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Dichromate Trade - Temporarily Closed

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RE: Dichromate Trade [H]Donphan Prime, RH Azelf, 2 PALKIA G X [W] LANTURN PRIME, more!

@ Ian and Luiserebii: Not much at the moment, sorry.
@karimsoliman94 and konter: I'll get back to you on your threads soon enough, sorry. Kinda busy at the moment. (AP Exams are fun!) (Oh, by the way, I don't need Scizors anymore, my Zapdos G mysteriously disappeared, and I might also be interested in Pokemon Rescues.)
RE: Dichromate Trade [H]Donphan Prime, RH Azelf, 2 PALKIA G X [W] LANTURN PRIME, more!

ok dont post on my thread it is DEAD i have none of the cards on my list i will update when school ends (exams as you know)
so so far
i have these from your wants

3x Felicity's Drawing
1x Palmer's Contribution(rh)let me check for this one first
2x Rainbow Energy (low priority) let me check

Gyarados deck (3 garydos if you want magikarps which i dought you do)

some promo holo and non holo latios and latias POP 9 i think might be 8 i don't remember
rh lanturn LA

i am interested in these

DCE rh
Palkia G x
Gallade 4 X
Moltres SV
Ampharos Prime
Donphan Prime
Feraligatr Prime (Pack)

take your time
RE: Dichromate Trade [H]Donphan Prime, RH Azelf, 2 PALKIA G X [W] LANTURN PRIME, more!

2 Felicity's Drawing
1 Palmer's Contribution
3 Rainbow Energy
1 Azelf (LA)

Please LMK or CML & Counter. Thanks!
Would also be interested in a Donphan Prime or a Gallade E4 Lv X.
Do you have any interest in a PromoCroak?
RE: Dichromate Trade [H]Donphan Prime, RH Azelf, 2 PALKIA G X [W] LANTURN PRIME, more!

@Cool Trainer D: I'll pass for now, thanks.

Bump, starting a collection of Togetic cards, so let me know if you've got them! (And please don't offer me the GE one...)
RE: Dichromate Trade [H]Donphan Prime, RH Azelf, 2 PALKIA G X [W] LANTURN PRIME, more!

2x Felicity's Drawing
2x Rainbow Energy (low priority)

i like your
2x Expert Belt
RE: Dichromate Trade [H]Donphan Prime, RH Azelf, 2 PALKIA G X [W] LANTURN PRIME, more!

karimsoliman94 said:
My bad, sorry. I'm most interested in the 3 Gyarados. Any chance you could make an offer?
VadenZen said:
2x Felicity's Drawing
2x Rainbow Energy (low priority)

i like your
2x Expert Belt
Don't think I can do that, sorry. Didn't see much else I need either.
RE: Dichromate Trade [H]Donphan Prime, RH Azelf, 2 PALKIA G X [W] LANTURN PRIME, more!

well i want gator prime and if you have spare lanturn prime
RE: Dichromate Trade [H]Donphan Prime, RH Azelf, 2 PALKIA G X [W] LANTURN PRIME, more!

karimsoliman94 said:
well i want gator prime and if you have spare lanturn prime
Alright, well here's a longshot offer. How about:
Your: 3x Gyarados SF, 1x Palmer's Contribution (do you have this)?
My: Feraligatr Prime, Amphy Prime

LMK or counter. Thanks!
RE: Dichromate Trade [H]Donphan Prime, RH Azelf, 2 PALKIA G X [W] LANTURN PRIME, more!

2x Gyarados SF
1x Felicity's Drawing

1x Gardevoir Delta EX (the fire type one)

and just a Question... What set is your Claydol EX from cause I can add in another Gyarados SF & Felicity's Drawing. Asking cause I might alrdy have the Claydol EX but just making sure.
RE: Dichromate Trade [H]Donphan Prime, RH Azelf, 2 PALKIA G X [W] LANTURN PRIME, more!

can u switch amphy with lanturn because i am trying to make a lanturn feraligator deck so i need atleast 2 gator and atleast 3 lanturn
if not then i only want the gato so i guess i could do
RE: Dichromate Trade [H]Donphan Prime, RH Azelf, 2 PALKIA G X [W] LANTURN PRIME, more!

Please CML for Donphan Prime.
RE: Dichromate Trade [H]Donphan Prime, RH Azelf, 2 PALKIA G X [W] LANTURN PRIME, more!

the crippler 18 said:
2x Gyarados SF
1x Felicity's Drawing

1x Gardevoir Delta EX (the fire type one)

and just a Question... What set is your Claydol EX from cause I can add in another Gyarados SF & Felicity's Drawing. Asking cause I might alrdy have the Claydol EX but just making sure.
The Claydol EX is from Power Keepers, I believe. I think it's the only Claydol EX there is. I may not need more than 2 Gyarados though; any chance, if you want the Claydol EX, that we could work something out for the Felicity's and some Roseanne's?

I'd be fine with this; let me know
karimsoliman94 said:
can u switch amphy with lanturn because i am trying to make a lanturn feraligator deck so i need atleast 2 gator and atleast 3 lanturn
if not then i only want the gato so i guess i could do
Hm? I don't have any Lanturns; in fact that's one of my highest wants, lol. I'll pass on the offer though, thanks.
PoptartG4791 said:
Please CML for Donphan Prime.
Hm, I might be interested in that LEGEND piece in the future, but not right now. Didn't see much else though. If you really want the Donphan Prime check back with me in a week. Thanks!
RE: Dichromate Trade [H]Donphan Prime, RH Azelf, 2 PALKIA G X [W] LANTURN PRIME, more!

I have the Claydol EX but would be Interested in trading for your 1x Gardevoir Delta EX (the fire type one).

I could do this if ya want...

2x Gyarados SF
1x Felicity's Drawing

1x Gardevoir Delta EX (the fire type one)
RE: Dichromate Trade [H]Donphan Prime, RH Azelf, 2 PALKIA G X [W] LANTURN PRIME, more!

Hi -- can i trade you 3 Rainbow energy and 3 felicity's drawing (LP) for 1 Garchomp C X promo?
RE: Dichromate Trade [H]Donphan Prime, RH Azelf, 2 PALKIA G X [W] LANTURN PRIME, more!

the crippler 18 said:
I have the Claydol EX but would be Interested in trading for your 1x Gardevoir Delta EX (the fire type one).

I could do this if ya want...

2x Gyarados SF
1x Felicity's Drawing

1x Gardevoir Delta EX (the fire type one)
Hm, I think I'll do this. If you could PM me, that'd be great; otherwise, I'll PM you when I get back from school.
Soariyant said:
Hi -- can i trade you 3 Rainbow energy and 3 felicity's drawing (LP) for 1 Garchomp C X promo?
Don't need the rainbow energies. However, I'm still interested in the Felicity's, and I also want Pokemon Rescues and maybe a few Bebe's if you have any; could you let me know what you have? Thanks.
RE: Dichromate Trade [H]Donphan Prime, RH Azelf, 2 PALKIA G X [W] LANTURN PRIME, more!

Would you take 2x SF Cherrim for your Donphan Prime? One is a little dinged, the other is RH.
RE: Dichromate Trade [H]Donphan Prime, RH Azelf, 2 PALKIA G X [W] LANTURN PRIME, more!

Hm, can't do that, sorry.
RE: Dichromate Trade [H]Donphan Prime, RH Azelf, 2 PALKIA G X [W] LANTURN PRIME, more!

I do have another RH cherrim, so if you want I could do 2 RH Cherrim plus the normal one. I think thats the only thing on your wants that I have, but feel free to see my list.
RE: Dichromate Trade [H]Donphan Prime, RH Azelf, 2 PALKIA G X [W] LANTURN PRIME, more!

My 2 Felicity's Drawing for your 1x Lugia (HGSS02)?
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