Pokemon Did you ever let a shiney escape?


on fire red, i remeber seeing a shiney ratatat, and it was the beggining of the game, so that kind of suckish, post your shiney misfortunes
When I was searching for PP UP in Fire red last year and leveling up in Cerulean cave I saw a brown Machoke but I did not know it was shiny at the time. I did not even hear of shiny pokemo until I got the game. I found out later they first appeared in G/S/C versions.:)
my friend was in the safari zone and ran into a shiny exeggcute but it ran and then a few months later he ran into another shiny one and it ran too he got so mad.
I accidentally ran from a Shiny oddish in LG because I didn't see that stars or whatever tells you that it's a shiny poke..:(

dmaster out.
my first ever shiny I saw was the first kecleon that you battle with stephen, and it was different colored but I didn't think that meant anytihng, so I killed it ='[ later I found out that it was a shiny pokemon. o_O
Well i saw a shiny whismur in my emerald version and i was rushing though the cave and i was running from every pokemon i saw and i did that to the shiny whismur!I only found out is was shiny because you know when you run and it says "got away Safely"but you can still see the pokemon i saw it had green ears and green feet i was really annoyed!sorry if i dont make much sense!:D
I saw a shiney zigzagzoon within 4 minutes of RS, but I didn't have enough pokeballs to catch it...;/ My brother found a shiney weezing today in DP, so he threw a masterball to make sure it didn't kill itself. Sure enough, it knows explosion. Guess that was lucky.
I ran into a Shiny Gyarados in Silver. But it died because SOMEONE told me it was part Dragon instead of Flying. -__-


Arcanine out.
Shiny rattata.... first shiny I ever laid eyes on.... FIRST TIME I WALKED INTO THE STUPID GRASS!! (i, of course,had no poke balls:))
I ran into a shiny larion in emerald ,victory road, but it used roarT_T
later I ran into a shiny claydol in sky tower, but I saw to late it was shiny cause i wat watching TV and it used explosion.
and when i started playing, I let my sister. she saw a shiny pochena but she ran beqause the didn,t liked the color >_>
but after that i foud a shiny shroomish, i didn,t know what shiny pokemon was, but I captured itXD
i ran into a shiny ditto and of course i only had one ultra ball so i failed to catch that shining then i caught a shiny furret
then i hatched a shiny chimchar

i have a shining darkai
i went to japan on a trip and some random guy in the union room in the poke park traded it to me for a level 65 electrivire
:pI ran into a shiny rhyhorn on my diamond caught it of course now its a shiny Rhyperior!i was so exsited when i saw my rhydon evolve!!:):p:)
found a shiny trapinch in the desert , but killed it because its arena trap ability didn't let me change Pokemon!
My friend ,Delta storm, borrowed my Ruby ad he found a shiny Sandshrew but he accidentally killed it
But i Forgive him :]