Desert Island! Find out more about your fellow memebers

COLDPLAY-X&Y ALL THE WAY MAN!!!!!!, and probablly that new maroon 5 cd with wake up call and makes me wonder

would you bring broccoli, zuccini, celerii-whatever, carrots, or cucumbers?

They make you see in the dark. o_O

What electronic item would you bring? (T.v, PC, DS, etc)
An Aloe(I think thats how you spell it) plant So if you get sun burn you could soothe it.

What 3 pokemon cards would you bring?
3 Energy Cards...of anytype
You don't want to take good ones you're going to end up using them to start fires. xD

What Drink would you take?
Cars :)

Which number would you call if you had a cell (can't be rescue numbers).
hm.. asuming they would try to rescue me, probablly my dad (he has a plane :D so he can come get me)

who would you chose to come rescue you? fire, ambulance, or police?
a camel xD you can eat it, get water from it (if you queez hard enough xD), make a rug/throw whatever, and hide inside if you carve it out lol

what appliance would you bring?(i.e. refrigerator, microwave, etc)
a microwave. You never know when you will find a bag of chips or a burger in the desert.

what toy would you bring? (not electrical)
My DogDog (a stuffed Dog I've had for 7 years).

Which Pokemon Forums would you want to have accses to (only one) (ie, Pokebeach, PokeGym)
POkebeach. If I said any other one WPM would kill me.

Which musical instrument would you bring?
Fire Pokemon Master said:
a microwave. You never know when you will find a bag of chips or a burger in the desert.
a bag of chips?!?! you microwave chips and burgers????

trumpet-i know how to play it

what stuffed animal would you bring?
My DogDog.

What writitng utencil would you bring? (ie, Pencil, Pen, Paitbrush)
pallpoint pen porbablly high quality like pilot or something

would you rather take care of a person in a wheelchair that has no arms, or a retarted person
Gman, I forgot in Enlgand we call what you call 'fries' chips. Also, You can microwave burger, much quicker than the oven.

I'm not oging to answer your quesiton because it has no purpous and can be perseeved (bad spelling) as rude.

What Art media would you bring (you have paper with it) eg pencil, paint, crayon etc.
Got to be dialga. I could go back in time and not be stranded.

Which would oyu take: Bob the builder or postman pat?