Deck Discussion #4: Machamp

why don't we stop calling it macheap and just call it madchamp!
Lou Cypher said:
Rephrase: ANY pokemon can beat it given no sick luck on Macheaps side (coughcoinflips/donkcough)

Well once again, the good varieties focus on getting an early Strong Willed in case you missed the DONK (which, at least when I play, I do not consider the main point of the deck, but rather, a nice thing for me if I manage to start with it in my hand). I mentioned Weavile in my last post: T2 Strong Willed doing 100 damage is VERY scary, provided you Shadow Charged 2 sp. Dark energies!

And you really can't say that Machamp decks have sick luck when Gengar is around. Besides, you have the same odds of getting 120 as you do getting 0, so that isn't a big deal anyway.

And LOL at the picture!! :p
To all SP Players-
Survive T1
Use Toxicroak G(PL) or Dusknoir FB FTW later.
That's all you need to do.
Also AMU and Machamp is a very interesting Matchup to watch, Machamp gets early advantage and then AMU comes back. Just barely in Machamp's favor.
Macheap, Madchamp... The point is he's madly cheap. What discussion is there anyway other than whether the deck is good or cheap or or not? There are no combos or techs to add to something like that.
People. If Machamp was as cheap and broken as everyone says, It would be on top of the format. It isn't

This is how I used to play; not exactly though.

4-2-3-1 Champ (SF) (donking and rage if needed.) (Champ X for powerr boost when you need a quick KO.)
4-2-4 Ramp ( PT) (consistant damage)
1-1 kazam (anti-UG)
3 Crobat G ( for buffered draw support)
1-1 claydol or 2 uxie (draw support)

27 pokes

4 RC
4 Rose
1 luxary
3 volkners
2 escavator
2 NM
3 bebes


7-8 fighting
1-2 Call.
to me its just a cheap card that anyone can win with if you build the deck right.
its no fun o play and a skilled player can easily play around it(if there is no donk)
its really inconsistent
and it is terrible against other stage 2s
trevorispro said:
to me its just a cheap card that anyone can win with if you build the deck right.
its no fun o play and a skilled player can easily play around it(if there is no donk)
its really inconsistent
and it is terrible against other stage 2s
A skilled machamp player doesn't play machamp straight.
A skilled machamp player knows that donkless machamp = Epic Phail, so they play without needing machamp
Machamp can OHKO - All SP's (Kazam)
Rampardos can OHKO, or 2HKO any card in format (Gengar w/crobats, Buffered Drawers with SP)
If you have machamp or rampardos out by T2 (which you easily should), the rest comes easy as you can get more on your bench fast, and charge them up fast.
Juliacoolo said:
trevorispro said:
to me its just a cheap card that anyone can win with if you build the deck right.
its no fun o play and a skilled player can easily play around it(if there is no donk)
its really inconsistent
and it is terrible against other stage 2s
A skilled machamp player doesn't play machamp straight.
A skilled machamp player knows that donkless machamp = Epic Phail, so they play without needing machamp
Machamp can OHKO - All SP's (Kazam)
Rampardos can OHKO, or 2HKO any card in format (Gengar w/crobats, Buffered Drawers with SP)
If you have machamp or rampardos out by T2 (which you easily should), the rest comes easy as you can get more on your bench fast, and charge them up fast.
basically you said skilled machamp players make there deck more inconsistant and not as donk reliant(machamps only redeeming quality)
you said a skilled machamp player plays a deck with an attacker that it doesnt really need out side of the donk aka a tech?
machamp ohko any pokemon on turn 1-2 and then if it doesnt unless the flip all head consistently they are already behind.
rampardos is a fossil making it difficult to recover and inconsistent.
machamp just isnt that great outside of the donk and rampchamp is evenmore inconsistant and just a little bit better then pure machamp in the late game .
Straight Champ stinks I tried it before. I guess you could play it with Metagross. I think it is a cheap deck and is very unskilled to donk someone. I personally think GeChamp which I played at Nats. is a great deck. It uses Cheap to help with SPs and basic decks. Gengar just takes care of the rest. This can also be teched in Kingdra.
Mr. Random said:
That thing terrorizes AMU and SP's.

AMU without Unown G can still beat Machamp. It HAS happened.

Anyway, to be honest the Machamp most likely to win is the donking one. The real best way to ensure the donk is to run 3 Uxie instead of any Claydol, and run 4-2-4 Machamp. I've told everyone, MACHAMP LV.X IS NOT WORTH IT. Nor is the DP one.