Debate! Wii vs. PS3 vs. 360


I know there are many people that believe very strongly about which system is the best. Some can back their views up with good solid facts, where others...can't. Here is where people who want to show off their console facts can shine, and hopefully people can choose the best system chosen as a whole. I'll join in too.

Wii is the best console- PS3 has a huge price, bad selection, and a Wii clone controller. 360 is nothing special. Wii has a unique controller, great games, Virtual Console, GCN compatibility(5 gens of A+ games), small price, and is the only console that CAN get Nintendo first-party.
definitly the wii it has a controller that lets you feel like you are in the game plus the game selection.
Agreed. The freehand controller is amazing, and only on Wii wil you be able to get Super Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime 3, Pokemon Battle Revolution, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, etc.
Hmm, the PS3 looks sort of similar to...umm, I dunno...THE PS2. The price of the Will will be less than half of the PS3.

ps3 cause it has the best games.
That's funny, all of us Wii fanboys seem to have tons of information, but that's all you can offer? When I find a link on Yahoo I'll edit this post.
Do u Nintendo Fanboyz 'n girlz know that Wii isn't gonna play B-R or HD.
They say that PS3 is gonna be one of the chipest B-r players!!!
I would choose PS3
Please see Here for reasons why the PS3 will be a bad choice to start off with. Not only is there strictly limited games, but most are just revamps and offer no new 'gaming experience' at all. Sure, go for a PS3 if you want to waste your money.
BR is pointless; does it really MATTER if you can see their pores? HD, well it's still a new format. Would you have bought a Laser Disc player?
oh well i dont care about it anymore i just said ps3 cuz of wwe smackdown vs. raw 2007 but i rembered it also on psp.
so wii would be a good choice.

1st is WII
2nd PS3
3rd 360
cause the japanese people make the best systems so the american ones are just amateurs.
friggen fan boyz are so pointless and annoying...
this thread is pointless becuz only nintendo "fan boyz" are posting in it...

i think the ps3>wii
the most annoying things about the wii are
1.the stupid name...
2.fruity little controlers
3.all the fanboyz that worship it
[/end rant]
RE:  Debate! Wii vs. PS3 vs. 360

Abhorsen said:
Please see Here for reasons why the PS3 will be a bad choice to start off with. Not only is there strictly limited games, but most are just revamps and offer no new 'gaming experience' at all. Sure, go for a PS3 if you want to waste your money.
amm... I saw it becouse I opened this thread!!!
BR is pointless; does it really MATTER if you can see their pores? HD, well it's still a new format. Would you have bought a Laser Disc player?

err... YES
Well, one thing is for sure, the PS3 is turning many gamers away due to its $500 - $600 price tag and $60 - $100 game price tags. Blu-Ray support may be a contributing factor for the cost of the console. It also has reverse compatibility with older PlayStation games. It is looking like it will be getting a Grand Theft Auto game, a few Final Fantasy games, Metal Gear, and possibly a Kingdom Hearts game as well. The controller is virtually the DualShock controller, but with a gyroscopic feature recently added.

It is hard to justify buying a console when it has only a few game series that people like on it, and is as expensive as buying another game console and several games for it. I don't see enough games to make it worthwhile buying; it might be possible that some of these games will be released on other consoles anyway. I suppose Sony could drop the price of the console and the games later on. Still, I have trouble with Sony's business practices. Between the lawsuits with the copyright infringement on the dualshock controller, the disc read problems, the virus-like Extended Copy Protection for their music, and now the rip on the Wii's controller, I won't be buying their consoles or products.

I don't know much about the 360, even though it has been released. It gets the Dead or Alive series, and its biggest wildcard is Halo. Rare is now on board with Microsoft, so it will be interesting to see what games they decide to release. Microsoft's console also has an expensive price tag. It might go down over time, though, but I just don't know. I've also read that the console and games are prone to hardware failure or difficulties, such as disc scratching or overheating.

The Wii is getting everyone charged up, despite the weird name for a console. It is expected to cost less than $250, and the games cost around $50. This of course, could change. The trailer for SSBB looks pretty good, but this is still in the early stages; things can still change over time. We still don't know how many games will be out. The console is compatible with the GameCube's controllers, memory card, and games, so it can double up as a GameCube (no GBA Player, though). It also has the Virtual Console, which allows players to download games released on older consoles, including some of Sega's consoles. The cost for those games are expected to be around $20. Not all of the games will make it to the Virtual Console; only a selection will. Finally, the Wii has a unique two-piece controller, and a standard controller to play other and older games.

Based on what I have seen so far, I have my chips down on the Wii. I like the cost of the console and the games, and the controller is nice; I don't like the other controllers so much because they have too many buttons and controls, in my opinion. I also like the Virtual Console; there are several games that I never got to play on the SNES and the N64, so I hope those games will make it on the Virtual Console.

While it seems that the Wii, is ahead, things can always change. It was only a while ago where many people expected it to flop, but has since made a big comeback with its revelation at the Electronic Entertainment Exposition. There is still some time between now at both the PS3's and the Wii's release date, so developments still have the potential to occur. I am interested in seeing how these consoles and games perform when they are released.

Most of the facts here came from Wikipedia.
RE:  Debate! Wii vs. PS3 vs. 360

sceptilerancher said:
i think the ps3>wii
the most annoying things about the wii are
1.the stupid name...
2.fruity little controlers
3.all the fanboyz that worship it
[/end rant]
1.) Oh, heaven forbid Nintendo actually come up with a CREATIVE, ORIGINAL name, and not name their console the Gamecube2, then Gamecube3, and so on...
2.) If you hate the controller so much, why do you support Sony who ripped off the "fruity little controller" and added the motion sensors to their boomerang?
3.) Well, you sure sound like a PS3 fanboy who worships it.
Downloads old games
Old faves return
Nice size
DVD player
Backwards compatable
Good Launch titles
Controller may take practice
Name is easily badly punned by the ignorent and stupid
No HDDVD or Blu Ray

Blu Ray Player
Backwards compatable
New titles in older series, eg: FF
Blu Ray may flop
Games price
farely large
Not to many good launch titles

X-Box 360:
Reasonable price
Backwards compatable
Few descent titles
Plays HDDVD soon
Games price
HDDVD may flop
Farely large
not many titles that attract alot of people
Tech nerds hate M$, so it gets a bad name

Wii kinda wins and I was a sega fanboy, now rogue gamer.
Awww...c'mon, why is everybody discussing this? The consoles haven't even been released yet, so noone knows exactly what's going to happen. But, what happened when Sony and Nintendo were releasing PS2 and Gamecube, respectively? Alright, the game library for PS2 wasn't so good and it was more expensive than the little Gamecube, but it was way more sold than the Cube. So, the point is: why something like this is unexpected to happen again?
i think the ps3>wii
the most annoying things about the wii are
1.the stupid name...
2.fruity little controlers
3.all the fanboyz that worship it

Umm, yeah. Is that all you can offer to this debate? No actual information? Actually, that's pretty much what very single PS3/360 fan ever says. While we're here backing up the Wii with solid facts you would choose not to buy it based 33% on the fact that it has a stupid name? That's mudslinging! Want me to make fun of the PS3 controller? (If you throw the PS3 controller in a fit of rage based on the terrible gameplay, it will come back to you!) Anyway, it's not like I'm a complete Nintendo idiot, well actually I am, but I still own a PS2. I'm just making an educated choice. Go ahead and waste your money on the PS3, I'll be playing SSBB as Metanight and laughing.
Agreed. Except I'll be the Pit that owns your mind, as you starve from PS3 costing your food budget.

Nice, I would be Pit except I'm a big Kirby fan (plus, my friend has dibs on Pit for most used character)


Yes, I believe that pretty much sums it up. Once again, Nintendo wins hands down. If there are any people that disagree, prove us wrong, but please, make a statement that doesn't waste our time.