Desert Island! Find out more about your fellow memebers

i have no clue who postman pat is but it would be nice to have a builder ;)

would you rather have a butter knife, a fork, or a spoon?
my dog or my bearded dragon

what 1 food would you bring? (only one food for the whole trip)
The worlds biggest pizza. It would last me until i die so I wouldn't starve to death.

What music track would oyu bring?

What sense (ie, Sight, Smell, Touch) would you want to live with out if you had to live without one?
i dunno maybe my mom or my gf but i dont think either of them would like me afterwords XD

would you rather bring munchlax or brock's croagunk from anime lol
Brocks Croagunk, he wouldn't eat everything :p

If you could raise one person from the dead and have them stay with you who would it be?
Jesus (Although he isn't like dead.)

Would you pick Gallons of Girls or Millions of Boys?
Million's of Boys. Girls don't understand me.

Would you rather bring a touger "Gangster" person with you, or a quite, "Emo", kid with you?
Emo. They would probably suicide so I wouldn't have to put up with them.

Would you bring a PS3, 360, or a WII?
I would bring a Wii.

What type of board games would you bring?
MONOPOLY! In case you could teach a monkey or something how to play. :p

What would you rather control on the island, The weather or the waves?
BFF :p :p

Would you rather bring a sweet girl who's ugly, or bring a pretty girl who's a total jerk?
Sweet Girl that's Ugly.

Would you rather have a trainen Monkey or a Trained Dog on the island?