There is a significant portion of men and women (particularly infantry and special forces types) in the global armed forces community with a BMI that label them as obiese. Additionally, there are countless atheletes, policemen, firemen and bodybuilders who are in the same boat to name further examples of 'mislabelling'. What the BMI does not take into account is that these people have very high amounts of muscle, rather than fat. And indeed, these 'false positives' have skewed the results somewhat, making it appear there are many more fatties amongst us than there really is.
The simple fact of the matter is that, in 99% of cases, if you are overweight (a grease sweating, finger licking fatty) - it is your own fault. Plain and simple. Funnily enough, almost everyone seems to think that they are in the <1% who have an underlying medical issue (lol denial). It really is quite simple - if you take in more energy each day than you use then you are going to put on weight. If you take in less energy than you use each day, then you're going to lose weight. It is quite annoying that fatties will always try to lay the blame onto someone else, and refuse to take responsibility for their own problems.