Dialga G Lv. X


I've seen so much hype over this card for the past few weeks. Every time someone posts a deck/strategy/idea, there's ALWAYS at least 1 person that says "Dialga G shuts this deck down" or something along those lines.

But I want to know, how many of you are actually planning on decking him? It's a great card no doubt, but just wondering how many people are actually trying to find room for him into your decks. The reason I ask this is because in the past, there was so much hype around certain cards, and so I would play test against it, and practice and practice, but when it came time to a tournament, I saw none of that card. If anything, I saw 1.

Ex: Last season at BR's, I saw a lot of hype over Kingdra. Kingdra this, Kingdra that. So I practiced and practiced and tried to build my deck to keep up the pace with it and be just as fast. Then when it came time to BR's, I faced ONE. Out of I believe 6 matches.

There's a lot of decks I want to try out, but am afraid to in fear of Dialga. But I don't want to show up at States or something, play a deck that can withstand that ONE card, and not face it at all.

I for one, have decked him in about 3 decks already. Slaking, Gigas, and one of my Rogues. But what about you?
I can only comfortably put in dialga g lvx in my slaking deck, kingdra to some extent, and gigas.
I am trying to figure out which decks can comfortably tech in 1-1 or 2-2 dialga g lvx along with premier ball or level up card.

dusknoir: 35% chance of it happening; they already are using cresselia lvx, azelf lvx; in addition to sidekick attacker: gengar, obama, or giratina lvx.
gengar: 20% chance; 2-2 cresselia lvx and 1-0-1 dusknoir dp in addition to disruption supporters cards
giratina: 5%; no giratina lvx body
AMU: 0-10% chance; their decklist is already tight considering they are running palkia lvx tech; it will neutralize azelf lx body......
drapion lvx: 20% chance; their decklist is already tight as is.
sp decks: 100%.
regiggas: 90% chance
kingdra: 75% chance
obama: 0% chance; pokebody is the best attribut of the deck other than powerful spread attack
tyranittar: 10% chance; body is the best attribute of tyranittar other than powerful attacks; unless they plan to solely power up t-tar via weavile and manually.
machamp: 5-20% chance; they might if they are running 4 sf machamp instead of 3-1 machamp lvx line; highly unlikely; although some in my area are considering it.
rampardos: 0-5% chance; it will slow down their deck for price of slowing down grass deck. in other words very unlikely; the only grass deck that scares it is scizor/cherrim.
grass decks: 0% chance
ampharos lock: 0% chance
magnezone: 5-15% chance; dp magnezone become utterly useless
slaking: 100% chance; vital to the deck strategy
blaziken/heatran: 5-10% chance; only if they are worry about amphylock
magmortar varient: 0-10% chance

I will appraise gg later.
I think i have mention just about every t1 and t2 decks.
The only decks that it will see some play as a tech are kingdra(for grass,amphylock), regiggas(for itself,grass,amphylock), dusknoir(amphylock, partially slow down a swarm of tyranittar,maybe grass), gengar(if it is still around), rogue slaking(itself), and sp/galactic decks.
I will most likely be putting it in my dusknior deck if I can get my hands on it. This is only beacuse of the ampharos match. Without dialga against ampharos with gigas it is pretty much an auto loss beacuse it is impossible to get dusknior out as a stadium.
Teching a Dialga G LV.X without reason is useless. I doubt he will show up that often once that realize he isn't that perfect.

rage780 said:
machamp: 50% chance; they might if they are running 4 sf machamp instead of 3-1 machamp lvx line
rampardos: 20% chance; it will slow down their deck for price of slowing down grass deck.
Both are donk decks. Dialga G has no chance here. Also, I hate it when you guys say grass decks kill Rampy. Weakness hurts, but it's child's play to 2HKO anything with Rampardos (especially when you play 10 "Pluspowers" in your deck like me).
Dialga G Lv.X is trash. Kingdra, Slaking and Galacitc's Toolbox are the only decks that will even consider using this. Gigas is possible but I don't think that Gigas is still extremely viable for this format. The only reason that Dialga is getting such a huge response is the introduction of Lv.MAX and the fact that Shaymin Lv.X will be big.
I will safely say I will probably play Dialga G X in my deck if its not a deck that relies on bodys. Its way too helpful in some matches to not play it in some decks.
There will be alot of decks that try to put Dialga G Lv. X to use during States. Guaranteed.

For sure you will see it in Regigigas based decks. And of course you will see it in Team Galactic decks.

You'll also see random Kingdra players trying to fit it in (though i think most will pass on it).

The question you need to ask yourself is, if the deck you're trying to build is so vulnerable to a card like Dialga G Lv. X (which will no doubt see play), is it worth even trying to build such a deck? Why not concentrate on another deck that has better matchups and is more well-rounded? Choose a deck that you honestly think will get you to the top cut, regardless of what everyone else will be playing.
I have already tried finding room for my updated DuskZong list. And if I do take it to states/regionals then I will make sure to put in at least a 1-1 line of it. The only things that it would shut down for my deck as it is now would be Cursed Alloy. And I think I would much rather have Ectoplasm and no Cursed Alloy than not having Ectoplasm at all. It is also worth not having Cursed Alloy if I could also shut off Sceptile [GE] and Shaymin Lv.X [PT].

Zyflair, how do you have 10 PlusPower in a deck?
Zangoosed said:
The question you need to ask yourself is, if the deck you're trying to build is so vulnerable to a card like Dialga G Lv. X (which will no doubt see play), is it worth even trying to build such a deck?

Exactly my point. Hypothetically speaking, let's just say I have a deck that relies on bodies. It's a fun and competitive deck to play and I like it. But oh no, "Dialga G Lv. X murders this deck", so I decide not to play it. Then when I get to a tournament, I don't face any at all. I just wasted a good opportunity to play that deck. So what I'm saying is, is Dialga going to see enough play for me to decide to not play a deck that will be murdered by it. << o_0 I just confused myself.
im putting dialga G LV.X in:
all P decks (which i will probably play)
slaking/weavile (lol obvious)
and the fun deck:
weavile/uxie :p
which is pretty much all i'm gunna play so yah...
Most people like to hype cards that seem good at the outset, but all this really does is stop Shaymin and very few other big cards coming out or being played. I don't find much use for it as DOX said other than Kingdra, Pokemon SP decks, etc. I'll definately try to get 1-2 just in case I need it for a deck or trade bait.

dmaster out.
this deck messes a lot of things up. bad. that's why m gunna play it, do you really want to have no trainers with kabutops? what abotu 10 spread when you play a supporter for amphy? no powers with amphy PT? armaldo? sceptile, shaymin? and countless others. dialga G LV.X is almost like the dusknoir of last season.
You and your overhyping of G Pokemon (Yes, I still don't believe in them). For one, Kabutops and Armaldo is almost dead (if not already). Live with it. Furthermore, Ampharos still attacks Pokemon with Poke-Powers. Fine, you still use them, but your Uxie is going down as a free prize to me.

You only listed three viable Pokemon to lock. Where's your "countless" others?
^im just saying as an example of something it can go in.. don't eat my head off... dialga G L.VX can fit in a lot of stuff because LV.X max and warp point are going to be played.
So what I'm saying is, is Dialga going to see enough play for me to decide to not play a deck that will be murdered by it.

It will depend on your area's metagame. I'd say I expect to encounter atleast 1-2 decks during Swiss rounds that will feature Dialga G Lv. X. So, if you think your deck can handle 1 loss and still make top cut, then by all means stick with it. But 2 things to consider:

1) Do you honestly think you'll only lose 1 match all day.

2) What if you face Dialga G Lv. X in the top cut?
You know after states people will be trashing this card.
It's just the way it goes.
People hype a card , find out it's not so amazing and then hate it for life.
The only time I would play this card is in Slaking/weavile.
Where it's the card that makes slaking so great.
But even then it's not the great.
Considering it's a level X , it's still hard to get out.
Oh but level Max helps get it out , oh wow a card that relies on a coin flip.
I for one don't want to add 2-3 luck cards just to get out a so called format-breaking card.

zangoosed said:
2) What if you face Dialga G Lv. X in the top cut?
What if? Those two word annoy me on many levels.
You can't say oh no I'll lose in top-cut due to one stinking card.
Dialga G X does have it's counters , just like everything else.
Magmotor one shots it , kingdra can handle it.
I'll repeat what I said.
Dialga G X has counters just like everything else.
If I see Dialga G Lv. X facing my Drapion, I'm locking that sucker in.

I've tested it already. Even with Unown G attached, that's 2 turns to attach 2 energies to retreat it. I know for a fact most people don't run 3-4 Warp Points. The most I've seen in my area are 2.

Slaking/Weavile actually sounds like a pretty good deck to run. It's a hard hitter, and it includes Dialga G Lv. X already so you wouldn't have to worry about fitting it in.
What if you face Dialga G Lv. X in the top cut?

I was just saying this to George2FRESH specifically, based on his assumption that his deck "automatically" loses to Dialga G Lv.X. I don't think this is true for every deck that might have concerns with Dialga G Lv. x.
Magmotor one shots it
Only if Dialga is active. And I'm not sure why anyone using Dialga G Lv. X as a tech in their deck would actually lay it down on their bench anyway in that matchup since it is practically useless versus Magmortar variants. Just to stop Heatrans Heat Metal pokebody?

My point on this whole matter is that George2FRESH shouldnt use his deck if he fears that Dialga G Lv. X will ruin its day every time. Why take a chance?? Especially with all the hype its receiving, there is no doubt its a risk taking such a deck cause Dialga is going to see play.

In my last City Championship, I had a choice between 3 decks. I was going to use either Kingdra, Obamasnow, or Dusknoir. I ruled out the Dusknoir after a while because it basically has too much trouble with Unown G. I knew Kingdra only had a couple bad matchups and even then I felt Kingdra could still beat any deck in the format. Instead I chose to go with Obamasnow as I knew it had no bad matchups other than random Grass decks (which NO ONE in my area was playing) and a 50/50 vs Kingdra. I ended up making top 8 cut, finally only losing to the lone Kingdra in the top 4. So my point is, choose a deck which you think will have the best chance. Choose the deck which you think has the least amount of bad matchups. George2FRESH, if you honestly think one card like Dialga G is going to ruin your deck, then in my opinion, you should choose another deck. :)
George2FRESH said:
Ex: Last season at BR's, I saw a lot of hype over Kingdra. Kingdra this, Kingdra that. So I practiced and practiced and tried to build my deck to keep up the pace with it and be just as fast. Then when it came time to BR's, I faced ONE. Out of I believe 6 matches.

Horrible example. You were just (un?)lucky - 70% of the decks were Kingdra.