TheDarkLucario said:Spiders are not bugs in real life.
OK, so they're animals?
That makes PERFECT sense. >.>
TheDarkLucario said:Spiders are not bugs in real life.
tyking16 said:How do you know it will suck? How do you know it's dumb?
I know it's ok to post opinions but you have nothing to back up any of your claims.
I seriously hope you are joking about this post.
I originally thought that Denchura was it's own pokemon, and it still could be. But Mechanos7's post about the multiple similarities is kind of making me see this pokemon in a new light. I think that it could possibly be an evo.
Also, I can explain why it could become an Electric type if it does evolve from this. Spinarak and Ariados are based off of poisionous spiders. Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't a bite from a tarantula equal the sting of a bee? I also read that a Tarantula bite can cause paralysis (I could be wrong). Since Electric types are the only pokemon who have paralysis based moves, it would make sense for it to be Electric instead of Poison.
That is just my two cents on this.
ManhattanTheStarr said:You guys REALLY need to chill with all these evolution speculations. Leave the previous generation Pokemon alone. Chances are, all of the 5th generation Pokemon that have been revealed so far are of their own species. NO past generation evolution or pre-evolution. Heck, this tarantula Pokemon doesn't even have the same dots or body shape as Spinarak or Ariados.
It simply being a tarantula doesn't mean it's an evolution of Ariados. You don't see Rattata evolving into Pikachu, right? :/
Garitter said:Okay, Electric types aren't the only Pokemon with paralysis based moves.. DragonBreath, BodySlam, Lick, Glare, stun spore, force palm, and bounce are all non-electric attacks that cause or could cause paralysis...
swimfastray said:Oh thank you for pointing that out, however translations can be misleading a lot of the time. Remember when everyone thought Crocodune had the ability Earthquake Spiral (which makes no sense) but it turned out to be Overconfidence? And Zekrom's ability Teravoltage was misinterpreted as Terra Voltage. There is probably an alternative meaning for Denchura that could have something to do with poison.
Spinarak and Ariados are very differently colored so Denchura could also have different colors.
Garitter said:Actually, there is one pre-evo possibility. Munna. It looks an awfully like a baby tapir, and Drowzee is a Tapir Pokemon. Not only that, but Munna has the same abilities as Drowzee.
FunkyMunky said:plus in the old gen 1 games when you walk outside a cave that is crawling with drowzee and you talk to a small girl she says "i don't like the pokemon here i want a pink pokemon with a floral pattern"
isnt munna a pink pokemon with a floral pattern? hmm... i wonder
Pokemon Trainer Rob said:"Bug" is an informal, general term to describe pretty much describe invertebrates like flies, ants, spiders, etc. Creepy crawlies in general. Bug is a very loose term.
FunkyMunky said:i noticed while looking at the two they both have what looks like another set of legs pointing upward coming from their lower abdomen what im trying to get at they both share similar body structures although denchura's more hairy
I also agree with the idea of paralysis being the cause of its electric type although were not entirely sure it is even elcetric type