was wondering what you all think of it. I posted some questions that I have below my list. Any and all advice is welcomed. Thanks!

Deck List (60 Cards):

Pokemon (15):
3 Deino (2x NV, 1x DR 93)
1 Zweilous (DR 96)
3 Hydreigon (DR 97)
3 Darkrai EX (DE)
1 Mewtwo EX (ND)
1 Shaymin EX (ND)
2 Sableye (DE)
1 Sigilyph (DR)

T/S/S (33):
4 Pokemon Catcher (EP)
4 Max Potion (EP)
3 Dark Patch (DE)
3 Rare Candy (DE)
3 Ultra Ball (DE)
2 Eviolite (NV)
2 Pokemon Communication (BW)
1 Random Receiver (DE)

4 Professor Juniper (DE)
4 N (DE)
2 Bianca (EP)
1 Cheren (DE)

Energy (12):
4 {G}{R}{P}{D} Blend Energy
8 {D} Energy
I've been posting a lot of replies to Darkrai/Hydreigon decks recently! :p I'll give you a few of my opinions about your deck list! I have been testing Darkrai/Hydreigon for the last three weeks or so and have really enjoyed it thus far.

Ultra Ball and Level Ball provide a great Pokemon search engine for this deck. Heavy Ball is not necessary because you have Ultra Ball (of which three is a great amount) which can search out Hydreigon from your deck. Ultra Ball combined with your other draw cards will allow you to play Hydreigon consistently. Having only one of a Trainer card in the BLW-On format will end up hurting the consistency of your deck, especially with the loss of Junk Arm. It will be very hard to draw that one card when you need it the most. You already have enough search power to consistently draw Hydreigon so I would drop your Heavy Ball and add a Level Ball. Level Ball allows you to pull Deino, Zweilous, Sableye and Sigilyph. Having two will boost the consistency of you drawing it when you need it.

-1 Heavy Ball
+1 Level Ball

I noticed that you have two Eviolite and one Rescue Scarf in your list. May I ask why? I'm assuming you want the Rescue Scarf for Hydreigon? Like I mentioned above, having only one of a specific Trainer card will make it very hard to draw when needed. Rescue Scarf might be a bit easier to play considering you can drop it on a Deino as soon as you draw into it, however I don't think it is necessary to the strategy of the deck. It's more of a card that would be great in certain situations but won't be used as much as some other cards that could be put in its place. I recommend dropping the Rescue Scarf and adding another Random Receiver. Increasing your count of Random Receiver to two will increase its consistency. It is a card that I use a lot. It's great when you have no Supporter cards in your hand and it's also beneficial when you have a Supporter in hand that you would rather not play. In that situation Random Receiver gives you a chance at drawing and playing a different Supporter. it can also be retrieved via Sableye's Junk Hunt.

-1 Rescue Scarf
+1 Random Receiver

I tested the deck for about a week using two DRX Hydreigon and one NVI Hydreigon and unfortunately never played the NVI Hydreigon the way I intended. It ended up hurting my chances of getting the DRX Hydreigon in play and took up a space both in the deck and on the bench. I ended up switching to three DRX Hydreigon and zero NVI Hydreigon. Do you find that you're able to play the NVI Hydreigon effectively? If so, I would love it if you would share your experiences with it!

-1 NVI Hydreigon
+1 DRX Hydreigon

In terms of your questions:

1) I haven't used Virizion myself, however I have tested with ShayminEX and ultimately dropped it. I found myself discarding it almost every game. It is terrible starting with a lone ShayminEX and when the end of the game came around I was never able to play it to my advantage, mostly because DarkraiEX was sufficient enough to win the game. Even if you could use ShayminEX to snatch a victory from the jaws of defeat, your Hydreigon will most likely have been Knocked Out and it will be tough to set up ShayminEX with the required energy.

2) I haven't used MewtwoEX but I feel that Sigilyph is the better play. Both Pokemon can be set up with Dark Trance, however Sigilyph can be used to stall against your opponent's EX Pokemon and only gives up one prize.

3) I prefer Bianca over Cheren. I find myself laying down a lot of cards from my hand, Ultra Ball and Professor Juniper. Usually at the very least Bianca will net me three cards and it has been well known to net me four to six cards! Obviously drawing six cards with Bianca is a fairly rare occurrence but I'm almost always able to draw three. Bianca can also really help you recover from a late game N.

4) I believe I answered that somewhere above :p.

I hope this information helps out and isn't "TL;DR" :p. My suggestions are just that, play what works best for you!

[/sand=Secret Pikachu]
Add Tool Scrapper and/or Switch. They both are godly during the Garbodor matchup and switch is awesome in the Accelgor matchup.
RogueChomp said:
Add Tool Scrapper and/or Switch. They both are godly during the Garbodor matchup and switch is awesome in the Accelgor matchup.

What would you take out to add those cards? Have you tested much against those two decks? I haven't tested against Accelgor yet (I plan to), however it would be awesome to hear your results.

I don't think that Tool Scrapper is necessary. It's such a situational card and it doesn't help the main strategy of the deck (it's not necessary for the deck's strategy to succeed). If you were facing Garbador you could Night Spear your opponent's Active Pokemon, place 30 damage on Garbador, and Catcher it up next turn to kill it. It would be annoying if they had a Rescue Scarf and a Trubbish already benched, but I don't think it's too hard to play around it. I played a game against Raikou/Eelektrik, couldn't get my Hydreigon out once, and still manage to pull off the win, so a game isn't an autoloss if you can't play Hydreigon.

In terms of Accelgor, my guess is that because they have to pick up their Accelgor and all cards attached to it and put them back into your deck the paralysis won't be happening turn after turn and you'll be able to get some Night Spears off and play around it as well, however, like I said, I haven't tested this match-up yet.
I've tested garbodor vs. Hydreigon. If you don't run Tool Scrapper, they just catcher your Hydreigon. Now you can't retreat. You need 4 energy to attack and 3 to retreat. So Tool Scrapper is definitally needed unless you want to have a hard time against Garbodor.
Cut Rescue Scarf for it.
RogueChomp said:
I've tested garbodor vs. Hydreigon. If you don't run Tool Scrapper, they just catcher your Hydreigon. Now you can't retreat. You need 4 energy to attack and 3 to retreat. So Tool Scrapper is definitally needed unless you want to have a hard time against Garbodor.
Cut Rescue Scarf for it.

That makes sense, I wasn't thinking about Hydreigon's high retreat cost. I'd almost rather them kill the Hydreigon and potentially have to take a seventh prize in the end than waste time retreating it, especially if I feel I will be ability-locked for the rest of the game.

You said to cut Rescue Scarf and add one Tool Scrapper. I think that having only one Tool Scrapper will make it incredibly hard to draw when you need it, heck, it could even be prized. Do you run any in your Darkrai/Hydreigon deck, and if so, how many?

Perhaps instead of adding Tool Scrapper to combat Garbador you could add Switch to combat both Garbador and Accelgor? That makes for more situations in which the card is needed.

More testing is required :D. Thanks for your insight!
Secret Pikachu said:
Perhaps instead of adding Tool Scrapper to combat Garbador you could add Switch to combat both Garbador and Accelgor? That makes for more situations in which the card is needed.

Thats what I said before XD

I run 1 Scrapper. Reason being is that it helps, but against most Garbo variants you can retreat or get KOd. I cut a Sableye for it though, because I didn't run Rescue Scarf in the 1st place.
id use shaymin over virizion, shaymin can 1hko, virizion scores 2hkos...(catcher can prevent sweepss also doesnt do emough damage to 1hko terrakion ex)

sigilyph wins the mewtwo war

they are both techs to counter certain popular pokemon no other use then that.
RogueChomp said:
Thats what I said before XD

I run 1 Scrapper. Reason being is that it helps, but against most Garbo variants you can retreat or get KOd. I cut a Sableye for it though, because I didn't run Rescue Scarf in the 1st place.

I know :p. I just meant instead of running "Tool Scrapper and/or Switch" that you could just run Switch and no Tool Scrapper.
Thanks for all of the replies! Okay, so in response to everything... :)

I took out the Heavy Ball for a second Level Ball.

I think for now I will keep in the one Hydreigon NV. I have seen quite a few deck lists include it, and with low-HP support Pokemon being so common in this format, the combination of Hydreigon NV and Darkrai EX sniping together can really get you some cheap and fast prizes. One article on http://google.com/ gave a scenario where you can potentially take four prizes in one turn, and I don't mean with EX KOs. It was against Fluffychomp I believe. I'll see what works better and let you guys know, either the three Hydreigon DR 97 or a 2-1 split.

I read an article on http://google.com/ which said that Rescue Scarf could be really great at keeping those Hydreigon-lines in play, but that list had two in the deck, not one. So, I'll take it out for either a Switch or a Tool Scrapper. I'm not sure which is the better card to include though! I was even thinking of a Dark Claw or PlusPower, but Tool Scrapper or Switch would be better I think. This is what testing is for! Let me know how it goes for you guys and what you think is the better one-of card to include.

Lastly, I really do believe that Virizion NV is the better than Shaymin EX in this deck. Although it can't OHKO Terrakion EX (or even a normal Terrakion at first), it really does have a lot going for it. Same 110 HP as Shaymin EX, same 1 Retreat Cost, same two Energy cost to attack. Now here are its pros over Shaymin EX. Virizion NV only gives up one prize AND it's first attack Double Draw is straight up draw power. it is really a great Pokemon to start with in this deck. I did a few turn-one draws, just to see what I would get, and luckly I started with Virizion NV two out of the three times! In terms of consistency, it is a mych better choice than Shaymin EX.
i would buff up the sableye count, i find him to be the best starter for this deck(you shouldn't start with virizion). you can ask terrakion players what they fear more shaymin or virizion... 99% of the time they will say shaymin. shaymin takes faster kos and leaving them with less time to set up its well worth the price exchange. terrakion deck wont be able to ko your shaymin if you are able to move around energy+max potion. shaymin can wreck terrakion decks bad. thats why id recommend having least 2 tool scrapers in the deck (accelgor pfft.... i wouldnt worry bout that deck, itll be a very under-used rogue deck that alot of decks can beat easily)

id recommand trying out a high count of sableye first to change your mind about starting with virizion as an option
Okay, you convinced me. Shaymin EX in, Virizion NV out! I didn't even realize that Shaymin EX has Fighting Resistance. Thank you Sky Forme!

As for the third Sableye, what would I take out for it?
You have to play Garbodor like Speed Darkrai, get a butt-load of energy onto multiple Darkrai's and use your Catchers, take out Trubbish's quick and don't play Dieno until you know it's safe. Play Shaymin EX A.S.A.P. Even with this srategy, it's a very uphill Battle, so good luck.

As for the deck, it looks great.:)
Well I would only drop the Shaymin EX if I see they use the Terrakion version of Garbodor. Thanks for the tips.
Trexroarr said:
Well I would only drop the Shaymin EX if I see they use the Terrakion version of Garbodor. Thanks for the tips.

I agree. I wonder how popular Garbador/Terrakion decks will be. I started testing against it a bit more tonight (I played three games which is a very small amount). To be honest I was having a terrible time. I lost the first two games and only drew one prize in the first game and zero prizes in the second game. During the third game I had still not drawn a prize and my girlfriend had one prize left, however I was finally able to turn the tides with an Eviolited DarkraiEX to take the win.

I was really wishing that I had kept ShayminEX in my deck during this game, however like I said at the beginning of this post, I would like to know how popular Garbador/Terrakion is before I determine if I should shake up my deck list a little bit to be able to counter it.
I'm going to a League tournament tomorrow. Still not sure what I should replace Rescue Scarf with. Tool Scrapper or Switch?
@Trexroarr I would recommend replacing Rescue Scarf with Tool Scrapper. Darkrai EX gives free retreat so almost no need for Switch (Unless you keep nulligan-ing (no darkrai'ing))
Tool Scrapper lets you get rid of Garbordor's ability for a turn, and you can Sableye it over and over. Tool Scrapper'ing it is very useful, as if you are down 3 prizes, you can set up Shaymin EX by moving the energies, free retreat, sweep.
I made some edits to my original list.

In addition to the Sigilyph, I added in a Mewtwo EX. It is just such a good card, I feel like this deck could use the extra power. I played one copy in my Klinklang deck last format, and it worked wonders.

I swapped out the two Level Ball for two Pokemon Communication. I just can't seem to get out Darkrai EX and Hydreigon fast enough with only three Ultra Ball. I like Communication a lot more than Level Ball.

Lastly, I took out a Bianca for a second Random Reciever. I prefer to have two Recievers over the three Bianca. Worked out in my Klinklang deck, so why not?

I still have no idea on how to work in Tool Scrapper/Switch.

Please let me know what you all think. :)
Tomorrow is my first Battle Road. Any last minute advice?

I would still like to work in a Tool Scrapper, but I think a Super Rod is actually more important.
I would suggest taking out the Hydreion NV for a scrapper. 60/40/40 is less important than missing a KO because of an Eviolite or getting destroyed by Garbodor.

Anyway, in terms of strategy, I have a few tips (based on using this deck myself):

1. Kill Terrakion. Like, ASAP. I promise it will come back to haunt you if you don't. I've played numerous matches where I didn't kill the Terrakion because it wasn't a threat, and then had it destroy me later when I was out of catchers.

2. Keep a Sableye handy late game. There are situations where that extra catcher or Max Potion can save you, even at the very end of the game.

3. Use Shaymin EX to its fullest extent. It can easily sweep late game and if you took prizes early, you should have no problem finishing the opponent off. Just remember not to drop it too early.

4. Don't panic if your Hydreigon gets taken out. Darkrai can easily function on its own.

And finally, don't get frustrated if you get a bad setup. Especially with Shaymin EX, this deck can easily come back from behind and completely crush a opponent who has no resources left.

I hope I helped, and good luck!