BW/BW2 Did Game Freak really run out of ideas for Gen 5?

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No Pokemon are ripoffs of other Pokemon, and it is confirmed that nearly all areas in Isshu will have 3-dimensional details.
Look up what samurtide is based on. Learn something new and get why it looks the way it does. Besides, why would mudkip let anything like it stay alive?
All the towns are detailed by the way, and what pokemon do you not like? And it doesnt mean a pokemon isnt creative. No way you can hate sazando, shibirudon, kojondo, gorog, onokouso, or shanderra. All are really original.

Look up what samurtide is based on. Learn something new and get why it looks the way it does. Besides, why would mudkip let anything like it stay alive?
All the towns are detailed by the way, and what pokemon do you not like? And it doesnt mean a pokemon isnt creative. No way you can hate sazando, shibirudon, kojondo, gorog, onokouso, or shanderra. All are really original.

Look up what samurtide is based on. Learn something new and get why it looks the way it does. Besides, why would mudkip let anything like it stay alive?
All the towns are detailed by the way, and what pokemon do you not like? And it doesnt mean a pokemon isnt creative. No way you can hate sazando, shibirudon, kojondo, gorog, onokouso, or shanderra. All are really original.

Look up what samurtide is based on. Learn something new and get why it looks the way it does. Besides, why would mudkip let anything like it stay alive?
All the towns are detailed by the way, and what pokemon do you not like? And it doesnt mean a pokemon isnt creative. No way you can hate sazando, shibirudon, kojondo, gorog, onokouso, or shanderra. All are really original.

Look up what samurtide is based on. Learn something new and get why it looks the way it does. Besides, why would mudkip let anything like it stay alive?
All the towns are detailed by the way, and what pokemon do you not like? And it doesnt mean a pokemon isnt creative. No way you can hate sazando, shibirudon, kojondo, gorog, onokouso, or shanderra. All are really original.
I do not understand the point of this thread. The question was originally "Did Game Freak really run out of ideas for Gen 5?" which can be answered with a simple, precise, and definite "no." Although it may have had good intentions, this single answer thread is really quite ignorant and I really wouldn't discuss it further.
The way I see it, the OP was less about "did they run out of ideas" and more about "I believe they ran out of ideas because their designs could've been better"

Of course his argument is rather vague. I mean... c'mon name me one generation where the designs "couldn't have been any better"...
Well, the designs could have been better, but nothing is perfect. They most definitely aren't running out of ideas, people are just overexaggerating the basis of some of the Pokemon, such asthe snow cone and trash species.
People I notice tend to have an adverse reaction to pokemon designed based on objects. Unless you put a really cute and adorable expression on it. Case in point: Chandera. I myself am not fond of object-based pokemon either... Chandera is interesting, I sort-of like it, but not in the context of a pokemon.

Saying that GameFreak is running out of ideas is just a way of finding fault with the developers for something you don't like. I mean... if you take a step back and examine the big picture, the only thing that could possibly suggest they are running out of ideas is that there hasn't really been any major breakthroughs in the franchise since maybe contests. Battle is still turn based, 8 gyms, 4 elites, 1 champion, and a whole lot of grinding in the tall grass or cave. Plus the fact that you always live with your mom.
I like a lot of the new Pokemon. As a bug maniac, I am super excited with all the new bug Pokemon and type combinations.

Also, to those that state that this Generation 'rips off' the others you're completely missing the point. The developers have specifically stated that they designed Generation 5's Pokemon by scratch. They didn't look at Growlithe and think 'hey, we should make a new dog sorta like that'. In fact, they completely ignored pre-existing Pokemon when creating these designs. So what we have is that some new Pokemon are similar in concept or look to existing Pokemon simply because they designed the new ones without even thinking 'hey a cat Pokemon already exists, we shouldn't do this'.

I'm personally happy they chose to go that route, because if you insist on having 'original' designs we'd run out of feasible combinations. No dog looking Pokemon, no cat looking ones, no flower-ish ones, no frogs, etc. We'd run out of ideas and designs and no one would be happy.
Most of the original designs in Gen V are also among the most disliked (snow cone, trashbag, genie trio, water pony legendarything), so I'm pretty sure most of the fans aren't really in favour of design originality as much as they say they are.
^Exactly. Its like, you do something new for once and people complain. So I guess a lot of the people here would prefer to have pokemon that look just like previous ones. -__-
When it comes to Pokemon no one is ever happy...
I don't know why they can't accept some of the Gen V pokemons. I wish that when the sugimori art of all Gen V pokemons are revealed they will realize that they are wrong.
^That'll probably only make it worse for some people =P

I don't know about anyone else, but for me the fifth gen bunch has got to be my favorite since the originals. There are some stupid ones in there, sure, but there are a few first gen guys I don't care for either.
It's like you guys think that they don't even do research and just make random stuff up and call it a pokemon. Geez.

Of course they ain't run out of ideas. If you really think they have, you're just a hater. Why don't you try learning about the origins of some of the less obvious ones? I learned some origins on Castform and it blew me away. His design totally makes sense to me now.

Try it.
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