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Dichromate Trade - Temporarily Closed

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RE: Dichromate Trade [H] Donphan, Amphy Prime [W] DARKRAI/CRESSY LEGEND,DCE,Lanturn Prime

Hm, well I have all of those (my friend actually just gave me the non-holo PK), so unfortunately no need for those. But as I said, I don't have the Garchomp C's, so you probably wouldn't have been satisfied anyway. See anything else you need?
RE: Dichromate Trade [H] Donphan, Amphy Prime [W] DARKRAI/CRESSY LEGEND,DCE,Lanturn Prime

I'd trade my Feraligatr Prime, Croconaw, and Totodile (1 of each is all I have) for as many Sableye SF as I can get.
RE: Dichromate Trade [H] Donphan, Amphy Prime [W] DARKRAI/CRESSY LEGEND,DCE,Lanturn Prime

Actually, no need for the Feraligatr anymore, someone's covered me. Do you have any of my other wants?
RE: Dichromate Trade [H] Donphan, Amphy Prime [W] DARKRAI/CRESSY LEGEND,DCE,Lanturn Prime

Naw, I got nothing else. I was just about to come and delete my offer after reading about the new blastoise that could work well with gatr prime anyway, so I guess you could say it's convenient for me that I didn't have to. xD
RE: Dichromate Trade [H]Donphan/Amphy Prime, 2 RH Azelf [W] DARKRAI/CRESSY,Lanturn Prime

Bump, HS Unleashed cards are out! I want Lanturn Prime! (Though probably only one for now)
RE: Dichromate Trade [H]Donphan/Amphy Prime, 2 RH Azelf [W] DARKRAI/CRESSY,Lanturn Prime

I have Lanturn Prime. Got any UL cards?
RE: Dichromate Trade [H]Donphan/Amphy Prime, 2 RH Azelf [W] DARKRAI/CRESSY,Lanturn Prime

Nope, sorry, couldn't go to PR's today. I should be getting half a box in the near future though, so feel free to check back whenever.
RE: Dichromate Trade [H]Donphan/Amphy Prime, 2 RH Azelf [W] DARKRAI/CRESSY,Lanturn Prime

I'm interested in your SV Mawiles and maybe some other stuff.
Please take a look at my list. Thanks~
RE: Dichromate Trade [H]Donphan/Amphy Prime, 2 RH Azelf [W] DARKRAI/CRESSY,Lanturn Prime

Forte said:
I'm interested in your SV Mawiles and maybe some other stuff.
Please take a look at my list. Thanks~

I'm interested in the Scizor SF and 1 HG/SS DCE. Let me know what we can work out. Thanks!
RE: Dichromate Trade [H]Donphan/Amphy Prime, 2 RH Azelf [W] DARKRAI/CRESSY,Lanturn Prime

hi Dichromate! I have a lanturn prime but will only trade it for something BIG. I am interested in...
xX Sableye (regular)
xX Gengar SF (NH if in stock)
x2 Candies (if you have em)
x1 Azelf
x1 DCE if you still got it!

CML for more stuff ( I also have some HGSS UL stuff that is unlisted so just ask!)

LMK if we could get a deal :)
RE: Dichromate Trade [H]Donphan/Amphy Prime, 2 RH Azelf [W] DARKRAI/CRESSY,Lanturn Prime

pokefan1234 said:
hi Dichromate! I have a lanturn prime but will only trade it for something BIG. I am interested in...
xX Sableye (regular)
xX Gengar SF (NH if in stock)
x2 Candies (if you have em)
x1 Azelf
x1 DCE if you still got it!

CML for more stuff ( I also have some HGSS UL stuff that is unlisted so just ask!)

LMK if we could get a deal :)
Hm, well how big are you talking? I value it maybe around $10 at the moment, because I don't think it'll make a huge splash on the metagame. Regardless, make me an offer (preferably including the Gengar SF's because I don't need them) and I'll counter.
RE: Dichromate Trade [H]Donphan/Amphy Prime, 2 RH Azelf [W] DARKRAI/CRESSY,Lanturn Prime

Dichromate said:
I'm interested in the Scizor SF and 1 HG/SS DCE. Let me know what we can work out. Thanks!

Do you wanna do your SV Mawile x2 for my SF Scizor and DCE x1?
I can throw in something else small if you'd like.
RE: Dichromate Trade [H]Donphan/Amphy Prime, 2 RH Azelf [W] DARKRAI/CRESSY,Lanturn Prime

Forte said:
Do you wanna do your SV Mawile x2 for my SF Scizor and DCE x1?
I can throw in something else small if you'd like.
That's good, on the converse, I feel like I'm ripping you off. Let me know what else you're interested in, and I'll see about throwing some of it in into the trade.
RE: Dichromate Trade [H]Donphan/Amphy Prime, 2 RH Azelf [W] DARKRAI/CRESSY,Lanturn Prime

Charizard G LV.X.

Just a joke.
Really, it's not a problem. But, if you have to throw in something, I would like GE Mawile or maybe your Ancient Mew if you don't really care for it.
No obligation~
RE: Dichromate Trade [H]Donphan/Amphy Prime, 2 RH Azelf [W] DARKRAI/CRESSY,Lanturn Prime

how about
(idk what you are looking for in particular)

x2 Gengar
x2 Candis
x1 DCE
x1 Sableye (NH)

Well the Lanturn/Fraligatr is going to be a BIG combo, so I value it at about 13-15 also because I won it as a prize at my pre-release :p.
RE: Dichromate Trade [H]Donphan/Amphy Prime, 2 RH Azelf [W] DARKRAI/CRESSY,Lanturn Prime

pokefan1234 said:
how about
(idk what you are looking for in particular)

x2 Gengar
x2 Candis
x1 DCE
x1 Sableye (NH)

Well the Lanturn/Fraligatr is going to be a BIG combo, so I value it at about 13-15 also because I won it as a prize at my pre-release :p.
Hm, I'll pass on this for now then. Thanks for offering!
RE: Dichromate Trade [H]Donphan Prime, RH Azelf, 2 PALKIA G X [W] LANTURN PRIME, more!

please CML for 1x Azelf LA ... from your wants i have 2x Felicitys
RE: Dichromate Trade [H]Donphan Prime, RH Azelf, 2 PALKIA G X [W] LANTURN PRIME, more!

CML for:

1x Palkia G Lv. X
1x Azelf (RH) LA
1x Mesprit LA
2x Palkia G?

I have Palmer's Contribution from your wants and Felicity's Drawing (Both League Promo and Pack).
RE: Dichromate Trade [H]Donphan Prime, RH Azelf, 2 PALKIA G X [W] LANTURN PRIME, more!

i have these from your wants

3x Felicity's Drawing
1x Palmer's Contribution(rh)let me check for this one first
2x Rainbow Energy (low priority) let me check

Components for a Scizor-Cherrim deck (have 3 scizor and a cherrim or two)and a Gyarados deck (3 garydos if you want magikarps which i dought you do)

some promo holo and non holo latios and latias POP 9 i think might be 8 i dont remember
rh lanturn LA

i am interested in these

DCE rh
Palkia G x
Gallade 4 X
Moltres SV
Zapdos G PA
Ampharos Prime
Donphan Prime
Feraligatr Prime (Pack)

just because i am interested doesnt mean i need it, so could you give me an offer
RE: Dichromate Trade [H]Donphan Prime, RH Azelf, 2 PALKIA G X [W] LANTURN PRIME, more!

2x Palkia G Lv. X
2x Palkia G (H)

i have lanturn prime i need the above lmk
i have also
2 RH shaymin 14
2 RH scizor sf
3 RH cherrim sf
1 RH cherrim ar
2 scizor sf
1 jpn scizor
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