Deck Discussion #11: Gechamp (DP-SV)

What do you think of Gechamp?

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Mapleboy86 said:
Machamp combos better with other things (like Rampardos)
Gengar combos better with other things (like Metagross)

Ugh, silly statement. Machamp and Ramaprdos have no synergy and don't compliment each other at all. There is no point running them in the same deck.

Metagross is a bad combo for Gengar. Gengar doesn't need the -20 HP to KO techs like Claydol, it can just use Crobats. People seem to forget that Metagross reduces your own HP as well, so it's doing you as much harm as your opponent.

on topic though... As a SP killer, Machamp/Flygon is better (it's worlds showings were great)
Machamp and Rampardos actually have a slight bit of synergy. Machamp is good early game and owns SPs, but once the opponent starts to Unown G/evolve Machamp fails. That's where Rampardos comes in; 80 for 1. Rampardos also can't come into play with Dialga G around, but Machamp owns him. However, I'd say GeChamp is a better combo than this only because Rampardos is a fossil.

As far as a better SP killer, I'd say Flygon/Mewtwo over Flygon/Machamp. I'd rather have my opponent unable to do anything than get one or two KOs. I know there's stuff like Ninetales and Manectric but you can return the KO with Flygon and you in general have faster recovery than SPs (when they're trying to recover a non-SP stage 1).
Flygon mewtwo=very scared of a SMART luxape player. Cuz' of Ninetales MT and if played Crobat G. Let's look at this they're completely locked then boom there comes ninetales, w/ a lil' bit of help from Crobat G say bye bye to Flygon X and then Ninetales is meant for Mewtwo in the first place BTW.
Although FlyChamp is scared too cuz' of Uxie X if in the deck. So really neither one of these anti-SP should beat Luxape as long as they have the right techs.
Ariadosguy said:
Metagross is a bad combo for Gengar. Gengar doesn't need the -20 HP to KO techs like Claydol, it can just use Crobats. People seem to forget that Metagross reduces your own HP as well, so it's doing you as much harm as your opponent.

But that means Gengar's Fainting spell activates faster, giving the opponent a tough decision; go straightforward and KO Gengar, risking the power, or having to rethink their deck's entire strategy, which would be disasterous for some decks. Crobat requires poketurn to use again, and is only used on one pokemon. See my point?
It's alot harder to do 100 nowadays than to do 80. And without Nidoqueen you'll risk Skuntank/Crobat/Uxie alot more.
Gengar having 90 HP instead of 110 doesn't make it harder to play around fainting spell. In fact, with no nidoqueen, now it's ridiculously easy to play around. Additionally, Metagross can't attack like nidoqueen can. Also, metagross means your claydol has 60 HP, and now gets OHKO'd by a luxray. Whoops!

Rampardos just clogs up machamp. Machamp should just level up to get rid of big threats.

machamp/flygon is better than mewtwo/flygon because machamp is also a good attacker against non-SP decks (especially normal flygon).
Flygon mewtwo=very scared of a SMART luxape player. Cuz' of Ninetales MT and if played Crobat G. Let's look at this they're completely locked then boom there comes ninetales, w/ a lil' bit of help from Crobat G say bye bye to Flygon X and then Ninetales is meant for Mewtwo in the first place BTW.
Although FlyChamp is scared too cuz' of Uxie X if in the deck. So really neither one of these anti-SP should beat Luxape as long as they have the right techs.
Ninetales is meant for Mewtwo? I had absolutely no idea whatsoever. I just figured the fact that it OHKOs Mewtwo is another tiny little plus. :p But honestly, I've seen less and less variants with Ninetales. So it KOs Flygon X. The a benched Flygon comes back up and OHKOs him back and then Mewtwo dominates. :) I've seen more and more Luxapes with Dialga G or Manectric as Ninetales has low HP and a virtually useless basic. Dialga can Deafen and Electrike has Roar and free retreat. Manectric also stops Luxray's bench damage and the spread is epic. Dialga G hurts Mother Gengar, stopping the healing and it occasionally hurts Beedrill too if you get really really really lucky on Remove Lost flips and they're having trouble setting up. I personally don't like Dialga. And I'm just curious. Have you ever even tested Flygon/Machamp against this? Uxie only has 90 HP, making it easily OHKO'd by Flygon or Flygon LV. X. Flygon LV. X also KOs Luxray X and Infernape X, neither of which are capable of KOing Flygon X back unless you drop 4 Crobat (something very hard to get late-game), AND discards key Energy Gain/Poke Turn/Night Maintenance from your deck. If I get rid of your Ninetales with Flygon, I'll try and get only Mewtwo LV. X out (no other Pokemon) then wait until you bench Vulpix to bench other stuff (you couldn't evolve on the same turn unless you're strange and run Broken Time-Space).

But that means Gengar's Fainting spell activates faster, giving the opponent a tough decision; go straightforward and KO Gengar, risking the power, or having to rethink their deck's entire strategy, which would be disasterous for some decks. Crobat requires poketurn to use again, and is only used on one pokemon. See my point?
Well unless your opponent takes like 10 minutes thinking about the decision, they should be able to make the right play and take advantage of Gengar's lower HP. In a deck like Flygon, Weavile w/ Special Darks or Uxie LV. X (which usually shouldn't be run) can OHKO Gengar after a Dark Engage without risking Flygons. Beedrill only needs 3 Beedrill out for a KO now, meaning it doesn't matter if you KO a Benched Beedrill with Shadow Room and an active with Fainting Spell in one turn. Opposing Mother Gengars will have the edge because all the HPs are even but they're healing damage off. SPs like Palkia, Gallade and Luxape will love being able to inflict spread damage, especially on lower HP Pokemon. And Metagross requires Beldum, Rare Candy and Metagross. I'd say it's easier to get a Poke Turn than a Rare Candy after you've used 2 of them on Gengars.

Also, back on topic lol, GeChamp was a deck I considered playing for Nationals and Worlds. I think I can explain a bit better why I think it's inconsistent. What my results turned out to be were that it's an option deck, especially with Relnicath. My list runs SSU, so you have to decide what to use that on. Basically everything in this deck can attack; Gengar and its line, Machamp and its line, Claydol and its line, Uxie, Unown G, Crobat G, Relnicath, etc. That's what makes this deck good, but having so many attackers makes this deck inconsistent as well. I wouldn't be surprised if it setup 4 of its matches in a 4 round BR (Top 4 cut) that it won. But I'd be very surprised if it setup 12-13 times out of 14 matches at a Nationals. There was a time when this deck didn't have to setup back when Dialga was the dominant deck, but now it has to pretty much every game. I've played games vs. GeChamp where I get 1 Unown G'd Infernape X and swept through every one of their Gengars (100+Flash Bite) and use Uxie LV. X for Machamp. Once Luxray KOs Claydol it's over. It also can't stand up to a lock or a high-HP Stage 2.

Edit- Ariadosguy, Mewtwo X does 120 every other turn and has virtually 30 more HP than Machamp LV. X, which should average a total of 120 every turn assuming it survives. But I suppose it does make sense that Machamp is somewhat more effective as you're already running Fighting energy for Claydol.
I have tested the FlyChamp vs. Luxape matchup, Flygon tends to win and the Machamp really doesn't decide the match. Also GeChamp does have consistency issues, its why I got owned in the Top 64 at Nats. I probably would have lost anyway because it was against Mother Gengar but it would have been a game if my deck would have set up. Also this deck totally needs Claydol. Decks that use Luxray GL can just kill the Claydol and then this deck just dies out.
I don't waste my time on this deck PokeChamp; I don't like it anyway. It was a counter deck at one time, not anymore.
Brawler said:
I don't waste my time on this deck PokeChamp; I don't like it anyway. It was a counter deck at one time, not anymore.

are you joking????/
the only new decks we got with supreme victors is sp decks.
name one new stage 2 deck we got that is any good.
it counters sp decks.
therefore its a good counter.