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Dichromate Trade - Temporarily Closed

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RE: Dichromate Trade [H] Lux GL X, RH Call [W] I WANT YOUR LANTURN CARDS, easy trades

AnthonyG said:

If you think its worth as much as Uxie Lv. X AND TSD, than I'll take a pass, I can definetly find it for cheaper than that.

Its worth at least one of them but def not both.

Thanks anyway.
Hm, really? I've never found a Buy-it-now type Luxray GL Lv. X for less than about $45-50 (I've checked all over), while I've definitely seen Uxies floating around for $30 and TSD's for about $20. But sorry if the deal seemed a bit unreasonable.
RE: Dichromate Trade [H] Lux GL X, RH Call [W] I WANT YOUR LANTURN CARDS, easy trades!

$45 - $50? I think you may need to do some more reasearch lol.

I found at least 5 at sold/are selling for $35 and less:

Here they are:

Link 1

Link 2

Link 3

Link 4

Those were the SOME of the Luxray that were recently sold. Dating from the 5th - today. There were just a small handful that when somewhere near $40.00.

Here is one BIN right now:

Link 5

Those are considerably less than what you found.
RE: Dichromate Trade [H] Lux GL X, RH Call [W] I WANT YOUR LANTURN CARDS, easy trades!

Well the BIN still has $5 shipping, and all the other ones are auctions. Naturally auctions end up a bit lower than their respective BIN versions (I can't check the listings for Uxie Lv. X but I'm sure they're probably at least $5 cheaper). So while certainly $50 is a brazen estimate, I still believe that Lux X is worth more than Uxie X. Also I never said that TSD and Uxie Lv. X combined were worth less than Luxray, I know they're worth more, which is why I was willing to throw in Luxray GL and other stuff.

But anyway, that's all in the past now! I'll admit I was being a bit greedy though, so I'm lowering my standards a bit.
RE: Dichromate Trade [H] Lux GL X, RH Call [W] I WANT YOUR LANTURN CARDS, easy trades!

My offer is still valid for Luxray GL Lv X...
RE: Dichromate Trade [H] Lux GL X, RH Call [W] I WANT YOUR LANTURN CARDS, easy trades!

Gyarados SF

Gengar SF

Confirm or Counter
RE: Dichromate Trade [H] Lux GL X, RH Call [W] I WANT YOUR LANTURN CARDS, easy trades!

Jaimonster said:
My offer is still valid for Luxray GL Lv X...
I'm waiting on a response from an offer I made to someone else, but if he rejects, I'll probably go with your offer. I'll want to revise it though since it might have been a bit unfair for you (I still want the Shaymin but I'd throw in some other stuff to make it seem even).
Rikko145 said:
Gyarados SF

Gengar SF

Confirm or Counter
Hm, I'm not too into single-card trades. I'm interested in many other cards from your thread though; anything else you want from my thread?
RE: Dichromate Trade [H] Lux GL X, RH Call [W] I WANT YOUR LANTURN CARDS, easy trades!

Dichromate said:
Don't really need either of those, sorry.

Ok, well I can also add 2-2 Gyrados SF and 1-1 Honchkrow SV. Also have Uxies, please CML
RE: Dichromate Trade [H] Lux GL X, RH Call [W] I WANT YOUR LANTURN CARDS, easy trades!

Dichromate said:
I'm waiting on a response from an offer I made to someone else, but if he rejects, I'll probably go with your offer. I'll want to revise it though since it might have been a bit unfair for you (I still want the Shaymin but I'd throw in some other stuff to make it seem even).
Rikko145 said:
Gyarados SF

Gengar SF

Confirm or Counter
Hm, I'm not too into single-card trades. I'm interested in many other cards from your thread though; anything else you want from my thread?

I need SF Cherrims very badly, do you have any?
RE: Dichromate Trade [H]Luxray GL X, RH Call Energy [W] I WANT YOUR LANTURN CARDS

Jackolas said:
Dichromate said:
Don't really need either of those, sorry.

Ok, well I can also add 2-2 Gyrados SF and 1-1 Honchkrow SV. Also have Uxies, please CML
Hm, I don't really see anything from your thread I really need, sorry. I'm really interested in Uxie X for now so pretty much Uxie must be part of the deal.
Rikko145 said:
Dichromate said:
Hm, I'm not too into single-card trades. I'm interested in many other cards from your thread though; anything else you want from my thread?

I need SF Cherrims very badly, do you have any?
Nope, sorry. Don't have anything off your wants list either, unless there's other things not listed that you want.
RE: Dichromate Trade [H]Luxray GL X, RH Call Energy [W] I WANT YOUR LANTURN CARDS

Dichromate said:
Ok, well I can also add 2-2 Gyrados SF and 1-1 Honchkrow SV. Also have Uxies, please CML
Hm, I don't really see anything from your thread I really need, sorry. I'm really interested in Uxie X for now so pretty much Uxie must be part of the deal.
Rikko145 said:
I need SF Cherrims very badly, do you have any?
Nope, sorry. Don't have anything off your wants list either, unless there's other things not listed that you want.
Well, if you have any of these, I will trade for them:
Luxray GL X
Luxray GL
Beedrill RR RH
and I will trade for the gengar.
RE: Dichromate Trade [H]Luxray GL X, RH Call Energy [W] I WANT YOUR LANTURN CARDS

Alright, PM me if the deal with the other person falls through for that Lux X... Thanks! =D
RE: Dichromate Trade [H]Luxray GL X, RH Call Energy [W] I WANT YOUR LANTURN CARDS

CML for this combination.
Garchomp C
Lucario GL
Dodrio SV
Gengar SF(maybe)
RE: Dichromate Trade [H]Luxray GL X, RH Call Energy [W] I WANT YOUR LANTURN CARDS

YourP1MP said:
CML for this combination.
Garchomp C
Lucario GL
Dodrio SV
Gengar SF(maybe)
Hm, nothing I'm too interested in right now. I'd be glad to CYL again whenever you update though.
RE: Dichromate Trade [H]Luxray GL X, RH Call Energy [W] I WANT YOUR LANTURN CARDS

Dichromate said:
Hm, nothing I'm too interested in right now. I'd be glad to CYL again whenever you update though.
What about our trade?
RE: Dichromate Trade [H]Luxray GL X, RH Call Energy [W] I WANT YOUR LANTURN CARDS

Rikko145 said:
What about our trade?
Well, besides Gengar, I only have Luxray GL off your wants that I'm willing to trade, and I might be trading it to someone else with the Luxray GL Lv. X. So I'll get back to you on a prospective trade, or you're free to remind me again in a few days.
RE: Dichromate Trade [H]Arceus cards, other stuff! [W] I WANT YOUR LANTURN CARDS

Bumpdate! Got Arceus cards in! Take a look!
RE: Dichromate Trade [H]Arceus cards, Salamence X! [W] I WANT YOUR LANTURN CARDS

Do you have any Spiritombs or Expert Belts?

CML for Sally X.
RE: Dichromate Trade [H]Arceus cards, Salamence X! [W] I WANT YOUR LANTURN CARDS

2 bebe's
4 Roseannes

Salamence Lv.X

do u have expert belts
RE: Dichromate Trade [H]Arceus cards, Salamence X! [W] I WANT YOUR LANTURN CARDS

CML for Salamance X
RE: Dichromate Trade [H]Arceus cards, Salamence X! [W] I WANT YOUR LANTURN CARDS

Shuckle the Snail said:
2 bebe's
4 Roseannes

Salamence Lv.X

do u have expert belts
No thanks. Also, I only have one expert belt.
YourP1MP said:
CML for Salamance X
Hm, nothing I need yet, sorry. Let me know when you update with Arceus stuff, I'll be looking for some cards (not just Expert Belts, lol).
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