BW/BW2 Did Game Freak really run out of ideas for Gen 5?

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Yeah, cause these designs were totally rushed because you think they don't look like Pokemon.

You know what's a Pokemon? It's a creature that I can capture and put in my pocket. More specifically, it's a creature that appears in a Pokemon game.

You may not like the designs that much, but it's completely asinine to write these new mons off just because they weren't designed to look like Gens 1/2.

And further more, how does this mean they ran out of ideas? They can go in nearly any direction they wish to next time around. Millions of animals and objects to choose from. It would be impossible for them to run out of ideas.
Lamperay, hydra, yin yang dragon gods, pig demons, and a lot of pokemon have been waiting for like zebras.
People need to start looking into the legends behind pokemon you dont understand.
The grs/bug is real! And the daruma doll is just that. Munna isnt drowzee, not even based on the same animals. 2 completely different japanese legends. Even then, never heard ludicolo-golduck durdurdur. I mean WHAT THE MUFFINS? Its a game thar doesnt have to follow any rules whatsoever. You arent the judge of what a pokemon can and cant be. Maybe your a pokemon.
Pokemon are living things that can be put in pokeballs.
If it fits it ships (for a low flat rate)

Also, isshu is by itself. Its like there are no old pokemon in the world. There are tons of species and subspecies in the real world being discovered each day.
I suppose oddish the raddish and cherubi the cherry can exist but ice cream cant? Just except it. Dont like boaruption but knowing its a pig demon and what its suppose to look like makes it original. Pokemon are not going to look the same. If they did people would hate them like gear. Dont like that different pokemon look different? Get over it or leave because no one wants to hear pointless crud. Pokemon look unoriginal? What an original idea.
I like how the designs from each gen vary so much, gives each gen a different flare. Plus if having 17 different designers mean you get this amount of design diversity than I'm all for the same happening in the next gen with some new designers throwing in ideas.
Cmon if I really hated this Gen, I would have blasted all of my Gen 4 games into smithereens and sent them to Mars. Gen 4 was a sham for being unable to realise the DS's potential. And there's like an unhealthy percentage of old-gen Pokemon in those games, AND all of those unneeded evolutions which ruined the beauty of some of the poor old peeps in Gen 1 and 2.

And people should stop criticizing the designs going "oh a ripoff, oh another ripoff". Nothing is exactly different from one another, and as I have always said if you're bent on trying to link two objects which are altogether different together, you'll always succeed in doing it when you twist your words around. So it's kind of pointless to do that.

Moreover, is a single same style for all 649 peeps really good? Wouldn't it be boring. One style would equate to similar strokes and contours of the Pokemon. This only means more "lookalikes" (if you term it this way). Now there's more than 10 people (17 i think) working on the designs. Increasing in number each gen. As Dizzard said, it only serves to provide variety, flare and uniqueness, and a fresh look every generation.

Lastly, to hell with the saying that "A FREAKING TWO YEAR OLD KID CAN DRAW AS WELL AS NINTENDO COULD". Seriously, if you think you can do it, go try it out. They used 4 years to programme Black and White, and moreover it's Ninty and the world's 2nd biggest game franchise. WOULD GAMEFREAK AFFORD TO SCREW IT UP?

Take Hihidaruma for example. People scream at it saying "OMG WTH IS THAT? RED GORILLA?"

People should try to realise what inspirations caused the birth of such designs. Be it Japanese, Chinese or Western legends. Hihidaruma was adapted from a freaking Daruma doll, which explains for its rather round shape and its totally egg-like DARUMA MODE.

Secondly, Infernape and Enbuoh. They're based off a Chinese epic (yes I've talked about it for a few times alr) Journey to the West, and they're direct references to Sun Wukong (the ape) and Zhu Ba Jie (the pig). Which explains for the fiery-eastern designs which remain true to their origins. So I don't get it why people scream at Enbuoh saying its a utter screw-up.

Thirdly, Magikarp. At first glance it's totally ridiculous for a useless carp to evolve into such a dragon. But the true meaning behind it is about a Jap/Chinese legend where carps transform in dragons after successfully leaping across a high waterfall.

Try to know more about the origins of these Pokemon, and you'll learn to appreciate why Gamefreak did this and not that.

Yes people say that Giaru and its evolutions as well as you dear Ice-cream fellows here are screwed-up low quality merge-here-merge-there monsters. I agree, but if you argue for a more Gen 1/2 style Pokemon game you can take a look at Seel, Magnemite, Doduo, Grimer, Diglett, Voltorb and the others (you say that they're old hoary examples, but they are still prime examples. That's Gen 1 style for you. So take it and love it. (If you hadn't realised by now the occurences of merge-here-merge-there, e-n-l-a-r-g-e or Magnemite x3 phenomenon is way more frequent in Gen 1, so using this criticism on Gen 5 isn't as persuasive.)

And no I'm not a sheep. Don't ever try to define someone whose viewpoints are real differing from yourselves and too similar to the group you hate as sheep. You have extreme viewpoints, but yes I have mine too.

I agree its pointless to continue arguing on how Gamefreak is or is not unoriginal or failing in standards or whatever. We can do nothing about it. If you feel that you can't take it that you favourite game franchise "has been crushed" or wtv, then you can just hug your Red/Blue or Gold/Silver. No offence.

Just another viewpoint of some gamer who started out in the RSE days.
lol frankly I never really saw the point in evolutions anyway (aside from being there jst for the sake of having something to evolve into). Few, if any of the pokemon players I know of chose to keep their pokemon unevolved. the rationale was simple: evolutio increases stats, which makes the pokemon more gameplay-worthy.
One thing I really like about this new gen is that finally they're giving that gen's pokemon a full chance to shine with no other gen pokemon getting in the way until after the main story.

I hope they continue to do this in newer gens.
@ Dizzard: That's probably because Isshu is set far, far away from the other regions. It's an educated guess, so please don't think of it as a true fact. I'm merely trying to make a guess as to why there are no new evolutions for old Pokemon.

Yes but think of the reasons they may have had for setting Isshu as a far away region. I doubt it was a case of:

"Isshu is a far away region so let's not have any evolutions of older pokemon and let's not have old pokemon appearing until after the elite four"

I bet it was more like

"We want to make a fresh start with all new pokemon and no evolutions of old pokemon. Old gen pokemon can appear after the main game is finished. So let's make Isshu a far away region to fit in with this idea"

So I mean the idea of not having older pokemon was probably conceived before the idea of Isshu being a far away region was...if that makes any sense. Obviously we can't know for sure but it sounds logical (in my head anyway :p)
I can see what you mean, but I mean a fresh start with all new Pokemon isn't a terrible idea, but people new to the games would probably get upset and wonder "Where's Pikachu?" or another Pokemon that's not able to be caught during the main storyline.
Well people can get upset about any changes, that doesn't mean they shouldn't happen.

I think it's a great idea too, and people will get used to it after a while...there's just a lot of throwing rattles out of prams in the beginning then they realize it's not that bad a change. For the most part anyway.

Also I think if you were completely new to the games you might not care about Pikachu so much. (not as much as if you played the original games) Even though Pikachu is pokemon's mascot, it's nowhere to be seen on Pokemon Black/White's packaging.
But, Pikachu is the most recognizable Pokemon. A lot of people know Pikachu. And I honestly don't think if you never got into Pokemon, you should start with Black/White. Although, technically it's "starting over" with a region far, far away.
DividePower said:
Try to know more about the origins of these Pokemon, and you'll learn to appreciate why Gamefreak did this and not that.

I've actually found out some of origins on the pokemon that have already been created, and I must say, the stuff Nintendo thinks about, is outstanding. People tend to judge the design, and not the origin. Each one of these pokemon were made for a reason, some were taken from ancient history, some were taken from here, from there, but that's what makes each of them so special. Some of the pokemon you'd never imagine where it came from, and then you get real appreciation for the pokemon.

That's why Gamefreak never will run out of ideas, because they bring things back from the past for pokemon, they get inspired by real life, and show that through unique pokemon, they might not be the first dog pokemon, or cat pokemon, but they have something behind them.
Bulbapedia and everywhere. Its actually pretty amazing, and makes a lot of sense when it comes to designs.
If the game had a lot of past pokemon and new evolutions it would be hated twice as much as gen4 because thats what it was.
Itd be just like having 100 new fir/fgt starters. Been there done that in gen4 and this game is suppose to be a fresh start with only cameos for older fans.
I don't think that GF did really run out of ideas in this generation. Actually, the pokemons in this generation are all cool and I like most of them. The story of the game is also awesome and REMARKABLE!! lol^^
Game Freak are not running out of ideas. If they were, new pokemon would start to look like remakes of old pokemon. GF has just used some of the most obvious ideas already, and are thinking of different and unique new pokemon.
I guess there are no evos for past 'Mons because of the unneeded ones from gen4. TBH, Sneasel was good enough by itself.

But 3 Fire/Fighting starters in a row.... Pokabu could have been something that made a lot more sense, such as Ground or Rock. Even Dark. What was that about a 'fresh start' for gen5?

But a few of the 'Mons in gen5 seem similar to past gens. But they aren't exactly the same, so they are fresh.
They are just equivalents so that they are new, but also inside jokes to people who have been playing the games forever.
If people got tons of past evolutions, people would claim they arent creative, but if they have 156 completely new pokemon, people still say the same. People are so fickle.
Anyone not get a pokemons origin? I could go look it up and tell you.
Seems like everyone knows everyone elses problems, but not our own.
If GF was running out of ideas, it'd be the end of Pokemon as we know it. They want to make B/W unique from the other games.
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