Oh Arceus, that Greninja seems OP and game-changing. 130 for 2 energies without any kind of issue would have been good even on a normal 230-HP Stage 2, Now, on a 230-HP Basic-like, it seems too powerful to me, but let's see it. Starting 2nd it can OHKO any non-Prism Star non-GX playable basic Pokémon, and that's a big slice of cake; it just needs a starting Tapu Koko, 1 normal attachment and 1 Aqua Patch. Sounds messy but it isn't: you also draw 3 more cards from it, and with Oranguru, you'll surely get a Supporter... It may be paired with Clamperl and Gorebyss, for example, but in general, it works with itself and more Greninjas (and with some Max Potion healing).