diamond and pearl thread


So I heard you like muDkiPz!
This thread is just for discussing the new 10th series of pokemon, diamond and pearl. Here is some discussion topics: Do you like Dawn? Is the new opening bad or good? Would you like May/max to come back?
This thread is just for discussing diamond and pearl.
Dawn is the prettiest girl main character yet! She is pretty cool, but she says a lot that was cool in the 1900's, not now! I guess that is just the way pokemon will always be though L_L
The opening is, kind of a weird rap thing, I am not sure I like it, but I probably will eventually! ^_^
May and Max were not good. May had freaky hair and was wierd, and Max?? I probably dont have to say anything about that dude. <.<
Um, I don't like Dawn at the moment, the voice I don't like. I really want May to come back ! I though she was the best main character other than Ash or Pikachu ! Max, I don't HIM back, he was that unimportant main character.

Stablaze: About May having freaky hair, so does Dawn !
Come on Dawn is hot and she is the best since Misty and I know she is new but she will be one of the best once she gets better. I like the intro too and it is the second best to the very first intro ever made.:)
Sorry but I like her and she is cool sorry.:)
Thanks a lot but I have to do that once in a great while because I wonder why Brock is not falling for her anyway.:)
She is pretty good for her age. Yes but she does need to know how to treat her Pokemon well so they don't faint fast like in 2 Degree's of Seperation where she tries to get away from Aridos.:)
I dont like the new intro. Like I didnt like any intro. Then it will just sink into my skin and stay there till the new intro comes.

Sure why not I like Dawn.(not in the way the guy before me does.) but how come I always chose the starter the female does.

No I dont want May or esepesilly max to come back. They had there run and just like Misty they will have there episode or episodes in the new season.
Does anyone else besides me want Max to come back?  Remember how Max was going to get his starter soon?  Remember that sappy episode with the Ralts?  Remember how Max promised he would come back for the Ralts some day?  Remember how Ash promised to battle Max when he got his starter?  What if Max goes and gets that Ralts as his starter, then goes to Sinnoh?  Then, eventually, his Ralts would evovle into a Gallade!  That would be so awesome!
Why Brock doesn't fall in love with Dawn

Brock's about 20 most likely, whil Dawn is only 10, that's a 10 year difference !

I think May will come back after doing the Johto Contests, but it will be so far into the season, she might be used as a Contest filler to go up against Dawn, Zoey and Jessie in disqises, Soliadad, Drew, and that "other" person, now what was IT's name again ?
May and Manaphy said:
Why Brock doesn't fall in love with Dawn

Brock's about 20 most likely, whil Dawn is only 10, that's a 10 year difference !

What made you think of that. MG, Thats discusting I almost up chucked by reading that. I still get shivers. EEEEEWWW now I thinking how that might happen. OMG. that discusting
Togeshroob said:
Does anyone else besides me want Max to come back?  Remember how Max was going to get his starter soon?  Remember that sappy episode with the Ralts?  Remember how Max promised he would come back for the Ralts some day?  Remember how Ash promised to battle Max when he got his starter?  What if Max goes and gets that Ralts as his starter, then goes to Sinnoh?  Then, eventually, his Ralts would evovle into a Gallade!  That would be so awesome!

Oh gosh no! I hated that little freak! He gave me the creeps. He always got on my nerves! Ash lets do this, May lets do that. He deserved to get booted off the show.
Ash did promise to do a lot of things but he has had alot of things to do and has not had time to do them. He promised to come back for his pidgeot like someone posted earlier but he has never come back for it yet.:)
They've shown some picutres of the 10th where Ash is riding on a Pidegot, that could be his Pidegot
[attachment=2545]I think Dawn is ok but when it comes to battling she needs to get better strategy.


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May and Manaphy said:
They've shown some picutres of the 10th where Ash is riding on a Pidegot, that could be his Pidegot

You mean he might be bringing back his Pidgeot? I sure hope so because it will be the first time ever I think.:)