'Detective Pikachu' TCG Products Announced for Spring!

Assuming that the only mandatory partner for Greninja is Oranguru, what else do you even run it with? Quagsire? Magcargo? Other Greninja?
I'm so happy with these new card releases, I just hope Pikachu will have its GX card. But honestly, that set release in Europe is coming out in really bad time due to Brexit. Since in Latvia Pokemon TCG products are not being sold and until now I was buying from chaoscards.com which is located in the UK, That what worries me the most if due to Brexit price won't go up so high that buying these products will become even more expensive than it is now, especially in most part Europe we have to pay for the shipping.
Oh Arceus, that Greninja seems OP and game-changing. 130 for 2 energies without any kind of issue would have been good even on a normal 230-HP Stage 2, Now, on a 230-HP Basic-like, it seems too powerful to me, but let's see it. Starting 2nd it can OHKO any non-Prism Star non-GX playable basic Pokémon, and that's a big slice of cake; it just needs a starting Tapu Koko, 1 normal attachment and 1 Aqua Patch. Sounds messy but it isn't: you also draw 3 more cards from it, and with Oranguru, you'll surely get a Supporter... It may be paired with Clamperl and Gorebyss, for example, but in general, it works with itself and more Greninjas (and with some Max Potion healing).
If they are really going to make 2 GX's of charizard, then they may as well make mega charizard GX. Heck, just make it have a free attack that says "win the game" while you're at it. Also, is it just me or WHERE THE FRICK IS MY HYDREIGON GX?! (I know this isn't related to the topic, but I don't care because that's how mad I am that there isn't a single one yet)
I would be scared if an opponent got that Charizard loaded with 5 energy. It's a OHKO monster.

How? It accelerates itself, Kiawe, Naganel+whooper, Naganel + multi-switch, however, it doesn't matter. You can even use DCE and non-fire basic. Lookout!
Card Burning bro! Don't do it

It's a stage 2 pokemon and it needs 5 energies to attack. It is way too slow and won't be viable at all. Kiawe is not an option, because your turn would end, meaning your opponent gets to attack twice, and probably two shots Charizard anyway, which results in a bad prize trade.
Hello everyone,
For Detective Pikachu products, I would only say one word: Beautiful: ... although I imagine that the long-term value will depend on the reception of the film ...

TweakBox word counter Tutuapp
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In fact, Mr. Mime is the only ‘mon really standing out here. Arcanine is the ultimate spread counter.
The set itself will not contain 26 cards. It is simply stated that there will be 26 new cards based off the movie. So this would include the promo cards alongside the cards from the set .
None of these really stand out to me as good. Although I assume all the art is going to be the looks from the movie?