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Dichromate Trade - Temporarily Closed

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RE: Dichromate Trade [H] 13 EXPERT BELT, 3 SPIRITOMB, Uxie, Landmin X [W] I'll CYL

CML for:

Landmin X
Xx Expert belt (as many as I can get)
RE: Dichromate Trade [H] 13 EXPERT BELT, 3 SPIRITOMB, Uxie, Landmin X [W] I'll CYL

the crippler 18 said:
CML for your

LA Vileplume RH
LA Oddish RH
RR Nidoqueen
SV Dewgong RH
SV Metagross RH
SV Bulbasaur RH
SV Gabite x2 (both RH)
SV Porygon Z G RH
SV Spritomb x3

http://www.pokebeach.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=45685 (Trade Thread)
I'm in interested in the following items:
2x Gyarados SF
1x Mr. Mime MT
I could do those for these:
SV Metagross RH (light scratching)
LA Vileplume RH (pretty much mint)
LA Oddish RH (pretty much mint)
SV Bulbasaur RH (very, very light scratches)
SV Gabite x2 (both RH) (both have light scratching)

LMK or counter with another offer. I'm not too interested in trading Spiritombs for this because it's not anything I desperately need, but other than that I'm flexible.
novadragon07 said:
I would like your spiritombs. so even though I know I probably have nothing you want please CML anyway.
Took a look, not too much I needed. Thanks for checking, and no need to be self-deprecating :)

darkrai master777 said:
CML for:

Landmin X
Xx Expert belt (as many as I can get)
Hm, not enough to justify a trade, sorry.
RE: Dichromate Trade [H] 13 EXPERT BELT, 3 SPIRITOMB, Uxie, Landmin X [W] I'll CYL

for some reason I can't find the

2x Gyarados SF
1x Mr. Mime MT

was there anything else on my list that ya saw?
RE: Dichromate Trade [H] 13 EXPERT BELT, 3 SPIRITOMB, Uxie, Landmin X [W] I'll CYL

the crippler 18 said:
for some reason I can't find the

2x Gyarados SF
1x Mr. Mime MT

was there anything else on my list that ya saw?
Hm, nothing I need too much then. Thanks for letting me know!
RE: Dichromate Trade [H] 13 EXPERT BELT, 3 SPIRITOMB, Uxie, Landmin X [W] I'll CYL

Took your advice and got some PA cards. Now CML for Spiritombs
Do you have any unlisted Lv.X. Like Salamance Lv.X?
RE: Dichromate Trade [H] 13 EXPERT BELT, 3 SPIRITOMB, Uxie, Landmin X [W] I'll CYL

Please CML for 1x Baltoy GE and 1x Multi Energy

Thanks :) I do have 2x Gyarados SF (1 RH) if you're interested.
RE: Dichromate Trade [H] 13 EXPERT BELT, 3 SPIRITOMB, Uxie, Landmin X [W] I'll CYL

YourP1MP said:
Took your advice and got some PA cards. Now CML for Spiritombs
Do you have any unlisted Lv.X. Like Salamance Lv.X?
Nope, in fact I was trying to get Salamences just to build a Sally X deck :D

Uh, nothing from Arceus, but actually I do see some things I am interested in, specifically the following:
Cyclone Energy x2 (1 RH)
Chatot MD x1
Warp Energy x2
And if you have any Department Girl cards by chance, or Felicity's Drawing.
Let me know what you have and I'll tell you what I can give you. Thanks!
festizzio said:
Please CML for 1x Baltoy GE and 1x Multi Energy

Thanks :) I do have 2x Gyarados SF (1 RH) if you're interested.
Well, I'm interested in both the Gyarados, but something tells me a Multi Energy and a Baltoy won't cut it. Need anything else?
RE: Dichromate Trade [H] 13 EXPERT BELT, 3 SPIRITOMB, Uxie, Landmin X [W] I'll CYL

You wouldn't be able to add a RH SP Radar would you?
RE: Dichromate Trade [H] 13 EXPERT BELT, 3 SPIRITOMB, Uxie, Landmin X [W] I'll CYL

festizzio said:
You wouldn't be able to add a RH SP Radar would you?
Actually I just noticed you had 2 Poke Drawer +'s. I could give you the Baltoy, Multi Energy, RH SP Radar, and some other stuff for 2 Gyarados and 2 Poke Drawers. Let me know if there's anything else you want, and we'll work from there.
RE: Dichromate Trade [H] 13 EXPERT BELT, 3 SPIRITOMB, Uxie, Landmin X [W] I'll CYL

I can offer
these for a Spiritomb...

Cyclone Energy x2 (1 RH)
Chatot MD x1
Warp Energy x2
Department Girl

LMK if you spot anything else;)
RE: Dichromate Trade [H] 13 EXPERT BELT, 3 SPIRITOMB, Uxie, Landmin X [W] I'll CYL

YourP1MP said:
I can offer
these for a Spiritomb...

Cyclone Energy x2 (1 RH)
Chatot MD x1
Warp Energy x2
Department Girl

LMK if you spot anything else;)
That's a good trade, I'll do that. I'll PM you to confirm.
RE: Dichromate Trade [H] 13 EXPERT BELT, 3 SPIRITOMB, Uxie, Landmin X [W] I'll CYL

Dichromate said:
Actually I just noticed you had 2 Poke Drawer +'s. I could give you the Baltoy, Multi Energy, RH SP Radar, and some other stuff for 2 Gyarados and 2 Poke Drawers. Let me know if there's anything else you want, and we'll work from there.
How about my:

2x Gyarados SF (1 RH)
2x Poke Drawer+


1x Baltoy GE
1x Multi Energy
1x RH SP Radar
1x Omastar PA
RE: Dichromate Trade [H] 13 EXPERT BELT, 3 SPIRITOMB, Uxie, Landmin X [W] I'll CYL

festizzio said:
How about my:

2x Gyarados SF (1 RH)
2x Poke Drawer+


1x Baltoy GE
1x Multi Energy
1x RH SP Radar
1x Omastar PA
I'll do that. I'll PM you right now.
RE: Dichromate Trade [H] Uxie, Landmin X [W] I'll CYL, STILL WANT LANTURN STUFF

I have Regice LA (MINT) just pulled one out of a pack.
Interested in your other Spiritomb A.
RE: Dichromate Trade [H] Uxie, Landmin X [W] I'll CYL, STILL WANT LANTURN STUFF

YourP1MP said:
I have Regice LA (MINT) just pulled one out of a pack.
Interested in your other Spiritomb A.

Hm, nothing else i need at the moment since we just traded. I'll let you know if there's anything else I want.
RE: Dichromate Trade [H] Uxie, Landmin X [W] I'll CYL, STILL WANT LANTURN STUFF

Cml for landmin x and cmwl to see if you have any
RE: Dichromate Trade [H] Uxie, Landmin X [W] I'll CYL, STILL WANT LANTURN STUFF

Im intersted in:

Gengar SF
Spiritomb AoA
Expert Belt
Landmin X

I have some of your needs:

3 Felicities
1 Regice LA
ChanseyBlissey (not sure what normal means in your loist)
Latios pop7
Latias Pop7
Latios lv 47 #23/106
Latias Lv 45 #22/106

Have any ideas of what it would take to get the cards I want?
RE: Dichromate Trade [H] LP Uxie, Landmin X, Gallade 4 X [W]I'll CYL, STILL WANT LANTURNS

Big update! Well, for me at least. Went Black Friday shopping and got some decent stuff, including Gallade 4 X! Updated in Mysterious Treasures, Stormfront, Rising Rivals, Supreme Victors, and Arceus sections.

icman92 said:
Cml for landmin x and cmwl to see if you have any
Hm, not much i need, and I don't have much off your wants list. Sorry.
Tweed said:
Im intersted in:

Gengar SF
Spiritomb AoA
Expert Belt
Landmin X

I have some of your needs:

3 Felicities
1 Regice LA
ChanseyBlissey (not sure what normal means in your loist)
Latios pop7
Latias Pop7
Latios lv 47 #23/106
Latias Lv 45 #22/106

Have any ideas of what it would take to get the cards I want?
By normal, I meant the non-Great/Prime version of Blissey.

I'm not too interested in the Lati@s at the moment, but I am interested in just about everything else. Any chance we could do something like:
My 1 Gengar SF and 1 Expert Belt
Your 1 Regice LA, 1x HG/SS Chansey, 1x HG/SS Blissey, and 1 Felicity's

Just LMK or counter. Thanks!
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