Diamond and Pearl TCG: The online RPG

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RE: Diamond and Pearl TCG: The online RPG. Game begins 3/10! Manual is now updated to V1.1!

Yeah... you'll have to wait. =/

It's time, my friends... Let the games begin!

The beginning, the battles, and the blunders
(Below is a random picture)

Professor Zyflair: Welcome fellow trainers! I entrust you all are well? Today, you stand before me, each with the potential to be one of the greatest TCG players in the Sinnoh region. I plan to aid you along your journey as you may one day head to the Pokemon League and become the Pokemon TCG Champion! For now, I have quite a few decks on this table where each of you may take to begin your journey. Choose wisely...

*The story plot will not go on until at least five trainers have chosen.
* Lying before you are the following decks:
Piplup and Friends
Chimchar and Friends
Turtwig and Friends
Buneary and Friends
Pikachu and Friends
Starly and Friends
Pidgey and Friends

* Please choose a deck.
RE: Diamond and Pearl TCG: The online RPG. Game begins 3/10! Manual is now updated to V1.1!

Hmm, I guess I'll choose Turtwig and Friends.
RE: Diamond and Pearl TCG: The online RPG. Game begins 3/10! Manual is now updated to V1.1!

I will take piplup and friends.
RE: Diamond and Pearl TCG: The online RPG. Game begins 3/10! Manual is now updated to V1.1!

W00t! Go Pikachu and friends. The trick to this is to choose the one that has a good match-up, but no bad ones.
RE: Diamond and Pearl TCG: The online RPG. Game begins 3/10! Manual is now updated to V1.1!

Chimchar and friends kthnx ;)
RE: Diamond and Pearl TCG: The online RPG. Game begins 3/10! Manual is now updated to V1.1!

Prof. Zyflair: Everyone will receive their decklist tomorrow, giving everyone time to select their deck.
RE: Diamond and Pearl TCG: The online RPG. Game begins 3/10! Manual is now updated to V1.1!

chimchar and friends ^^
RE: Diamond and Pearl TCG: The online RPG. Game begins 3/10! Manual is now updated to V1.1!

* All decklists should be handed out by now. If you did not recieve your deck, please PM me and I will PM it to you,

Professor Zyflair: What an excellent choice! Before you head off so soon, I would like everyone to participate in a practice match. It's very simple; when another trainer comes on, both of you battle in a three-prize card match and then let me know who won (you post the result here, BTW). If you wish to be safe, you may also PM me the RS log of the match as well. However, if you don't find any trainers to battle in the meantime, you can battle my assistant Lunar Wing (sitting in that corner as always).

* Rival Lunar Wing is known as a CPU. To battle a CPU, please refer back to the original list of CPUs. If any of these users are on Hamachi, you may ask to battle against them. Please specify that you are battling Lunar Wing's deck, since we have many decklist hanging around.

Well now then, get to it!

Mission - Required Status - Difficulty 3
* Battle a fellow trainer with a deck, or battle the CPU, Rival Lunar Wing.
Reward: ???
RE: Diamond and Pearl TCG: The online RPG. Game begins 3/10! Manual is now updated to V1.1!

Lenny and I played. I won. It was epic. He kept on drawing energies, I evolved Raichu T2 and evolved Electabuzz to Electabuzz T2. Then he played some Mom's and drew some more energies. Then I flipped all heads off Agility but one, he never flipped a heads. Awesome game, so close too. :D
RE: Diamond and Pearl TCG: The online RPG. Game begins 3/10! Manual is now updated to V1.1!

Go die ._.

That game was what I call epic fail...I hope the reward will be something good, because I need some good cards >_> Just here to confirm what he said.
RE: Diamond and Pearl TCG: The online RPG. Game begins 3/10! Manual is now updated to V1.1!

I beat Lenny 1-0. It was a close match. So yeah.
RE: Diamond and Pearl TCG: The online RPG. Game begins 3/10! Manual is now updated to V1.1!

Lenny won 2-0 against me.
RE: Diamond and Pearl TCG: The online RPG. Game begins 3/10! Manual is now updated to V1.1!

Rival Lunar Wing: I beat Lenny.
RE: Diamond and Pearl TCG: The online RPG. Manual is now updated to V1.2! Missions list is added!

* Professor Zyflair seems to be waiting for the others to select their decks and battle each other.
* The Original thread is updated with a missions list. Later in the game, you can use the list to remember what your task is.
* Zyflair is really busy lately and might not come back on until Sunday (though he'll show up every now and then).
RE: Diamond and Pearl TCG: The online RPG. Manual is now updated to V1.2! Missions list is added!

I lost 2-0 vs Rival Lunar Wing :(
RE: Diamond and Pearl TCG: The online RPG. Manual is now updated to V1.2! Missions list is added!

Rival Lunar Wing: I beat oyeah1988.
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