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Demmy's Gotta Catch 'Em All! [H]: Lv. X's, Primes, Staples

lol @ above offer -- um, i have roseannes research LP and im looking for RH DCE or some holo basic energies.
How about
2 Roseanne's Research
1 Rare Candy
1 Nidoking BS
2 of any Rare from Base Set.

8 Poketurn


@Islam Soliman where did you get those prices? Because Mespirit is worth way more than 5 bucks.
My Flygon Lv. X (30 - 40)

4 Energy Gains (10)
3 Power Sprays (3)
3 Luxray GLs (9)
2 Garchomp C (3)
+ a few more things

I am looking for poketurns and there are mentions in the thread about them. Do you still have any? Thanks
Shadelon: Glaceon Lv. X was part of a working trade that was jus' finalized.. Are you interested in anything else?
Amisheskimoninja: I'm interested in all the cards you listed [1 of each] besides the Pikachus from Holon Phantoms.. I have more than one Gardevoir now, too.. Are you interested in anything else? Make an offer. :]
Thegame8228: From you're list, I'd be interested in.. Lt. Surge' Pikachu an' then.. Dragonair, Electrode, an' Dugtrio from Base Set. These are jus' collection wants, so they're pretty much mint, right? Lemme know what you're interested in :]

Dragonitetim: I’m interested in everything you listed except the Shining Celebi. From what you were interested in, I still have the..
Energy Gains
Power Spray
Cyrus’s Conspiracy
Donphan Prime

Is there anything else you’re interested in? Either way, make an offer. :]
I jus’ traded my last shining star so all I have are EX’s and regular rares from EX sets. I should have the list updated by the end of tonight.

Islam Soliman: As the two posters below you said, your offer is completely ridiculous. Because of this and the fact that you have 1 negative ref an’ 2 neutral ones, I’m going to have to decline any offers you make. Sorry.

Soariyant: I don’t have any reverse holo Double Colorless.. For holo energies, I have..
Fire Energy [Power Keepers] x2
Fire Energy [Holon Phantoms] x2
Water Energy [Holon Phantoms] x1
Psychic Energy [Holon Phantoms] x1
Grass Energy [Holon Phantoms] x1

I collect the matrix ones from Emerald, so these are the only basic holos I have.

CyndaquilMaster: Unfortunately, the Poketurns jus' got shipped out for trade. Are you interested in anything else? I'm still interested in your Candies an' some Base Set stuff.

My58vw: I no longer have the Garchomp C’s or the Poketurns but I am still interested.. Like I said earlier in this post, I should have the list updated by tonight [I may have to finish it tomorrow after work].

NOTE: I am working on updating/reorganizing the list. It should be updated by tonight [4/4/10] or tomorrow night [4/5/10] after I get off work. Sorry for any inconvenience. =/
Do you have any rare candy and DCEs (any set)?

Demmy said:
Shadelon: Glaceon Lv. X was part of a working trade that was jus' finalized.. Are you interested in anything else?
Amisheskimoninja: I'm interested in all the cards you listed [1 of each] besides the Pikachus from Holon Phantoms.. I have more than one Gardevoir now, too.. Are you interested in anything else? Make an offer. :]
Thegame8228: From you're list, I'd be interested in.. Lt. Surge' Pikachu an' then.. Dragonair, Electrode, an' Dugtrio from Base Set. These are jus' collection wants, so they're pretty much mint, right? Lemme know what you're interested in :]

Dragonitetim: I’m interested in everything you listed except the Shining Celebi. From what you were interested in, I still have the..
Energy Gains
Power Spray
Cyrus’s Conspiracy
Donphan Prime

Is there anything else you’re interested in? Either way, make an offer. :]
I jus’ traded my last shining star so all I have are EX’s and regular rares from EX sets. I should have the list updated by the end of tonight.

Islam Soliman: As the two posters below you said, your offer is completely ridiculous. Because of this and the fact that you have 1 negative ref an’ 2 neutral ones, I’m going to have to decline any offers you make. Sorry.

Soariyant: I don’t have any reverse holo Double Colorless.. For holo energies, I have..
Fire Energy [Power Keepers] x2
Fire Energy [Holon Phantoms] x2
Water Energy [Holon Phantoms] x1
Psychic Energy [Holon Phantoms] x1
Grass Energy [Holon Phantoms] x1

I collect the matrix ones from Emerald, so these are the only basic holos I have.

CyndaquilMaster: Unfortunately, the Poketurns jus' got shipped out for trade. Are you interested in anything else? I'm still interested in your Candies an' some Base Set stuff.

My58vw: I no longer have the Garchomp C’s or the Poketurns but I am still interested.. Like I said earlier in this post, I should have the list updated by tonight [I may have to finish it tomorrow after work].

NOTE: I am working on updating/reorganizing the list. It should be updated by tonight [4/4/10] or tomorrow night [4/5/10] after I get off work. Sorry for any inconvenience. =/
Ok -- Can I trade you maybe 2 roseanne's LP and some pikachu cards (maybe like 2 HGSS ones?) for all of those holo energies? I value the holo energies at a buck a piece and the roseannes LP at like 2.50 minimum and 5$ max. and the HGSS pikachus at .25 the least and .50 the most.
Dragonitetim: No, not for trade.. I'm actually looking for some. I jus' updated the list an' still have more to add, hopefully tomorrow.

Soariyant: I'd be willing to do 3 holo energies per Roseanne's. Also, I update my haves/wants.. From what you're looking for, I also have Charizard from AR, Ninetails [HGSS] an' two video games. Feel free to look at my updated wants an' make an offer. :]
ok, then i could do 2x roseannes and a couple pikachu throw-ins for the 7 energies that you listed. i dont have anything that u want for the charizard.
Soariyant: Which Pikachus do you have? I'm looking for older ones before Diamond and Pearl, preferably holo or black star promos. Lemme know what you have an' we can work something out. Also, I'm kind of interested in your Spiritomb [AR] an' also Jumpluff [if it's HGSS]. Not big wants; they just kind of caught my eye. :]
oh i thought you wanted just smaller commons that everyone else likes -- black star promos are worth as much to me as they are to you and I can not trade them.

i could just do 2x roseannes for 6 holo energy.
Soariyant: Which ones would you want?

Poteet24: I might have one or two.. Not entirely sure but I can deff let you know tomorrow night when I get off work. The cards are at my fiance's house right now >.<

Dodobrain56: Do you have anything from my wants? The only thing I saw was a Leafeon Lv. X but it was Japanese =/ [an' you only had Lv. X's listed]
Fire Energy [Power Keepers] x2
Fire Energy [Holon Phantoms] x2
Psychic Energy [Holon Phantoms] x1
Grass Energy [Holon Phantoms] x1

These ones. Please lmk if there is anything small i can do for the 7th one x_X or else we have a deal. PM me to confirm.
cml for 2x garchomp c, dialga g lv x, 2x donphan prime, nidoqueen RR RH, and 2x cyrus's conspiracy

x2 Registeel

x2 Kyogre

x1 Alakazam

x1 Alakazam

total 6 stars

for your:
2 Energy Gain
2 Cyrus’s Conspiracy
4 Pokemon Collector
1 Infernape ‘E4’ Lv. X
1 Palkia ‘G’ Lv. X
2 Donphan Prime
2 Ampharos Prime
3 Ninetails #7 [H]
3 Charizard #1 [H] (AR)
1 Absol ‘G’ #1 [RH]
3 Flygon #5 [1H, 1RH, 1NH]
1 Blaziken ‘FB’ #2 [H]
Hey, just getting back to you now. You wanted these:

Dragonair, Electrode, an' Dugtrio - (Base Set (Near Mint). I do not have Lt. Surge's Pikachu anymore.

I like off of your list:

1 Garchomp Lv. X
1 Mesprit Lv. X
1 Dialga ‘G’ Lv. X
1 Infernape ‘E4’ Lv. X
1 Absol ‘G’ Lv. X
3 Charizard #1 [H]
1 Unown G
4 Crobat ‘G’
4 Expert Belt
2 Energy Gain
4 Team Galactic’s Wager [2RH]
1 Bebe’s Search [RH]
1 Looker’s Investigation [RH]
4 Pokemon Collector
2 Fire [H]-HP
1 Water [H]-HP
1 Psychic [H]-HP

I'll let you come up with a fair offer! Also, cml for more if you want to make a bigger trade. I also have other base set cards so ask for specific ones.
How about these for your SW gardevoir? PM me if you accept.

Base set rares:
Pikachu promo #1
Pikachu first movie promo