• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

    When posting in a thread, be sure to explain all your suggestions thoroughly. Additionally, do not ask for advice in another member's thread.

Deck name: "Iron Shell o_O" Tournament: Battle Road Spring


Pokemon: 19

2-2-2 Emboar BW (#15-#17-#20)
2-2 Fortress LA
4 Sableye SF
2 Unown HGSS (#54)
2 Uxie LA
1 Azelf LA

T/S/ST: 25

3 Broken Time Space
2 Seeker
3 Bebe's Search
3 Pokemon Collector
4 Super Scoop Up
4 Pokedrawer +
1 Luxury Ball
3 Pokemon Communication
2 Pokemon Rescue

Energy: 16

16 Basic Fire Energy


Wipe out your opponent's field with Fortress! Every time you attach an energy to it, you flip a coin. If tails, do 20 to all Pokemon in play excluding any Fortress. Use Emboar to attach lots of energy, Unown to return them and do it again, Uxie for draw power and Sableye to go first/set up. Good luck!


EDIT: New rule. DON'T SUGGEST SHUCKLE PROMO. From now on anyone who suggests Shuckle promo will be reported for spamming on my thread.
I don't like Shuckle because he uses the energy attachments that could have been used on Iron Shell. Also, my engine is already fairly powerful and usually sets up the deck by turn 3.

Ehh, I still don't think it's worth it. Also, Shuckle would be another Pokemon on my bench that gets easily KOed. List updated BTW.

I really like this idea haha. Very flippy but could be fun. Id throw in a few moo moo milks probably just 2 though in case you have to heal something up and you find yourself without a seeker or a scoop up fails.
Emboar has 150 hp, correct - but the aim of this deck is to knock everything out except forretress. Emboar dies when the 8th coin flips heads. The only other pokemon with 150 hp or more are a) other emboars, or b) tyranitar prime.

If you're knocking out your own emboar, you've won the game.
xDMVx said:
I really like this idea haha. Very flippy but could be fun. Id throw in a few moo moo milks probably just 2 though in case you have to heal something up and you find yourself without a seeker or a scoop up fails.
I really have no need to heal anything.

Jahikoi said:
Emboar has 150 hp, correct - but the aim of this deck is to knock everything out except forretress. Emboar dies when the 8th coin flips heads. The only other pokemon with 150 hp or more are a) other emboars, or b) tyranitar prime.

If you're knocking out your own emboar, you've won the game.
Finally, someone understands! :D

Tiftonhotchild said:
I think adding one Promokle (promo shuckle) would be good.
I said it before and I'll say it again; I don't want to add Shuckle.

If you're playing the Emboar/Forretress combo, you NEED Shuckle in there to go off in one turn. The idea is to drop Pineco, Forretress (off BTS), Shuckle, and draw a bunch of cards with the energy, so you can hit enough to win the game that turn. It's like in Magic and other games with combo decks: there's no such thing as a hybrid combo deck. Dedicate your ENTIRE deck to comboing off.

I'll say this ONE LAST TIME. I'm NOT adding Shukle. Everyone stop suggesting it. I need all my energy attachments for Fortress. Also, this isn't a T1 deck. It usually sets up by turn 3 and sometimes turn 2. Why would I have Sableye if this was a T1 deck?

^Nobody plays that anymore. Everyone want to get a big step on the other for the rotation. Usually competitive people plays that deck, but they are trying their new decks for BR. Only people who want to play for fun (like this guy) do a deck MD-on, because of the deadly combinaison of some cards (Sabledonk, this Foretress).


Lol, maybe you just can't get Shuckle, that is the reason you don't want to put it. Why is everyone suggesting it to you? Because it works.
If your deck is so perfect, why posting it on Beach?
@Dratini: Hopefully they won't get it out. =p But if they do, and they bring it active, I can OHKO it with Emboar.

@wang zitong: I don't want to add Shuckle because I don't think it's worth it. Also, I don't think my deck is perfect, I just don't want people suggesting the same card over and over.

@Zangoose: ...

"Saving your energy attachments for Forretress" huh? I'd like to introduce you to Seeker, Super Scoop Up, and Unown Return? All of these get your energy back and turn shuckle into pure profit; that's the point.
Kittymew said:
"Saving your energy attachments for Forretress" huh? I'd like to introduce you to Seeker, Super Scoop Up, and Unown Return? All of these get your energy back and turn shuckle into pure profit; that's the point.

Please read the bottom of the first post on this thread.
