Cmon if I really hated this Gen, I would have blasted all of my Gen 4 games into smithereens and sent them to Mars. Gen 4 was a sham for being unable to realise the DS's potential. And there's like an unhealthy percentage of old-gen Pokemon in those games, AND all of those unneeded evolutions which ruined the beauty of some of the poor old peeps in Gen 1 and 2.
And people should stop criticizing the designs going "oh a ripoff, oh another ripoff". Nothing is exactly different from one another, and as I have always said if you're bent on trying to link two objects which are altogether different together, you'll always succeed in doing it when you twist your words around. So it's kind of pointless to do that.
Moreover, is a single same style for all 649 peeps really good? Wouldn't it be boring. One style would equate to similar strokes and contours of the Pokemon. This only means more "lookalikes" (if you term it this way). Now there's more than 10 people (17 i think) working on the designs. Increasing in number each gen. As Dizzard said, it only serves to provide variety, flare and uniqueness, and a fresh look every generation.
Lastly, to hell with the saying that "A FREAKING TWO YEAR OLD KID CAN DRAW AS WELL AS NINTENDO COULD". Seriously, if you think you can do it, go try it out. They used 4 years to programme Black and White, and moreover it's Ninty and the world's 2nd biggest game franchise. WOULD GAMEFREAK AFFORD TO SCREW IT UP?
Take Hihidaruma for example. People scream at it saying "OMG WTH IS THAT? RED GORILLA?"
People should try to realise what inspirations caused the birth of such designs. Be it Japanese, Chinese or Western legends. Hihidaruma was adapted from a freaking Daruma doll, which explains for its rather round shape and its totally egg-like DARUMA MODE.
Secondly, Infernape and Enbuoh. They're based off a Chinese epic (yes I've talked about it for a few times alr) Journey to the West, and they're direct references to Sun Wukong (the ape) and Zhu Ba Jie (the pig). Which explains for the fiery-eastern designs which remain true to their origins. So I don't get it why people scream at Enbuoh saying its a utter screw-up.
Thirdly, Magikarp. At first glance it's totally ridiculous for a useless carp to evolve into such a dragon. But the true meaning behind it is about a Jap/Chinese legend where carps transform in dragons after successfully leaping across a high waterfall.
Try to know more about the origins of these Pokemon, and you'll learn to appreciate why Gamefreak did this and not that.
Yes people say that Giaru and its evolutions as well as you dear Ice-cream fellows here are screwed-up low quality merge-here-merge-there monsters. I agree, but if you argue for a more Gen 1/2 style Pokemon game you can take a look at Seel, Magnemite, Doduo, Grimer, Diglett, Voltorb and the others (you say that they're old hoary examples, but they are still prime examples. That's Gen 1 style for you. So take it and love it. (If you hadn't realised by now the occurences of merge-here-merge-there, e-n-l-a-r-g-e or Magnemite x3 phenomenon is way more frequent in Gen 1, so using this criticism on Gen 5 isn't as persuasive.)
And no I'm not a sheep. Don't ever try to define someone whose viewpoints are real differing from yourselves and too similar to the group you hate as sheep. You have extreme viewpoints, but yes I have mine too.
I agree its pointless to continue arguing on how Gamefreak is or is not unoriginal or failing in standards or whatever. We can do nothing about it. If you feel that you can't take it that you favourite game franchise "has been crushed" or wtv, then you can just hug your Red/Blue or Gold/Silver. No offence.
Just another viewpoint of some gamer who started out in the RSE days.