• Please read THIS THREAD if you are a new trader/seller.

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Dino's Trading Emporium! [H]: B&W sets, figures and more [W]: B&W-on, BW promos, CoL, CYL!

RE: ~Dino's Awesome Thread! =D {W} B&W {H} Many cards...

I'm not willing / able to trade if you require a middle-man. Please let me know if you ever change this stance.
RE: ~Dino's Awesome Thread! =D {W} B&W {H} Many cards...

Nengeni said:
I'm not willing / able to trade if you require a middle-man. Please let me know if you ever change this stance.
Sorry but I do it for security reasons so will most likely not change it. :/

Slayer said:
Primes i need Celebi and magnezone. Holos i want terrakion and zekrom. Full arts i'll take any.
I have the Zekrom promo holo, I'd rather keep my FAs.
RE: ~Dino's Awesome Thread! =D {W} B&W {H} Many cards...

Humm, then I think i'll pass. Thanks tho :)
RE: ~Dino's Awesome Thread! =D {W} B&W {H} Many cards...

DinoTamerMeep said:
Sorry but I do it for security reasons so will most likely not change it. :/

So you're saying you don't trust people who have already proven themselves in the eyes of the community, and you want them to pay more to trade with you / make allowances for you (who at this point hasn't proven himself in the eyes of the community.)

If you ever do change that, send me a Profile Message because I would like to make a deal with you, but at the moment I don't feel like I should waste any more time here.
RE: ~Dino's Awesome Thread! =D {W} B&W {H} Many cards...

Nengeni said:
So you're saying you don't trust people who have already proven themselves in the eyes of the community, and you want them to pay more to trade with you / make allowances for you (who at this point hasn't proven himself in the eyes of the community.)

If you ever do change that, send me a Profile Message because I would like to make a deal with you, but at the moment I don't feel like I should waste any more time here.

I do trust the community, and I never meant it to insult anyone. It's not my choice, it was actually my mum's. It took me a while to persuade her to let me do a middleman trade, and I've tried persuading her to let me do normal trades but she's weary of the Internet and the dangers and such. >.<
I do apologise, I have tried to explain about reps and things but it's not working. I shall try again, as I don't want everyone seeing it this way, but I'm not promising anything.
RE: ~Dino's Awesome Thread! =D {W} B&W {H} Many cards...

Here's an offer; my:
1x Seismitoad RH

4x Lightning Energy (From Furious Knights theme deck, not official set energies)

Edit: I have plenty of ref's so would it be alright trading with me?
RE: ~Dino's Awesome Thread! =D {W} B&W {H} Many cards...

SoulWind said:
Here's an offer; my:
1x Seismitoad RH

4x Lightning Energy (From Furious Knights theme deck, not official set energies)

Edit: I have plenty of ref's so would it be alright trading with me?

Yes I would be willing to trade, however would you be willing to make the trade a little bigger? Only I think it's a bit small for the amount it's going to cost to send. :p
If not, I'll think about it...
RE: ~Dino's Awesome Thread! =D {W} B&W {H} Many cards...

I would totally be willing to make the trade bigger only I don't have much from those sets atm.

I did several huge bulk trades and I traded away almost all my spare Bw-On cards. Maybe check my list?

You're right though, shipping will cost more than the cards are worth. :p
RE: ~Dino's Awesome Thread! =D {W} B&W {H} Many cards...

SoulWind said:
I would totally be willing to make the trade bigger only I don't have much from those sets atm.

I did several huge bulk trades and I traded away almost all my spare Bw-On cards. Maybe check my list?

You're right though, shipping will cost more than the cards are worth. :p

Hmm... at the moment I'm collecting all the new-ish sets up to Platinum. Is there any chance you have any cards from those that maybe you didn't put on you thread? :p Otherwise I'll consider some other cards you have on your list.
RE: ~Dino's Awesome Thread! =D {W} B&W {H} Many cards...

Unfortunately, I don't have anything notable from most of the newer sets aside what's on my thread.

I used to collect cards when I was 8-10 years old during the Wizards of the Coast era. I only came back 5 months ago. :p
RE: ~Dino's Awesome Thread! =D {W} B&W {H} Many cards...

SoulWind said:
Unfortunately, I don't have anything notable from most of the newer sets aside what's on my thread.

I used to collect cards when I was 8-10 years old during the Wizards of the Coast era. I only came back 5 months ago. :p

Would a bulk trade of an older set (depending on what you're wanting) be ok? Obviously not all the cards of a set, but maybe a reasonable amount? :p
RE: ~Dino's Awesome Thread! =D {W} B&W {H} Many cards...

If you make offers, I have
1x Larvest, Gothita, and Cheren all mint. LMK
RE: ~Dino's Awesome Thread! =D {W} B&W {H} Many cards...

MrGatr said:
If you make offers, I have
1x Larvest, Gothita, and Cheren all mint. LMK

I would, but I'm not good at this stuff! :p
Do you have a trade thread or something I could maybe refer to? If not, just make an offer. :3
RE: ~Dino's Awesome Thread! =D {W} B&W {H} Many cards...

DinoTamerMeep said:
Would a bulk trade of an older set (depending on what you're wanting) be ok? Obviously not all the cards of a set, but maybe a reasonable amount? :p

Do you mean you want bulk cards from me or you have bulk cards to offer?

And unfortunately I no longer need the Lightning Energy but I'm still open to offers!
RE: ~Dino's Awesome Thread! =D {W} B&W {H} Many cards...

I have all these in your wants:

13 Deerling
48 Munna
71 Zoroark (Will be hard to get)
87 Audino
92 Energy Retrieval
100 Potion

4 Sewaddle
15 Deerling
18 Pansear
24 Basculin
26 Ducklett
38 Venipede
47 Gothitelle
59 Sawk
76 Klinklang

17 Simisear
16 Larvesta
36 Zebstrika
38 Tynamo
43 Victini
58 Litwick
68 Stunfisk
69 Meinfoo
70 Meinshao
81 Pawniard
82 Bisharp (Will be hard to get)

Can you CML and see if there is ANYTHING you have on my Needs/Wants. Thanks :)
RE: ~Dino's Awesome Thread! =D {W} B&W {H} Many cards...

@SoulWind Bulk cards from you, that is, if you can find anything decent you'd like. I wouldn't mind doing bulk. By bulk, I mean anything really from about 10 - whatever! :p (Yes, my bulk is very small...)

@solprps Aw, it's such a shame but no! You have some awesome cards that I'd like there! Is there perhaps anything I have that you may be interested in, that isn't on your thread?
RE: ~Dino's Awesome Thread! =D {W} B&W {H} Many cards...

Na sorry man I didnt see anthing im really sorry