Discuss competitive movesets in the 5th gen metagame.


Stallwart Player
Since the other one is inactive, as well as this section is quite dead, I decided to create this thread to atleast try to breath a little life back into the section.

To post a set, it must be able to work one way or another, and it must be a set, not a change in EVs, as well as it (lol) cannot be copied from Smogon's movesets.

I'll start off:

I heard about this monster from someone, as well as seen a few calcs, and holy scat is this thing a monster. While it might have a quiet nature, paralysis, entry hazards, and sun support make this Heatran set a monster.

Heatran @ Choice Specs
Trait: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 SAtk / 140 Spd / 116 HP
Quiet Nature
- Eruption
- Flamethrower
- Earth Power
- Hidden Power [Ice] / Hidden Power [Grass]

Some calcs (In the Sun)
252 SpAtk Choice Specs Heatran (+SpAtk) Eruption vs 252 HP/4 SpDef Eviolite Chansey: 54.69% - 64.49%

252 SpAtk Choice Specs Heatran (+SpAtk) Eruption vs 252 HP/0 SpDef Rotom-W: 93.42% - 110.2%

252 SpAtk Choice Specs Heatran (+SpAtk) Eruption vs 252 HP/0 SpDef Jellicent: 71.53% - 84.41%
RE: 5th Gen Competitive Movesets and Metagame Mach 2

Looks like a more consistent specs overheat. Not too frightening. This metagame is a rather fast one, where a quiet Heatran will be outpaced by nearly everything. Good luck paralyzing the faster ground types who will totally be ready to donk tran. Not sure how prevalent Krookodile is, but he's an amazing revenge killer for this. Other Heatran can get in no sweat. Appears like it will play a lot like CB Machamp in Gen 4. Good call though.
RE: 5th Gen Competitive Movesets and Metagame Mach 2

Paralysis support? No, stop right there. If you REALLY want to run Specs Eruption Heatran, which I really don't advise since Heatran's role in this metagame is more of tanking rather than hitting, then you're going to have to change your entire gameplan. Paralysis will not get you very far, as explained by Bravo. Seriously, gl vs that Landorus(-T) lurking in the corner.

Instead, run Trick Room. Since you obviously want to run SpecsHeatran in sun, two options come to mind: Cresselia and Victini. I would not suggest the latter since Victini and Heatran share many common problems. Cresselia on the other hand has fantastic synergy, handling a lot of mons that give Heatran trouble. Heatran in return can take hits from Scizor and Genesect who give Cress problems. From there you want a spinner to keep Heatran healthy, maybe a trapper, and perhaps a cleaner to pick up the pieces left behind.

Just an fyi, Cresselia is not my idea. I've faced this guy on Suspect Ladder quite a few times who ran a TR sun team with Cress and SpecsTran. It was brilliantly creative and definitely caught me off guard the first time I played it.
RE: 5th Gen Competitive Movesets and Metagame Mach 2

ComfortEagle said:
Paralysis support? No, stop right there. If you REALLY want to run Specs Eruption Heatran, which I really don't advise since Heatran's role in this metagame is more of tanking rather than hitting, then you're going to have to change your entire gameplan. Paralysis will not get you very far, as explained by Bravo. Seriously, gl vs that Landorus(-T) lurking in the corner.

Instead, run Trick Room. Since you obviously want to run SpecsHeatran in sun, two options come to mind: Cresselia and Victini. I would not suggest the latter since Victini and Heatran share many common problems. Cresselia on the other hand has fantastic synergy, handling a lot of mons that give Heatran trouble. Heatran in return can take hits from Scizor and Genesect who give Cress problems. From there you want a spinner to keep Heatran healthy, maybe a trapper, and perhaps a cleaner to pick up the pieces left behind.

Just an fyi, Cresselia is not my idea. I've faced this guy on Suspect Ladder quite a few times who ran a TR sun team with Cress and SpecsTran. It was brilliantly creative and definitely caught me off guard the first time I played it.

It was just an idea, paralysis support I'd rather have because of not having to rely on the short few turns Heatran can be in. By the way, bulky ground? That's why Body Slam is around hurr durr. Also, why on earth would you keep in Heatran against a faster Ground-type (outside Dugtrio, due to Sand Trap)?
RE: 5th Gen Competitive Movesets and Metagame Mach 2

On the topic of Trick Room and Fire types...

Victini @ Flame Plate
Trait: Victory Star
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SDef
Brave Nature (+Atk, -Spd)
- V-create
- Fusion Bolt
- Brick Break
- Trick Room

This thing is a monster, especially if you can win the weather war which really isn't too hard if you're running Sun. Victini's V-Create murders everything, OHKOing things like Latios, Reuniclus, and Porygon2 after Stealth Rock. Victini basically sets up TR then has 5 turns to wreck havoc. Nothing can safely switch in, and both Politoed and Tyranitar will have no chance changing the weather without getting mauled by the appropriate coverage move. All common varients of Heatran are cleanly 2HKO'd by Brick break.
RE: 5th Gen Competitive Movesets and Metagame Mach 2

I was about to say why use Quiet but then I remembered Eruption can only be on a Quiet Heatran.

Here's a set for Scizor I've been thinking about using

Scizor @ Life Orb/Leftovers
Trait: Technician
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 SpDef
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SpAtk)
- Substitute
- Swords Dance
- Bullet Punch
- Bug Bite/Superpower
lol ssbb
Scizor is a really underrated Substitute user. with it's #1 Usage stat, everyone runs some sort of counter. This set capitalizes on the foe being baited into switching in checks. This can also serve as a deadly sweeper with Bullet Punch.

using this calcuator.

252Atk Life Orb Technician Scizor (+Atk) Superpower vs 4HP/0Def Flash Fire Heatran (Neutral): 109% - 129% (356 - 420 HP). Guaranteed OHKO.

252Atk Life Orb +2 Technician Scizor (+Atk) Bullet Punch vs 4HP/0Def Infernape (Neutral): 63% - 74% (186 - 219 HP). Guaranteed 2HKO.

252Atk Life Orb +2 Technician Scizor (+Atk) Bullet Punch vs 252HP/0Def Water Absorb Jellicent (Neutral): 46% - 54% (186 - 221 HP). Guaranteed 3HKO. 14% chance to 2HKO.

Not too bad, Ape won't like taking damage from recoil after this. but Jellicent can handle it. But of course, You have other teammates.
RE: 5th Gen Competitive Movesets and Metagame Mach 2

Mixed Deoxys-D. Wat? After beating around the bush, I came up with this set, I still, however think it needs a better nature (tested, and played, and I can say this thing trolls)

Deoxys-D @ Shell Bell
Ability: Pressure
Nature: Brave/Quiet
252 HP/ 128 Atk/ 128 SpA
Ice Punch/Ice Beam
Thunder Punch/ Thunderbolt
Zen Headbutt/ Psychic

Thanks to Snatch, Doexys-D can steal all your foe's stat boosts, whilst at the same time having great defenses. After you steal someone's boost, you can opt for the right attack. Deoxys-D gets the Bolt/Ice Beam/Punch, as well as he gets STAB.
RE: 5th Gen Competitive Movesets and Metagame Mach 2

Deoxys-D is terrible offensively and Shell Bell is outclassed by Leftovers on a statistical average. Even if you steal their boosts, there's no guarantee you're going to beat them due to weak attacking stats. In short, stick to hazard setting. That's the only thing Deoxys-D is really good at.

Oh, and

RE: 5th Gen Competitive Movesets and Metagame Mach 2

Cooltrainer Alan said:
I was about to say why use Quiet but then I remembered Eruption can only be on a Quiet Heatran.

Here's a set for Scizor I've been thinking about using

Scizor @ Life Orb/Leftovers
Trait: Technician
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 SpDef
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SpAtk)
- Substitute
- Swords Dance
- Bullet Punch
- Bug Bite/Superpower
lol ssbb
Scizor is a really underrated Substitute user. with it's #1 Usage stat, everyone runs some sort of counter. This set capitalizes on the foe being baited into switching in checks. This can also serve as a deadly sweeper with Bullet Punch.

using this calcuator.

252Atk Life Orb Technician Scizor (+Atk) Superpower vs 4HP/0Def Flash Fire Heatran (Neutral): 109% - 129% (356 - 420 HP). Guaranteed OHKO.

252Atk Life Orb +2 Technician Scizor (+Atk) Bullet Punch vs 4HP/0Def Infernape (Neutral): 63% - 74% (186 - 219 HP). Guaranteed 2HKO.

252Atk Life Orb +2 Technician Scizor (+Atk) Bullet Punch vs 252HP/0Def Water Absorb Jellicent (Neutral): 46% - 54% (186 - 221 HP). Guaranteed 3HKO. 14% chance to 2HKO.

Not too bad, Ape won't like taking damage from recoil after this. but Jellicent can handle it. But of course, You have other teammates.

That's a pretty interesting take on a Heatran/Magnezone lure. The combination of Substitute + Life Orb + Entry hazard damage makes me squirm a little though, so perhaps this isn't the best way to run Substitute Scizor. I would probably give it Leftovers for more longevity. Life Orb could combine with Roost, but this way you have no way to fit on Swords Dance, which I think is also mandatory for muscling past heavier walls such as Skarmory. Cool idea though, I'll give it a whirl on PS!.
RE: 5th Gen Competitive Movesets and Metagame Mach 2

bacon said:
That's a pretty interesting take on a Heatran/Magnezone lure. The combination of Substitute + Life Orb + Entry hazard damage makes me squirm a little though, so perhaps this isn't the best way to run Substitute Scizor. I would probably give it Leftovers for more longevity. Life Orb could combine with Roost, but this way you have no way to fit on Swords Dance, which I think is also mandatory for muscling past heavier walls such as Skarmory. Cool idea though, I'll give it a whirl on PS!.

I only reccomend LO to OHKO Heatran with Superpower, but maybe the damage it does without it is enough to put it in KO range from Bulllet Punch.
RE: 5th Gen Competitive Movesets and Metagame Mach 2

Here is my OU Solrock set, which i've dubbed;

Rock Solid


Solrock @ Life Orb
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 192 Spd / 68 Def / 206 HP / 40 Atk
Jolly Nature
- Pain Split
- Substitute
- Will-O-Wisp / Cosmic Power
- Rock Slide / Zen Headbutt

This is Rock Solid, A stalling Sandstorm Solrock. The EV's for this set were very carefully crafted in order to outspeed some key threats. 192 Speed allows Solrock to outspeed all 60 base speed pokemon and higher, Including TTar, neutral celebi, dragonite, heatran, togekiss, gliscor, jirachi, gyarados, breloom, scizor, politoed, and much more. 206 HP brings Solrock to 332 HP, allowing for 83 HP substitutes, which will never be broke by defensive Heatran's flamethrowers. 40 Attack brings Solrock to the typical neutral no investment base 100 Atk stat, which is a solid number. 68 defense allows for Solrock to survive some crucial hits such as DDmence's Outrage, allowing you to pain split it down to a good 30% health before you make a run for your wall. It should also be noted that if you run Cosmic Power, after one use you will be able to survive a Bullet Punch from CB Scizor, if that says anything to you on the hits it can survive before it cripples the opponent. The goal of this set is to get in on one of its couple key resistances, such as a Gliscor EQ, or a Heatran's flamethrower. From there Solrock sets up a substitute, depletes its own HP using LO Rock Slide (or Zen Headbutt if you want to nail breloom and virizion easier), and then draining their HP as they break your substitute thanks to Pain Split. Will O Wisp will allow you to cripple pokemon behind your sub such technician breloom (less you nail it on the switch with Zen headbutt) or incoming Scizor. You could also focus more on your SpD boost thanks to the rock typing, and attempt to stall with sandstorm recoil with cosmic power. While I've yet to use it, theorymoning has proven it potent with the help of a Hippowdon (for autosand and maybe SR) and a solid lure. Try it out on your team, tell me what you think.
RE: 5th Gen Competitive Movesets and Metagame Mach 2

Wouldn't Lunatone be preferred if one was focusing on the stalling set? It gets a better sp.D boost from sandstorm, and can just run psychic/ancient power/earth power over RS and Zen.
RE: 5th Gen Competitive Movesets and Metagame Mach 2

Jay said:
Wouldn't Lunatone be preferred if one was focusing on the stalling set? It gets a better sp.D boost from sandstorm, and can just run psychic/ancient power/earth power over RS and Zen.

No, Solrock already has pretty fair defense, that way it could soak a hit from both ends. Lunatone will have to invest completely into defense in order to survive anything Solrock can. It would take more EV tuning to make lunatone operate in OU than Solrock. it would take at least 224 Def to bring Lunatone to par with Solrock.
RE: 5th Gen Competitive Movesets and Metagame Mach 2

My little nuke<3

I Don't Even (Archeops) (M) @ Rock Gem
Trait: Defeatist
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Head Smash
- Acrobatics
- Substitute
- Endeavor

Just because it has Defeatist doesn't mean Archeops is bad. First, you Head Smash on something you know you can KO with one shot (works better with Stealth Rock support), than Sub or Acrobatics based on what you think is appropriate. Endeavor when you get to as low of health as possible, and since Archeops reaches 350 spd, you'll outpace anything without a scarf or that's not faster. This works as an amazing nuke and takes down usually one or two Pokemon than puts a huge dent in the next, which means this thing can decently put big holes in huge defensive threats like Ferrothorn and frands before he becomes defeat.

tldr: Head Smash what will die in one shot, which lowers your health, Acrobatics or Sub on what is appropriate, Endeavor when you get to as low an amount of health as possible.
RE: 5th Gen Competitive Movesets and Metagame Mach 2

I have been having a good time with Rotom-H on the ladder. Call it an unusual Pokemon rather than an unusual set, I suppose.

Rotom-H @ Leftovers
Nature: Calm
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP, 252 SpD, 4 Spe
- Volt Switch
- Overheat
- Pain Split
- Thunder Wave

An excellent sponge to weather hits from Genesect and Tornadus-T. I personally run Thunder Wave as paralysing the likes of Heatran and Latios is important for my team, but Will-o-wisp is as always a good status too. You may also replace Thunder Wave with Discharge/Thunder and Volt Switch with Hidden Power: Ice as a means of hitting Thundurus-T, Gliscor, and specially offensive Landorus. Pain Split is fairly obvious, don't leave home without it soldier.
RE: 5th Gen Competitive Movesets and Metagame Mach 2

<Equinox>: I didn't make it xp I got it off the unique sets thread off of Smogon
<Gatr>: Could I make one of them for PB??
<Equinox>: I already made one, you could just bump it

welp time to get criticized for my Someones beautiful work that nobody seems to like :)

Gothitelle (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Shadow Tag
EVs: 252 HP / 208 SDef / 48 Spd
- Psyshock
- Calm Mind
- Rest
- Sleep Talk

Easily takes hits, and is only countered by being Whirlwinded out of the active. With Rest it heals off damage easily, and just walls things unless it's OHKO'd

Credz to Equinox for finding this
RE: 5th Gen Competitive Movesets and Metagame Mach 2

Having just one offensive move really limits what you can trap with it though, especially if its Monopsychic.
RE: 5th Gen Competitive Movesets and Metagame Mach 2

Elk-Dimension said:
what do you do against dark types

You'd keep the slower psychic in against the two Dark-types of OU why...? Hidden Power Fighting shouldn't be worth mentioning either (this point is aimed at the noticed increase of Gothitelle in OU) Also Bippa, Suicune has a similar set (CroCune) and it has been highly successful with running only one move, plus, Gothitelle can abuse trapping to boost