Sorry for the wait, guys. The weather here has been crap [storms+lightning+hail=no power for two days an' no internet till now >.<]. But, I'm back now lol.
Poteet24: I do not have any more for trade, unfortunately. I actually have a proxy in my deck right now. xD
Dodobrain56: Actually, I know I jus' said the Leafeon but.. Do you have any Spiritombs from Arceus or Rare Candies? Lemme know. :]
Coach4312: I'm interested in Rare Candies, DCE, Spiritomb [AR] an' Flygon Lv. X.. I no longer have the 2 Garchomp C's.. So, lemme know an offer. :]
Dragonitetim: I've never shipped to Hong Kong [or outta the country].. How much is the shipping usually? [jus' curious an' I'm kinna worried about shipping overseas =/]
Here's my counter though:
2 Registeel* [LM]
1 Kyogre* [DS]
1 Ampharos Prime [HGSS]
1 Ninetails [HGSS]
2 Charizard [AR]
1 Absol 'G' [SV]-reverse holo
2 Energy Gain [PL]
Lemme know or counter.. I don't put too high of a value on the stars jus' because they're collection wants while these cards are still playable. The stars are jus' gonna go into my binder at home xD
Thegame: Would you do..
1 Dugtrio [BS]
1 Electrode [BS]
1 Looker's Investigation [RH]
1 Bebe's Search [either RH or H]
1 Unown 'G'
1 Crobat 'G'
Like I said, I don't value the collection wants too highly an' these cards are still playable. I jus' don't feel like buying them right now >.< So, lemme know or counter.
Juliacoolo: The only thing I saw was the 'Let Loose' Giratina.. Do you have any Spiritombs from Arceus, DCE [from HGSS] or old set pikachus/pichus?
Amisheskimoninja: I sent you a PM. :]
Poteet24: I do not have any more for trade, unfortunately. I actually have a proxy in my deck right now. xD
Dodobrain56: Actually, I know I jus' said the Leafeon but.. Do you have any Spiritombs from Arceus or Rare Candies? Lemme know. :]
Coach4312: I'm interested in Rare Candies, DCE, Spiritomb [AR] an' Flygon Lv. X.. I no longer have the 2 Garchomp C's.. So, lemme know an offer. :]
Dragonitetim: I've never shipped to Hong Kong [or outta the country].. How much is the shipping usually? [jus' curious an' I'm kinna worried about shipping overseas =/]
Here's my counter though:
2 Registeel* [LM]
1 Kyogre* [DS]
1 Ampharos Prime [HGSS]
1 Ninetails [HGSS]
2 Charizard [AR]
1 Absol 'G' [SV]-reverse holo
2 Energy Gain [PL]
Lemme know or counter.. I don't put too high of a value on the stars jus' because they're collection wants while these cards are still playable. The stars are jus' gonna go into my binder at home xD
Thegame: Would you do..
1 Dugtrio [BS]
1 Electrode [BS]
1 Looker's Investigation [RH]
1 Bebe's Search [either RH or H]
1 Unown 'G'
1 Crobat 'G'
Like I said, I don't value the collection wants too highly an' these cards are still playable. I jus' don't feel like buying them right now >.< So, lemme know or counter.
Juliacoolo: The only thing I saw was the 'Let Loose' Giratina.. Do you have any Spiritombs from Arceus, DCE [from HGSS] or old set pikachus/pichus?
Amisheskimoninja: I sent you a PM. :]